
Chapter 20: Ionia

The sound stopped.

The birds flew away, and the battleground went quiet.

Even the thunder ceased.

A Raven-like electric creature peeked through the clouds to look at the Warships and Noxian army.



Karma was not often surprised.

She was a reincarnated entity. Surprising her would be a complicated task to achieve.

She has seen war.

She has seen death.

She has seen monstrosities, like the ones from the void.

She has seen a lot of peculiar individuals, each one of those individuals with different skills and magic.

The youth on the top of the wall of stone?

He surprised Karma.

The magic the youth wielded was like no-other she has seen before.

Not even Kennen wielded the lightning to such a degree.


The bird-like creature that peeked through the clouds...

The horizon went white.


"That was a lot more difficult than I thought." Syrme said, gasping for air. His hand was still shaking from the pressure he had to put into the technique.

He looked to the result.

Hundreds of thousands on the battlefield.


Burnt, scorched, electrocuted, charred.

Sion and Darius were already returning to the remaining ship.

From all the warships and all the people that came to this place, only survived twenty-three people and one ship.

The three Commanders and twenty soldiers.

Darius had his armor wholly destroyed. He was bleeding from his shoulder, and he limped a little as he walked.

Sion wasn't on sight any-more, so he couldn't guess what degree of injuries he had.

Swain lost an arm. His left hand. Trying to make a shield to protect the remaining soldiers.

Kind of ironic now that Syrme thought about it.

Gangplank lost the same arm on his battle with Miss Fortune.

Ionian wasn't much better.

Lots of lives wasted.

Entire families ruined.

They were about to lose when Syrme came.

"Retreat!" Swain barked to the remaining soldiers.

"I will remember you!" Swain yelled to Syrme, glaring with his still demonic eyes.

They fled to the ocean, trying desperately to put a distance between themselves and Syrme.

Meanwhile, Syrme was trying not to scratch his eyes out. The Mangekyo Sharingan wasn't complete yet, and the strain in his eyes was noted just when the fight ended. His eyes were bleeding, and if the pain from when he gained these eyes was painful, this one matched in comparison.

Lucian was coming to him at a moderate pace. His face was comically stoic and devoid of any emotion.

Irelia and Karma woke up from their stupor and went to greet the person who helped save their home.

[ Quest: Fight Champions. StP= 4,000,000 ]

-Win against any champion of the league.

[ Quest: Help Champions. StP= 2,000,000 ] x3

-Help any champion of the league.

[ Host StP= 10,103,500 ]

"I knew you were holding back. But..." Lucian said, looking at the massive hole made from the technique.

"Hey, are you okay? Your eyes..." Lucian noticed.

Syrme was about to answer when two coughs were heard from the side.

Irelia and Karma.

Behind them, a hundred of Ionian survivors.

"I couldn't be more grateful that you appeared when you did, young man." Karma said, bowing. Irelia also bowed with his senior.

"Thank you." Irelia said. Looking between his senior and Syrme, without not know what else to say.

"What happened to your eyes, if I'm allowed to ask." Karma asked, after a moment.

"Is a secondary effect of using these eyes to much." Syrme said with his eyes closed. If he opened them, the pain would elevate a little.

"A secondary effect...?" Irelia asked, curious but also wary.

Karma neared towards Syrme and held a hand in front of his face. But she still didn't touch it.

She was asking for permission, so Syrme nodded.

A green light appeared in her hands and touched his eyes.

"This...!" Karmas gasped, widening her eyes. She then looked at him with a new light.

"You..." Karma continued, speechless. Trying to figure him out.

"You are not from here. I haven't seen you before. Are you from a more hided location in Ionia?" Karma asked.

"No, I'm not from here. I came from Zaun." He answered.

"You have no connections here... you are not from here. Then, why did you go to such lengths to protect this place? This is not your people. Now, everyone in the world will know who you are and will come for you." Karma breathed.

"They will come to kill you... or to recruit you."

"Why...?" Karma asked again.

"Why...? Well... I heard your people were very peaceful. When I saw the Noxians killing those innocent families and destroying their homes... Something in my gut told me that if I turned around and left you at their mercy..."

"I would never forgive myself..." Syrme said, opening his eyes.

"That's not who I am." He finished, looking directly to the eyes of the Ionians.

Karma and Irelia had their mouths hanging.

Some Ionians of the back couldn't hold it anymore and cried tears of happiness and sorrow with their families.

"I thought it was impossible, in this era of wars... but there are really souls like yours." Karma smiled gratefully.

"I will do my best and try to mitigate the blindness of your eyes. Those eyes of yours are very dangerous... not just for your enemies." Karma said, holding her hands into the eyes of Syrme.

The pain disappeared a little, enough to fully open them and don't grimace from the throbbing.

Irelia immediately shut her mouth.

"We may have a problem..." Lucian said, looking at the coast.

Syrme also looked to see what was the problem.


The ship Eleine gave to them was also caught in the blast.

'It is like something doesn't want me to go there.' Syrme sighed.

"Would you like to see the country you helped to protect, young man." Karma asked from the side.

"...Yes." Syrme said, not having anything else to do.

"Very well, I'll accompany Sir...-" Karma trailed.

"Lucian." He introduced.

"And Irelia will give you a tour. I hope you find the country for your tastes." Karma finished.

Immediately, Irelia jumped into his side and started guiding him through the city.

[ Quest: Explore Ionia. StP= 3,000,000 ]




Ionia was gorgeous.

The Azure farms, a coastal area in the Navori region of Ionia.

The Ionian city, a large city on which Ionians were gathered and harmonized by the magic that is within the First Lands.

The Placidium of Navor, situated at the heart of the continent, one of Ionia's most sacred places. Many have journeyed here to study at renowned schools or meditate in its wild, magical gardens. Many of Ionia's most successful representatives have spent at least some time studying at the Placidium.

Irelia was very through with the presentation of her country. She was very proud of being an Ionian. She also brought him to markets of the city, and markets of the forest. The coastal region, where all types of flora could be seen in the surroundings.

Incredible sights of red grass plains and terrains that looked like they were floating in the air. The Fauna of the place was exotic. The more they passed through the mountains, the more they saw the landscape was littered with evidence of great wars from the ages past. But, instead of clearing the ruins, the Ionians chose to respect what remains.

The great monastery, the birthplace of many specialized forms of martial arts. A lake with lighted lilies that illuminated the place.

A stunning country.

In the passing of the tour, Irelia and Syrme got to know each other. Irelia was very quiet and serious, but she was a very humble person. She described with enthusiasm the dance her grandmother taught her and her most favorites places of Ionia.

Syrme didn't know what to do anymore., the Shadow Isles were even farther they were than before. He tried to search in the quests of the System. There were two or three that captured his attention, and they were closer than Shadow Isles.

[ Quest: THE EYE IN THE ABYSS. StP: ??? ]

-Go to the Frostguard Citadel, Freljord.


[ Quest: The House Zaavan Beauty. StP: 30,000,000 ]

-Introduce yourself to the Beauty of the House Zaavan, Noxus.


These two were perfect for the intended mission. He only needed another ship to cross the seas.

While he was thinking possibilities, he also wanted to get rid of the pain of his eyes. He prepared himself for the pain.

'System, buy Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.'

[ Eternal Magekyo Sharingan Purchased (Requisite: Manegekyo Sharingan). Comprobing compatibility for left eye... Amaterasu 100%, Shape-Flame Control 100%. Comprobing compatibility for right eye... Tsukuyomi 100%, Kamui (Self) 100%. Installing... WARNING: Process not painful ]

When Syrme read the last bit, his eyes twitched. But for a different reason.

'I got so worked up for nothing.'

[ Host StP= 103,500 ]

'I'm so tired...' Syrme thought.

'I will rest, and tomorrow... I will start planning where to go. Also...'

'It is time to focus more on magecraft. I already have the perfect foundation.'