
Chapter 260: What signify a mate?


Amber looked over her shoulder at Makena.

She had left work early that day after she received a call from Makena, asking for help. Recalling that the woman had once tripped when walking around the house when she was heavily pregnant, it was no surprise as to why Hamish had been very worried when it came to Makena's safety. It was fortunate that the fall wasn't heavy and she only fell on her butt, instead of face-front. But it does not stop Hamish from fretting over her.

Usually Jeayan would be the one who would accompany Makena at her home, acting as a caretaker. However, at that time, Jeayan was called out by her husband to help with him at his workplace since they were short-staffed. Torn between helping out her friend and her husband, Makena put her worries aside and made a call to Amber.

She didn't have high hopes of getting Amber to help since she knew the latter was working. But it doesn't hurt to try.

To her surprise, Amber agreed. She doesn't have any afternoon class so she was free to request for an early leave. As soon as they ended their call together, Amber immediately went straight to the admin office and applied for an emergency half-day leave.

Knowing the other woman's school schedule, the admin in the daycare office approved her request and Amber then rushed out to pack her things.

After arriving at Makena's house, at that time, there were only Jeayan and Makena. The two women were waiting in the front hallway, where Jeayan had already packed all of her stuff. Seeing Amber walking towards them, Jeayan quickly said her goodbye to Makena and thanked Amber for helping out before heading out to her car and driving her way to Roel's restaurant.

Amber waved away Jeayan's thanks, saying that there was no need for gratitude since they were 'family'.

The two women at the front door watched as the car drove past the house and onto the main road.

Makena then turned to Amber and placed her hand on the other woman's arm. "Let's go in. And thanks for accompanying me today."

Amber rolled her eyes playfully and patted Makena's shoulder. "Again, there's no need for your thanks. I'm willing to help a family member," she said. "Besides, Hamish would be such a worrywart if there was no one here to accompany you," she teased.

Makena just laughed. She knew how a shifter can be overly-protective of their mates, especially when one was pregnant.

Half an hour later, after watching a television drama together, Amber was in the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of orange juice when Makena joined her and asked her something.

"So, when are you and Erick going to marry?"

"Huh?" Amber said, looking surprised, the glass in her hand stopped just before her mouth.

Makena giggled. "Why do you look so shocked?" she asked. "You never brought this topic up with Erick recently? You two have been engaged for months. And you've been together for nearly a decade. What's stopping you two?"

Amber took a sip of her drink before answering. "Well…" she said slowly. "The thought never occurred to me lately, probably because we are already familiarly comfortable in this status. I just don't see the need to… get married yet."

Makena cocked an eyebrow. "You're a strange woman," she commented. "Lots of women that I know would be happy to get married but not you."

Amber just smiled.

"Did something happen?" Makena asked curiously.

Amber looked at her in surprise. "No, of course not," she hurriedly said. "Why would you think that?"

Makena shrugged. "I thought that perhaps, something had happened…" she stopped and looked at Amber's confused expression. The former then shook her head, chuckling lightly. "Then again, that's impossible. Knowing Erick and how he loves you… I doubt something terrible happened between the two of you."

Amber laughed too after she heard Makena's words. "Please, Makena. Don't curse my relationship with my mate, okay?" she teased. She then let out a sigh as she sat at the dining table.

"But something is bothering you, no?" Makena asked as she joined her at the table.

"I mean, even if I'm not in a rush to get married yet… there's always been inside of me that do want to get married," Amber confessed softly, her chin propped against her palm with her other hand wrapped around her glass.

"I do not blame you, dear," Makena patted the other woman's arm. "But what's stopping you?"

"I don't want to get in the way of his career."

Makena cocked an eyebrow in surprise. She was quiet at first before she replied, "You do know that Erick would quit his job if you just say one word against it."

Amber looked at her. "And you do know that I wouldn't do that. I know how he likes battling in court, even if the time to get there would take time. If he only wanted an easy life, he could have just worked at the police station, following his father but he did not. He follows his dream. And I don't have the heart to stop him. He's already supportive of me, working."

"But working as a daycare teacher isn't your life-long dream, is it?"

Amber looked surprised and then she smiled ruefully, shaking her head.

Yes, it was true that although she loves taking care of children and working at the daycare, she doesn't see herself working there until the end. She actually wanted to either open up her own business or stay at home to take care of her family. But seeing Erick wanting to achieve his dreams, of course, she wanted to stay by his side and be successful in her own way. So, the first thing she needed to do was to earn herself some money. Hence why she worked at the daycare.

"But seriously, I don't see how getting married would affect Erick's job, that baffles me," Makena commented. "It's better to put a ring on your finger than just that small status."

"Being his mate is enough for me."

"Technically, you're not his mate… yet," Makena pointed out bluntly.

Amber went quiet. That was true too. Although Erick keeps saying that they are mates, what really signifies them as 'truly' mates?

She let out a dejected sigh.

Before she could answer her, they were interrupted by a loud slam of the front door. The two women jumped in surprise. They both looked up to see Hamish, looking haggard, his hand resting on the doorway of the kitchen.

"Amber? What are you doing here?" he asked in surprise.

Amber frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?" she asked back.

"We just received a mindlink from Erick, saying that you were kidnapped!"

