
The Deal with Mjolnir

Astrid hummed softly to herself, taking care not to jostle the jars of water she's currently carrying towards the princess's room. According to several servants she met along the way, the Coming-of-Age ceremony – which was a traditional event for Asgard's youth to determine their ascension to maturity – was finally finished, which meant all the participants and citizens alike will be gathering in the Great Hall for a grand feast. She also heard that it was the Princess who brought back the most impressive catch of her batch, which was unsurprising in her opinion, given that it's Princess Hela.

Astrid smiled widely at the thought of the normally kind and quiet Princess who loved to stay inside her room finally showing her true worth by slaying beasts thrice her size in front of everyone. Astrid herself had readied her attire for the special day – an emerald green knight's uniform with coattails and intricate designs on the coat hems, a black vest with a white blouse underneath, black breeches, and knee high boots – to show her own support for the young woman.

Now knowing that she won the bout, Astrid had seen fit to spoil her as much as possible. Knowing the Princess, she'll most likely head for her room instead of partaking in the feast. Astrid cannot claim to personally know Her Highness, but she does know that the Princess avoids feasts like it's the plague, always preferring to lock herself up in her room or the library. It was a safe bet, which was why Astrid was on her way to fill up the bath for her.

Turning a corner, the old servant found herself passing by a certain room that made her stifle a chuckle. That lounge had definitely transformed from an unused and dusty room into a place the Princess and her friends call their own. However, it was rare that those three get to spend time there together. Usually, it was just Lord Ornulf and occasionally, Princess Hela. The young lord Tyrkir tended to avoid the place; rumor said he was still embarrassed to have received such a grand room from the royal family. Astrid had half a mind to tell him to just accept it, as the Princess would definitely want him to.

Humming a cheerful tune, the old servant continued along the wide corridors of the palace, passing by the huge windows overlooking the courtyard and the Bifrost. She always couldn't help but gaze longingly after it; Astrid hadn't left Asgard her whole life. She often wondered what it would be like to visit other Realms. Vanaheim seemed like a good place to visit, since the climate there was more like Asgard's at least, and she already knew several Vanir who also stayed in Asgard, their current Queen included.

Astrid gazed at it a moment more before shaking her head and looking forward again. Thinking like that wasn't the place of a servant like her. She should be grateful that she was serving in the palace; it's already a good life for her, especially since the royal family was so benevolent and generous.

Turning, she moved to take another step and immediately froze when the ground shook.

'An earthquake? Here?'

She held on to the jars with a death grip, the shaking so strong it's rattling the windowpanes and causing the water to slosh around the jar. A shadow suddenly fell over her and she whirled before staring outside the window in shock.

A gigantic wolf with glistening black fur was slowly meandering its way across the courtyard, its constant footsteps the source of the shaking. Astrid felt her jaw drop even more when she saw that there was a little figure walking along beside it who seemed to be giving directions and pointing this way and that.

The distinct clothes that she herself prepared just yesterday gave the figure's identity away.

Princess Hela actually looked the part of someone who just spent the better part of the afternoon and evening hunting for beasts in the forest. Her previously immaculate outfit is now covered in dust and dirt, with smudges of it still smeared across her face. Some leaves and twigs were also sticking out of her hair, almost as if the Princess spent the better part of the day rolling around the forest floor.

To her surprise, the Princess suddenly caught her gaze as she was pointing at another random window near her position. She could only smile weakly when the latter quickly sent her a huge grin and a cheery wave before going back to her task of herding the Giant Wolf towards who knows where.

The servants certainly did not mention that in their talks about the ceremony.

She could only shake her head fondly; the King and Queen will definitely have their hands full once the Princess grows into a young woman. Who knows what kind of mischief she'll stir up?

Chuckling loudly now, Astrid finally entered the Princess's chambers and deposited the jars of water next to the bath. She hummed as she worked on slowly filling the tub and replacing the scented oils and soaps.

As she did so, she didn't notice a shadow move in the alcove closest to the bed.

"Alright, in you go." Hela gestured to the area behind the palace that was nearest to the forest, "We still don't have space for you, so I suppose the edge of the forest will do as a temporary shelter until we can build something."

Fenris gazed at her unimpressed, 'Or I could just go back and spare you all the trouble, little godling.'

"And then never come back? You know, I heard somewhere that life debts can kill you if something were to happen to me without you here." Hela shrugged nonchalantly, "You never know when danger may arrive."

The Giant Wolf snorted, 'Learn to make use of your new toy to protect yourself, then.'

At that reminder, Hela winced and glanced at the heavy hammer hooked to her belt with uncertainty. "No thanks, a war hammer isn't really my style."

'Rejecting a gifted weapon is a huge offense to the giver, or so I have been told.' Fenris's eyes glittered in amusement, before glaring at said hammer. 'Though I understand your need of discarding it, the Allfather could not choose a more… tasteless weapon.'

She easily made it sound like a curse.

Hela laughed nervously, "I think I'll just stick it in my closet until my little brother comes along or something. I don't think he'd want me playing with his stuff after all."

The Wolf eyed her, '…You speak strangely, godling.'

She shrugged, "I get told that a lot. Though between the two of us, you speaking through my mind is a lot stranger, Fenris."

'That reminds me,' The Wolf suddenly narrowed her gaze, making her take a step back in surprise. 'How did you know my name? I doubt the Allfather mentioned me at all.' She stepped closer menacingly, 'And how did you know where I was?'

Hela refused to take another step back and cower like a child. She stood up straight, "You're right, Father didn't see fit to mention you at all. As to how I found you… this may sound a bit odd, but a huge squirrel told me your name and the location of the cave.

She tilted her head, "Was that supposed to be a secret?" It couldn't be, because Tyrkir instantly knew Fenris's name without her telling him. Or maybe it was the Wolf's location that was a secret?

She watched as Fenris's eyes went wide, before it let out a growl so loud and deep the ground trembled. 'I should've known.'

"What? What is it?" She's completely lost now.

'The squirrel,' she growled and glared at the heavens, 'It was Ratatoskr. You must be interesting indeed, godling, if you caught that meddling fool's attention. He usually only talks to Nidhogg, the Norns, and that arrogant eagle.' 

Hela frowned; Ratatoskr… wasn't he the gossiping squirrel that loves to run up and down Yggdrasil in the myths to spread lies?

"Well… that doesn't sound good." Hela smiled weakly, before frowning. "Wait, did you just say 'Norns?'"

However, Fenris doesn't look like she's listening anymore, if the way her eyes occasionally dart towards the forest indicates anything. Hela watched her for a while before remarking idly, filing the information about the Norns away for now. "…I will probably not get into any danger at a feast though, so I guess you can go run around for a while."

The Wolf abruptly stiffened at that, before instantly whirling and dashing into the forest without even a glance back.

Hela watched her go, her mouth quirking up in amusement. "Not excited at all, are we?" She shook her head, "Well, you can't win them all."

"You most certainly did, if your recent performance indicated anything."

Hela jumped in surprise before bowing deeply as Vor approached, the normally stern-looking woman looking downright pissed.

Hela could only swallow; this wasn't going to end well at all…

Vor waited until she had risen before continuing to speak, "You have been reckless, child. I told you to think before you act, and yet you did the exact opposite. That Wolf could have easily killed you and everyone in the grounds if your friends had not talked some sense into you." Her glare could power a thousand suns, "Reckless and foolish."

Hela flinched at each reprimand, feeling ashamed and thoroughly chastised. Ornulf had been bad enough; god only knew how that cheerful kid had it in him. But coming from Vor? She was devastated.

She couldn't muster the courage to look up and meet Vor in the eye, especially since she knew the instructor was right. She had been reckless. Just because she had reincarnated once doesn't mean she should constantly put her life and others in danger.

After all, there may not be a third chance.

A hand on her shoulder suddenly made her thoughts screech to a halt, and she looked up to see Vor gazing at her softly. "Reckless and foolish you may be, but you remained strong and resolute against all odds, which is more than I can say for the others." She squeezed gently, "You did well, my princess."

Gaping dumbfounded, Hela watched as Vor gave one last squeeze before turning away, but not before saying one last thing over her shoulder, "And do not worry, I will have a word with him. As I know you are well aware, that weapon was supposed to be your main weapon in the ceremony itself."

Hela nodded. It was obvious. "Thank you, Vor." She smiled up at her; very much glad she had someone like Vor on her side. Her instructor may be pissed, but she'll just find a way to make it up to her sometime.

Vor nodded in acknowledgement and left.

Hela exhaled.

Now, how to deal with the other problem…

She checked to see if there's nobody around, all the while hoping Heimdall wasn't secretly listening in (though she's fairly sure he wasn't. He probably had better things to do than stalk Hela all day) before taking a deep breath. "Alright Hela, everything's gonna be fine. It's not as if there's a giant war hammer straight from the myths just hanging on your belt." She closed her eyes and tried not to break out in a squeal of excitement or an anxious whimper, whichever comes first. "It's fine, it's cool."

She exhaled one more time before reaching and gripping Mjolnir's handle, and almost dropping it when she felt the hammer slightly hum like a purring cat. She laughed uneasily before whispering, "Hey Mjolnir, last time I checked, you weren't supposed to show up for another two thousand years or something."

The hammer stayed silent and she sighed, "Look, I'm sorry but I think there's been a mistake. Thor was supposed to be your owner, not me." She tapped idly on its surface, listening to it hum gently. "Besides, swords suit me far better anyways."

To her surprise, the hammer seemed to hum more urgently, as if it's mad. Hela stared down at it, "I'm almost afraid to ask, but are you sentient?"

The hammer quieted into a gentler hum and she whistled, "I suppose everything here is sentient, from a squirrel to even a damn hammer. I want to say it's cool but I'm slowly starting to freak out." She laughed awkwardly, "Anyway, refusing you would mean outright offending my father, and ignoring you would mean offending you, so I guess I'm gonna keep you for awhile. At least, until my stubborn little brother finally decides to show up."

Hela suddenly stopped and stared at it, "That reminds me, since you're sentient, it must've hurt when the original Hela broke you to pieces." The hammer jolted and gave an almost shocked hum, and she gazed at it determinedly, "Don't worry; I won't do that to you. I promise I'll take care of you until Thor comes along. In exchange, perhaps you can help me survive this mess of a second life."

Saying that, Hela stood up, placed Mjolnir head down on the grass, and slowly backed a few feet away from it. Taking a deep breath, she nervously closed her eyes and held out a hand. "…Do we have a deal, Mjolnir?��

The smack on her palm as the hammer landed with an agreeing hum settled it.

Hello guys, CDR_Grae here!

I'm sorry for taking so long! Real life got in the way and I just found the time to update. So this is originally one chapter but it got too long so I divided it into 3 parts. As a result, this one here became a bit of a filler, but it's necessary so I can set up the events for the next one. Thank you for reading, please review! I really love to know what you guys think! ^^

P.S. I edited the first and second chapters because I wasn't satisfied by it. I highly recommend you read it again as it filled the many plot holes I left in the original chapters. Thank you!

CDR_Graecreators' thoughts