
Becoming Close

The chances of running into Steve and Bucky on his first time in Brooklyn was slim to none, yet here they are being beaten up in front of him by a group of kids.

At least they are really who he thinks they are, who else would get beaten up in that scrawny body and has the gull to still say he can do it all day.

The one who seems to be Bucky is handling himself quite well, but the scrawny Steve? There was not much to say.

Alfie who stopped his bike and watched suddenly smiled almost too excitedly, he looked back at his group who just finished a ball game not too long ago.

The group was smirking, they knew how Alfie was, he loved to fight, fight bullies more even.

More than half the group had been a bully once in their childhood, but Alfie was there and knocked out everyone of them then, but now they were together.

As the scrawny young blonde was getting punched repeatedly, he bent down holding his stomach before launching at the one in front if him clinching him, but was kneed and dropped.

He was kicked on the shoulder and thought another one would come, but it didn't.

Thats when he saw a few kids get beat up instead, the one Steve fought a second ago dropped on his knees holding his balls.

"How about you fight us instead?" Steve heard.

Both him and Bucky looked at the new group that showed up.

In front of them was a boy about the same age as then, black hair, brown eyes and donning a provoking smile.

The kid didn't seem to be that strong, looked smart, or even seemed like a pretty boy.

But behind him was more than 30 other kids cracking their knuckles and smiling at the small group that was jumping them just moments ago.

"Who- who the heck are you man?" The boy Alfie just kicked in the nuts stood up and asked still holding his balls.

"We're the ones gonna make your mom not recognize your face if you wanna keep fighting." Alfie said.

"N- no I'm fine, I- I have to go!!" The boy ran away on the other side of that alley while his friends followed scared.

"Such a shame, I wanted to smack a few of them, it's been a long time since I've had a fight." Alfie muttered, but it was heard by the two.

Steve was on his bum still when Alfie came up and stretched out a hand to him, Steve grabbed his hand as he picked him up.

Alfie then dusted Steve and bucky's clothes tidying them up.

That's when Alfie could verify it's them, with his brown hair and looking like a young Sebastian Stan and a very young scrawny Chris Evans.

"Now how does one get so much attention from a group of idiots?" Alfie asked joking.

But the two didn't answer.

"I'm Alfie, Alfie McBride, and these bunch are my friends." Alfie said.



"Thanks for the help, Alfie, I appreciate it." Steve said.

"No problem, just happy to help."

"We should start saving people, and then get some money doing it as a reward or something." Billy joked in the back as the large group laughed.

"Who are you guys?" Bucky asked.

"We are the Morris Cub- I mean the Morris Wolves." Rose said.

"We came here to play ball with your Brooklyn's Small Giants." Alfie said.

"You are here to play them?...well good luck, I heard they are good." Steve said.

"Oh no, we 'played' them, as in already did, we won." Alfie said smiling.

The two sides spent a few minutes talking, the Morris Wolves even tried to introduce themselves, all of them, but Alfie shut that down knowing it would take too long.

Though they spoke it was mostly Alfie asking questions getting to know about the two.

"Anyways it's gonna get dark soon, we gotta go before our parents freak out knowing we are out of the neighborhood." Alfie said as they got on their bikes.

"You're not from here?" Bucky asked.

"No, we're from the Bronx, don't be a stranger." Alfie said before riding off with his group after him.

As they rode off Bucky and Steve looked at each other before walking off.

They didn't think they would see the guy again, but they didn't know that Alfie would pop up around them continuously.


1 Year Later.

Not much happened as another year passed.

From Alfie training secretly to hanging around his friends.

He did get somewhat close to Bucky and Steve during the year.

At first the two questioned how the guy keeps popping up from nowhere but stopped after a while, they didn't wanna think too much of it.

Alfie loved hanging with the two not because they are who they are but because of Steve, he was every bit a good guy as on the comics and movies.

But thats not why Alfie liked hanging with them, Steve was like a magnet for trouble, and that was the opportunity for Alfie to get into more fights.

Alfie also learned that the two was somewhat similar, They both lost their fathers in the first WW, bucky's mother died when he was a child and Steve 's mother is at the moment sick, barely holding on.

They understood each other which was one of the reasons they are so close.

At some point Steve was close enough to Alfie to introduce him to his mother, Sarah Rogers.

And though she seemed sick in her bed, she was actually a very vibrant person, she was nice and knew how to make someone comfortable.

She even made a few jokes.

And not wanting to fall behind and make an impression Alfie also made some jokes, that afternoon Sarah, Steve , Bucky, and Alfie had some laughs.

In the end Sarah made the famous mother speech and told Alfie what a great kid Steve was, she even asked him to take care of him along with Bucky.

And then he did, whenever they least expect it Alfie would "pop" out of nowhere carrying grocery bags and cooking for everyone.

Alfie explained that it was to put some meat into Steve but all in all he wanted to do some cooking practice.

Safe to say they loved it, there were a few things Alfie brought from the 21st century, and one of then was the culinary recipes.

It was a cheat but Alfie loved every praise he got from his "talent" in cooking.

And whenever he cooks or buys food he would do this thing where he gives Steve more food to eat, it was hard since Steve didn't eat a lot, and he wondered why he was so scrawny.

The two haven't hanged out with Alfie's crew since they are always at The Bronx, but what confused them is how Alfie could appear so freely even though he lived in The Bronx as well.

But Alfie still took his time to tell the two about his crew, Steve and Bucky were more than surprised and interested in his stories.

The gatherings of his crew, the ball games, the fights, the silly moments, and their many stories.

For the two they felt like there was so much more about Alfie McBride, he was giddy, he was funny, he was smart and so much more, but they felt he was mysterious to a degree, there was more about him he didn't say then he does.

For example his continuous fights, Alfie McBride doesn't fight like how the kids usually does, he fights like a trained young fighter.

He even took the time to show Bucky and Steve a few tips and tricks in fighting.

But other than that Alfie introduced the two to his parents and his neighborhood.


"Mirror, show me Howard Stark." Alfie said.

He was in the New York Sanctum and in front of him was a mirror, some kind of all-seeing mirror.

The Ancient One never showed him or taught him how to use it, but she didn't say he couldn't use it either.

Though she did tell him what kind of mirror it was.

When he learned of it recently he experimented on it before knowing how it worked, he told the mirror to show him his friends an what they were doing, pretty much kid stuff.

He also learned that the mirror can't show him the past or the future, and also some places that the magic mirror can't reach but he doesn't know why.

Now he was planning to get close to Howard Stark, the one to start the infamous Stark legacy.

A boy suddenly showed up on the mirror.

The young boy who seemed not too older than Alfie was in a garage messing around with some metal parts and wires.

It was Howard Stark.

Some time back Alfie read on the newspaper about the young genius, Howard Stark, who made his own toaster for a school project in middle school.

Now he should be in high school, or at least close to high school.

Alfie knew that Howard was older than Rogers, but only by a year or two.

He also remembered when Rogers was born, he remembered because it was the 4th of July, makes it easier.

Now Howard was messing with more big parts and trying out new things.

Alfie looked around the area Howard was working on through the mirror and imprinted it in his mind before stepping to the side and started making a portal.


August 20th on 1932...

Some years later and everyone was in high school.

Just a few days ago Alfie and his crew started high school.

By now Alfie already owned The Bronx, well he and his crew does.

As they got older some of the boys started getting a bit cocky and arrogant, and so more fights revolved around them.

They were starting their freshmen year in high school but they are still the same 50 kids.

Some tried to join in this little "gang" of theirs but Alfie downright rejected the idea.

He likes that it is still the same kids since their childhood days and he won't let others just easily join.

Their ball players in the group became undefeated in the city, no other kids can compete with them, they even beat the existing teams in the cities Burroughs.

Alfie and his friends split the group for ball games and made two teams, Alfie's team which were the Morris Wolves and the newer ones called Morris Cubs.

It is the same 50 some kids but split into two teams.

Even in high school most kids knew about them, this group of freshmen will put James Madison High School on top of the state nationals high school baseball teams.

They were that good.

On the side of Brooklyn Steve and Bucky also entered high school.

Though Bucky entered a year before Steve since he was a year older, Alfie and Steve are the same age born in 1918.

A few times did Alfie and Bucky made a few dates and the two would compete on getting a date for Steve, the young man in question didn't say much but went along.

Bucky was trying to set up a date for Steve to have a good time, but Alfie was trying to set up a date for him to make him lose his virginity before he goes in the ice.

He had thoughts about making Steve not go through the ice and save the work killing the Red Skull earlier killing the plot.

But he decided not to mess with Steve's story.

He wasn't planning on going in ice with the guy either, the Sorcerers have ways to stay alive for centuries, even the Chi energy he was training with had advantages to have a certain amount of immortal.

Before Alfie knew it he was actually popular with girls, it was weird because he hadn't done much to try and attract them, but then realized it was probably his reputation and all.

He then thought that high school is a good time to lose his virginity, just wooing someones's daughter and sleep with them.

Same thing he is trying to help Steve with, the guy was not exactly into playing girls or acting like an ass.

But Alfie still tries to get rid of one of Steve's future aliases; the 90 year old virgin.

Not much happened as they all went through their high school years, by the time the end of their junior year came Bucky graduated.

As Bucky graduated Steve and Alfie was there for his graduation, Sarah Rogers would have been there but she was still sick, and gettin worst.

Now Bucky was out of school and now looking for work, he found a job working on some newly built factories.

Now steve, Alfie and most of his crew are now seniors in high school, ready to graduate in a few months, when it happened.

On October 15, 1936 Sarah Rogers, Steve's mother died.

She stayed strong enough to see her son graduate before passing a few months later.

Steve shed a few tears on the funeral.

Alfie and Bucky dressed up and attended with Steve supporting him.

The two also felt sad as they knew Sarah as well, Bucky more than Alfie but they still felt sad.

Now both Steve and Bucky were parentless, Alfie wasn't but he still felt saddened that his parents would soon be living their last breath.

As the two walked with Steve home they spoke of their moments with Sarah Rogers as Steve walked in front silently.

As they got to Steve's apartment complex Alfie and Bucky realized that Steve would now be living alone from now on.

As Steve tried opening his door he couldn't find his key, that was when Bucky walked to a brick and kicked it grabbing a key under it before giving it to Steve.

That was when Alfie realized that was one of the scenes in the MCU movies, and it made him return to reality.

The years he had spent on earth with these people got him relaxed and made him thought he was just living a normal life, he even forgot about Steve and Bucky being cap' and the Winter Soldier.

And so it brought him back to reality that WW2 will be starting soon, though he doesn't know when exactly.

"I'm with you 'til the end of the line, pal." Bucky said grabbing Steve's shoulder.

Alfie returned his attention by the time Bucky said that.

"Might as well count me in, you're too scrawny to go on alone." Alfie said joking.

Steve looked at the two guys in front of him, the two had always helped him in one way or another and to him these two have been in his life too long to be thinking they won't do anything.

But Steve can't help but feel a bit alone at the moment.

Still he was glad to have these two by his side.

"Yeah, Al too." Bucky said.

"Hmm, thanks guys." Steve said.


Steve sometimes found it hard to be home considering it was lonely now and his mothers belongings are still there.

It was perfect timing because now Alfie and Bucky were always making plans to get Steve out into the world, well Brooklyn.

In Brooklyn there is a small place at the beach dedicated to funland.

Amusement park, aquarium, and the boardwalk.

A perfect place for a date, that was Bucky's idea at first but then made it a plan for a doubl- triple date.

Alfie got himself a date and also got Steve a date, Alfie told the girl all about Steve, even the things about him being short and scrawny.

The girl didn't seem to care about it, that was until Steve threw up on one of the rides and the girl lost interest.

It was then that Alfie knew these b*tches would rather date an ugly mothafucker than a short one.

So he would just leave it until Peggy shows up in his life, and push the relationship to progress further.

But in the meantime Alfie got a job in a restaurant called The Blue Ribbon.

That's where all the fancy high horse rich fuckers eat their lunch and dinner at.

Alfie was able to keep up with the cooks and chefs, the co-workers tried to hussle Alfie since he was knew but it only ended up bad for them.

The owner of the restaurant fell in love with Alfie.

He can keep up with the cooks, can serve humbly, not clumsy, can keep his co-workers in check and chills with the owner in a friendly way.

Alfie was only doing this to kill some time before the war starts.

He was even able to "make" a few dishes by himself and it went popular, the owner quickly put the recipes on his menus after asking for Alfie's consent.

Alfie didn't really care that the owner took the recipes for himself, he just wanted to try some modern time food so he made some, when the restaurant workers tasted his dishes they went crazy because they have never had them.

But now the restaurant is taking half the credit on the new recipes.

But what Alfie did not know was that the moment he met Steve and Bucky his life would be documented in the future generations to hear.

And he would be known as a great chef when not on the battlefield.

(I based Alfie on a younger looking Joe Manganiello, though without the full beard only scruffs)
