

Yichan frowned and murmured, "Why does this name sound so familiar?"

"I have never heard of this place, how far is it?" Muchan inquired.

"It's a ten hour drive from here but this is very strange, why would a rich and well known person like Weilong make his wife give birth in such a secluded place?" Without waiting for anyone's reply, Jason added, "Let's confirm the authenticity of this certificate."

"Jason what are you doing?" Yichan asked before peeping at his laptop's screen.

"Boss, I am doing what I am best at. If I manage to get into their system then I'll have access to all the details and I can check whether this information is true or not."

"That is a nice idea man, this is why I always day that Jason is much more sensible than Linhou," Muchan said.
