
A Glimpse Of Aahil's Past....8

The peon knocked informing Aahil's arrival.

Father ordered the peon to show him in while the others fixed their appearances as none wanted to be on the other side of Aahil's interrogation.

Knock!! Knock!!

" Come in " answered Brother.

Aahil pushed through the doors of Father's office only to find the whole gang together.

" Good Morning Father Fernandez...

Good Morning Brother Ashwin....

I'm extremely sorry...I overslept.... I'm really sorry.. Won't ever happen again. " Aahil immediately apologizeed as he entered feeling extremely guilty for his tardiness.

Seeing Aahil flustered and guilty both Father as well as Brother were momentarily taken back into his past.

" Hahaha... Oh !! Come now Aahil...

You are no longer a student and besides it's important to take care of yourself....

Your body is your temple... You need to worship it or else you won't reach anywhere. "

Brother Ashwin replied to Aahil's apology as Father remained mum; remising the past with an extremely tender look in his eyes.

Brother Ashwin gestured Aahil to have a seat..

But he remained rooted on the spot looking apologetically at Father Fernandez.

" Father??

Father Fernandez??....

I'm really sorry Father... "

Aahil apologizeed again with concern as tension was building up in him at Father's lack of response.

Father didn't speak a word but stood up from his chair and walked up to Aahil . Taking the lad by his shoulder he moved to the sofa.

Brother, Vikram and Kady followed suit as well for they were previously sitting in front of Father desk.

" Forgive this old man my boy.....

I was just remembering the past.

Seeing you today apologizing to me remained me of an old distance memory of you. I couldn't help remise it. Father Abraham was there as well.

Don't worry about anything, you have nothing to be sorry about. Previous night you were in a meeting with America, thus you didn't even get a wink of sleep... It's only natural that you should feel tired.....

You must worship your body as it is the greatest gift of God "

Father finally spoke taking Aahil's hand in his with a comfortingly gentle tone.

Father's words stung Aahil's heart especially at the mention of Father Abraham.

Father Abraham was Father Fernandez's predecessor twenty years ago. Hence it can be easily concluded that whatever memory Father was thinking was something that happened when Aahil's mother was alive.

Father what happened back then that you were remembering?? " Aahil asked in a timid tone ; scared of what he might find out regarding her past.

Learning that it was something about Aahil's past without them in it both Vikram and Kady's curiosity piked up immediately and they further pressed on Father for the tale.

Seeing the genuinely curious looks on his former students Father didn't have the heart to deny them especially Aahil.

Brother Ashwin on the other hand couldn't let go of this moment.

" What good Karma did I do to see this day?? Kady you are genuinely interested in history. I remember it otherwise when you were still in school . No!! We are not forcing you to listen, you can go the dinning hall and wait till the story ends. "

Brother rubbed his salt with a smug look.

" Brother Ashwin!! If you ever find yourself hanging upside down from your ceiling after you wake up then don't forget to check your Karma. Father can you please start ? "

Vikram and Aahil pretended they didn't exist in the room. Father also did dare say a word but helplessly shook his head at their childishness.

' You brat!! '

Brother Ashwin was like a boiling shrimp but couldn't say a word. He dug his of grave.

Father Fernandez salvage the situation by starting the story.

" This happened twenty four years ago....

It was your first day at the primary school back in the city. You didn't wanted to come to school, for some reason you were very timid at that time....

Since you didn't wanted to go in and the rush of the other student trying to pass through the school gates so as not to be late you got into a stampede and hurt yourself badly.

You got pushed and cornered at the cement flower beds near the entrance. After the rush you stayed rooted to the spot and didn't move. I still have no idea how long you were standing there.. It was after the assembly that I was about to leave for this school that I spotted you at the entrance of the school being scolded by the guard.

That's when I had to interfere for I saw how badly you were hurt. I asked your name, your class and other things but you stayed mum.

Since you didn't say a word, I thought that you were unable to speak back then. At that time Brother Ashwin had newly joined us and was under my care.. As I tried to carry you to the sick room to treat your wounds, you struggled vigorously to escape. Thus I was forced to call Brother Ashwin to help me take you to the sick room.

Even then you didn't sit quietly for a second. Only after your mom came did you drifted off to sleep. We found your mom's contact number from the label on your school bag which believe me came extremely handy.

Your mother told us that she had moved here only three days ago and that only fifteen days ago you lost your father , which was probably the reason behind your actions.

I felt sorry for you and asked your mother to take back home until your injuries have recovered.

Two days later you came back with your mother in this very office which was then designated to Father Abraham to apologize for your behavior with your tears eyes which were like a clear dark abyss and with your tender child like voice.

Thus you won our hearts... "

Father granted his students wish and completed the tale while Brother had a smile tugged to his lips all the while.

" It seems only yesterday but in reality seeing you here today tells us that time really has passed....

It's past over two decades. "

Brother Ashwin commented.

" Thank you Father...

Thank you Brother....

For helping me back then even though I didn't appreciate it and sorry for the trouble. I'm truly grateful to you. " Aahil said earnestly.

" So you really were a crybaby back then ?? "

Kady said with a smug look and sparkling eyes as if she has found a trump card to use against Yuma.

Hearing this Brother Ashwin slapped his own forehead.

" Kady!! Why are you always up against Yuma?? We're you two sworn enemies in your last life that you always try to go up against each other ?? And if you will please... you can't go up against him with that sort of information. Sooo.... GO GET YOURSELF A MENTAL CHECKUP.... YOU NEED ONE.... IF NOT FOR US THEN DO IT FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR CHILD....


'Go on.... Go on..... I am rooting for you Brother. ' Vikram cheered inwardly.

' You'll have us dead one of these days for sure Kady ' Aahil thought feeling utterly helpless at the on going fight between Yuma and Kady.

They would fight they would bicker but at the end of the day they were the nearest friends sharing a bond none could break.

Father at first chose no to butt in but since the situation was on the verge of getting out of hands he decided to bring them back to the point.

" Alright... Alright now calm down will you all?? We have a situation in hand remember?? "

Father looked at Aahil as he spoke.

" My boy I have small favor to ask from you. If you would be so kind as to help me I will truly be grateful. "

" Of course Father anything.....

You don't have to make a request to me Father, just let me know what I can do for you?? "

" Are you not afraid that I might ask something impossible from you Aahil??"

" Father I am what I am thanks to you...

Without your support and care I would have been lost by now. If what you ask is impossible for me to fulfill then I have wasted your efforts on me for the past two decades....

A teacher is a creator, A preseve but never a destroyer "

Hearing Aahil's words the rims of Father's eyes turned red...

An unbelievable happiness welled up inside of him....

It was something that cannot be described in words...

" Every teacher should have a student like you.. I'm truly indebted to God for sending you under my care. "

" Every student should have a teacher like you Father... I'm truly grateful to God for sending a teacher like you to me....

Whatever I have learned was from you Father..

It was your excellent teaching and patient care that helped me achieve what I have today...

You forgave all my mistakes.....

You didn't leave my side even when we disagreed....

You withstood all my stubbornness and reckless acts... Patiently reasoning with me.

Thank you Father.....

Thank you for everything.....

It was you who made this school into a home for me.... "

At this sentimental student teacher moment no one spoke.....

No one except Kady...

" If you guys don't stop now I'm gonna cry out loud. "

As Kady was almost on the verge of crying.

Vikram was patting her back trying to console her while Brother Ashwin comment.

" You really had to spoil the moment Kady?? "

" It's not my fault that I am an emotional person "

Kady defended herself.

After this everyone really got back to the task in hand with Father making the statement.

" The request I have is for you three to do an orientation programme with the high school graders. "

" Last night your arrival was spotted by many of our all nighters. Thus this morning we got request for an orientation programme as you three are the living legends of the current times. "

Brother Ashwin explained.

" So we are still waiting for your reply?? "

Father added.

" Of course... We'll be more than happy to meet the next generation and will do our best not to disappoint them... "

Vikram excitedly agreed. Kady and Aahil followed his suit with a simple nod.

" Oh that's great then..... I'll make the arrangements immediately. Also in the mean time why don't you all head for the senior school building for lunch. The programme will be held in the twelveth floor auditorium. I will make the necessary announcements for that when the time comes. Is that Okay with you all?? "

Brother Ashwin was overly excited as he sorted out the event in his mind.

He was excited for two reasons; one things were going according to the plan and second the students will be presented with a lifetime opportunity to question ' The Aahil Oberoi ' which the world media couldn't do in past eighteen years.
