
What He Smelled

Age 1991

"What the hell were you thinking!" Dawson shouted right as soon as they exited the Noble's property. He had a pissed off look on his face as he glared at the three Enforcers in front of him. He still held the body of Hero across his shoulder... "You guys are lucky... Okane Genkin mentioned seeing two Enforcers to me. I rushed over here as soon as he told me... If I hadn't arrived Hero would most certainly be dead right now... So what the hell was so important that you would pull a stunt like this..."

"...W...We wanted to investigate the murders..." Ken said quietly as she hung her head in shame. "I... I wanted to put a stop to these murders so I could get famous... I talked the others into helping me... I'm sorry..."

Sera stood quirky fidgeting under the intense gaze Dawson was giving her.

"Ken... I trusted you with that badge!" Dawson said hissing slightly. "Those things aren't toys. An Enforcers badge is bound to them. It allows them to open up any mechanical door, and let's them travel around the Enforcers headquarters in Oleander..." Dawson took a deep breath as he held his hand out. "Just give it back to me..." He said quietly.

Ken gave a small nod as she reached down handing it over slowly. "I'm sorry..." She said again even quieter this time. She looked like she was about to cry, reminding Dawson that the person he was yelling at, was still a small child...

"You're still a fourteen-year-old kid, with a false sense of what is right and wrong. Still, though I can't let you get off with just a warning." Dawson said sternly. "Same goes for you Sera. I'll be letting Sif know when we get back."

"Ahh, crap..." Sera said quietly as a sigh escaped her lips.

"As for you..." Dawson said turning to Rem. His look of rage vanished. Replaced by pure disappointment. "I can't believe you... I can understand the recruits doing something idiotic without thinking, but you... You know better. The fact that you let these kids do something like this... If that Noble wanted to we would all be in big trouble!"

"And isn't it convenient that he decided to not press charges." Rem said simply.


Rem closed her eyes for a moment as she thought about what she should say next. "Hero. He found something he wasn't supposed to... It was locked down orerrt tight as well. From what you said it was guarded by some Automatons. Isn't that a little strange..."

"Of course it is," Dawson said letting out a sigh. "Normal guarding systems only go up to threat level ten. That particular one though is the kind they keep in the Royal Palace of the Red Nation... If it hadn't been shut off when it had, then it would have kept getting higher and higher. I doubt I would have made it to threat level one hundred, which is the final threat. At most I could probably manage to get to the high seventies or low eighties... After that, I would definitely be dead..."

"Yes well. The fact that they have such a piece of hardware just lying around already brings into question several problems." Rem said quietly.

"It doesn't matter," Dawson said shaking his head. "They're Nobles. They could simply have it for protection-"

"Protection for a single part of an area where people would ever go?" Rem questioned. "That behavior is more along the lines of someone who wants to hide something."

"Look," Dawson said letting out a sigh. "I get it... You want to investigate these murders. But until something happens we can't do anything." Dawson said shaking his head. "I'll admit. The chances of these Nobles being behind something illegal is massive, but unfortunately, we can't do anything unless we are given a reason to inspect them. Not to mention that the little stunt, Hero, and Ken pulled definitely broke more than enough rules, to get us off a case like this. Not only to we not know if they are really hiding something, we have no reason to see what it is that they are hiding-"

"But they definitely are hiding something, Mr. Blight!" Ken said grabbing Dawson's arm. "I heard him. That man seemed to panic when Hero found that hallway."

"Okay? Maybe they are hiding something. Maybe it is the family vault. That could be why it was so well protected." Dawson said giving a shrug.

"Well Ms. Cluster, the woman we talked to said that the Noble family of this city was evil-"

"Yes. I'm sure a lot of people in this city would hate the rich. I bet just as many hate us as well..." Dawson said giving another shrug.

"So we're really just gonna forget about all of this?" Ken questioned. "But what about the fact that they have been giving pictures, and tapes to the police force!"

"Yes," Dawson said nodding. "We have no idea what was behind those doors. My guess is the vault which is why it was so heavily guarded. And as for the letters, and tapes, they said that someone had been giving them the tapes... Unless we are given a reason to investigate than our hands are sealed. Especially since we are on another mission currently. The fact is we don't know what it is they are optionally hiding-"


The four Enforcers went silent as they all turned to stare at Hero.

"What..." Dawson questioned staring at the boy he was holding.

"Corpses..." Hero said again. He reached up placing a hand over his nose. "They're hiding Corpses behind that door. Judging my the intense smell I'd say a lot. I've never even smelled this much death on a Bestia Macht's breath... You want to know what they're hiding? Well, that's it. Underneath that mansion is a mountain of death. And from what I could tell from the smell, it is recent."

"How do you know that?" Dawson muttered in confusion as he stared at the boy with slightly wide eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I smelled it." Hero said shaking his head. "I have extremely enhanced senses... Although now I kind of wish I didn't. That stench... It was just wrong... I've never smelled so much blood."

"Well, Mr. Blight..." Rem said quietly. "It appears we have our reason to investigate..."
