

Father Yang's place


Cutting him off, Linhou sighed, "Stop shouting, I am not in a mood to deal with your tantrums right now so you better consider yourself lucky and behave."

When the nurse approached him with a syringe needle in her hand, father Yang gulped in nervousness. "W—What are you doing? Are you poisoning me?"

"Pfft not that I don't want to but well, we aren't here to poison you or kill you because your bad fate and karma is enough for that to happen when the right time comes. We just want some of your blood and—"

"B—Blood? Why do you need my blood?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Limhou answered, "Well, I don't know why I have been asked to get your dirty blood. Hmm maybe they need it for a lab experiment."

Gesturing the nurse to take the sample, he added, "Don't struggle or make things difficult for us and the nurse. My hands are itching since morning to shoot someone so don't tempt me."

"What are you doing? Leave my father," Mangsha shouted.
