
Taking Life Seriously, Just Not Too Much - Finding The Balance Of Life

There is something very appealing and attractive about not caring.

A disregard for consequence and judgment.

A calm, cool collectedness that sets the individual free.

The truth is, it's not realistic, nor is it healthy or practical to not care at all about anything.

We are all wired to care about things in order to survive and connect to life.

Even those who appear to not care at all, still care.

But there is, however, a certain amount of not caring that is realistic, healthy, and practical.

A way to frame your perspective so that you care about the right things the right amount.

No more, no less.

That is the goal.

To care, but not too much.

We should care about our self, our passions, our loved ones, and life in general.

Life is inexplicably beautiful and there's nothing else to do with it other than squeeze it for all it is worth.

But yet, at the same time, life is immensely complicated and uncertain.

And it is fundamentally indifferent to how much you care about it.

So we should not care too much about life's imperfections, including our own.

Or the little things that seem far worse in the moment but never really end up affecting anything.

Or the things that go wrong or not as planned, even when we try our best.

Because no matter how much we try.

No matter how much we want or don't want something.

No matter how fair or unfair.

Life will never go exactly how we want it to.

And si, the trick is that we take life serious enough to still be motivated to participate in it and appreciate it.

To pursue our passions, goals, and a healthy, fulfilling life.

But not take it so serious that we forget to admit that failure and imperfection are inevitable.

That trial and tribulation are synonymous with life.

To feel the pains of life, but to let things quickly scab up, heal over and then move on.

To refrain from dwelling and picking at the scab.

To practice forgiveness for the self and forgiveness for others.

To learn and grow from hardship, and come out on the other side.

Inevitably, life is going to smack you around, at least a little bit.

You are going to make mistakes, experience failure and tragedy, receive negative feedback and so on.

But by taking life a little less serious, understanding and sympathizing with the idea that life in the universe is vastly complex, and random, you will not break under such pressures.

Things might be hard and things might hurt at times, but they will not break you.

And better yet, they will build and strengthen you.

You are like a muscle in the body.

The more pressure and stress you are able to withstand without breaking, the stronger and more powerful you become.

If you can recognize the balance of taking things seriously, but not too much, you will be able to more easily withstand life's weight.

You will find yourself becoming more and more calm, resilient, and ultimately successful.

Because those who truly succeed and care about life, recognize that sometimes caring too much about life, ruins it.
