
Saves by Dragon Part 1

        Martin is in a dirty smelly cell. He's been wanting to call the chief of police, but he never showed up in the cell. He looked at his cellmate on the other side. It's a good thing that he's away from them. He didn't want to be touched by those criminals.

"Martin, you are off from the cell." A police officer came to him. He stood and he put his hands on the tray opening and they put the cuff on.

        They take him out and put him on a police car.

"Where are you talking to me?" Martin asked. "Aren't you all supposed to remove these cuffs?"

        He looked at the driver who is hiding from the baseball cap. Then, he looked around. Once that they are away from the police station, into the road that has no cars. He is surprised when they pointed a gun to him. He screamed and begged. Everything became chaotic when a car crushes to the police car.
