

Next day.

Bruce's store

"You did what?" Meili and Ning shouted in unison.

Grabbing her hair, Nuying groaned, "I am so angry and annoyed."

"With him for leaving you all horny and wet or with yourself for shaming an honest man who wanted to treat you like his queen and didn't want to only sleep with you?" Bruce asked before taking a sip of his strong black coffee.

"Hmm Nu, I don't really understand, why are you even mad at him? What Muchan did was actually very sweet." Suyan asked.

"Because our Nuying is horny." Meili said before smacking Nuying's head.

"I feel so sorry for Muchan. Poor guy wanted to take responsibility but ended up getting shamed." Ning added.

"Arrgghh guys, you are not helping. I am already very upset because he isn't receiving my calls."

"And whose fault is it?" Bruce asked.
