

as soon as we arrived to the party by our family carriage, we were received by several powerful Wizards who I didn't knew, but I felt some strong pressure by just standing besides them!, they must be the heads of the Pureblood families, and I was right, and they were Greengrass family head, and Parkinson, Nott, Flint, Crabbe, and Goyle, and several other Wizards I didn't knew,

after that, my father boasted to them about me making it to the house team for almost an hour!, but fortunately someone important came, and distracted them all, it was the junior minister!, so I took that chance to slip out from them,

Draco and Anny ran away while I was with my Father listening for hours to them,

I walked away from them till I can't hear them anymore!,

after that, I tried to find anyone I knew at the party, but all I saw was unfamiliar faces, so I went to get me a drink and sit down in one of the tables in the manor,

( I really should not waste the opportunity of this Party, and try at least get some followers!, even though i'm not that of a speaker but they are just kids!, it can't be that hard bu..) then a voice cut me off of my thoughts

"Marcus!, I finally found you!, what are you doing here?"

"oh it's you, Adrian, when did you arrived?" I said

"just a moment ago, we came with the Junior Minister!" said Adrian with a smug smile on his face

"now why the Junior Minister himself, would be coming with your family?, no offence Adrian, but it does seems a bit odd!" I said curiously"

"Well .. I don't know, my father just told us we will be going with the Junior Minister in the last moment before we left" said Adrian

(Heh, that Junior Minister seems a bit suspicious ..)

"doesn't matter, let's go and find something fun to do" I said

"Alright" said Adrian confusedly but he quickly forgot about it


"so, what have you been up to?" said Adrian while we were walking outside in the courtyard

"nothing much, hey!, I forgot to tell you, Prof. Snape told me before I left the school that I have been accepted in the team" I said

"really!, that's amazing, you are breaking history, you know!, the youngest Quidditch player in years!, but .." before Adrian could continue, someone cut him off

"but can you play good enough?,

Sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Marcus Flint!"

"well hello there, I'm Marc..

"I know you, you are Marcus!, same name as me, it's a pleasure" said Marcus by rudely cutting me off

"yeah, same name ... but tell me, why do you think I'm not good enough?" I said

"well, you are first year, so how much magic have you even learned!, also when I last checked, the Malfoys aren't that famous in being Skilled in Quidditch!,

for your own good, just withdraw and try again when you become more stronger" said Marcus with a bit of Arrogance in his voice

"well, I didn't know you were doing your research about me, Flint!, and if you doubt my skills and my power that much, all you have to do is wait for me in the next term when I take my position in the team, and also, don't forget, it was Prof. Snape who approved on me being in the team!" I said with a mocking tone

"well how dare you!, I was thinking abou....

.. as Flint was talking angrily at me, a voice behind him spoke with an emotionless tone,

"Well well, Mr. Flint, and Mr. Malfoy,

I see you two are in the middle of an argument, but unfortunately time doesn't allow for that, Mr. Flint, come with me, there's something I need you to do"

"of course, Prof. Snape!" said Marcus respectfully, but before he left, he glanced at me with a ill intent

then they both left somewhere else,

"well, that was quite the meeting, why does this guy hate you so much, Marcus?" said Adrian

"I really don't know" I said,

but how I couldn't know!, that kid is a lackey of one of the two leaders of the pureblood Faction in Hogwarts, and he is idiotically trying to gain more respect and influence by getting me to step back!, it seems I need to show off a little more, and try show my strength a little more often *Smile Lightly*.


as we were walking around in the courtyard, we found a bunch of kids gathered around the table, I even saw Anny with her friends, but I couldn't find Draco there, so I went to Anny and asked her,

"Anny, where's Draco at?" I said,

then she replied that she also didn't know, and before I asked her more, someone spoke, "Hello, are you looking for Draco?" said a tall kid,

"Yes, and who you might be?" I said

"I'm Blaise Zabini, and if you are looking for Draco, he is at the lake" said the kid

"oh thank you, and nice to meet you, this is Adrian and I'm Marcus, Draco brother" I said

"it's nice to meet you too, you really are Draco brother?, you don't look alike at all" Blaise

"as regrettable as it sound, no we aren't, are you a friend of Draco?" I said curiously

"Well, I wouldn't say friend, more like a friendly acquaintance, but don't let me bother you with this, you seem busy enough" said Blaise

"No, actually it's the opposite, we are quite bored if you say, would you care to accompany us?" I said (that kid looks and sound smart, and I kinda like his style, I should try to know about him more and see if he is worthy to follow me!)

"sure, it's quite boring here also, Please, lead the way!" said Blaise quickly

"alright let's go to the lake" I said


as we walking, I asked Blaise, so what school are you going to?"

"if nothing happened, then it will be Hogwarts, but can you tell me more about it?" said Blaise

"you don't know?, Well, there nothing much to say, Hogwarts is ....." I said all what I know about Hogwarts and Blaise listened till we arrived at the lake, and there, we found a group of Four people gathered close to the lake and enjoying the scenery by dueling!,

"HA!, you are so weak Draco!, just give up" said a girl who seems to be, the same age as Draco

"Never!" said Draco faintly but firmly

moments after ...

*Draco Wand Disarmed*

"You lose!" said the girl with smirk

"you got lucky this time" said Draco faintly

"Well, I wouldn't say that, but you seriously practice more, and get change that wand, it's not that compatible with you" I said as walk toward them

"Marcus, what are you doing here?" said Draco with a surprised face

"I got bored, and you, you have become more daring since you started hanging with Anny, Pansy!"

"Hi Marcus!" said Pansy

"Hello Pansy, good to see you beating my little brother as always, and you too, Daphne, Theo" I said with laughing smile

Theo just nodded, and Daphne Shyly said "Hi"

"anyway, who's with you?" said Draco with bitter smile trying to change the subject

"meet Adrian Pucey and Blaise Zabini" I said

"good to see Blaise, and nice to meet you Adrian, I'm Draco and this is Pansy and that guy over there is Theo and that's Daphne" said Draco to Adrian.


we spent most of our time at the lake, playing and eating snacks at the beautiful view till an elf appeared and told us to come inside the manor because they will be serving dinner soon, when we got there, we part ways because after dinner everyone will head home or at least the children will,

next morning ...

recently these couple of days, I have been thinking, why do we use wands?, why wands are more powerful than using magic directly?, I tried asking my mother and father, but their answers was the same, they told me it was easier and more powerful, and that wands are usually made from powerful magical ingredients, and that what makes them release magic more powerfully and easily, and I also asked them if their is any bad side effects if I used Magic without a wand, and they said, no, it actually almost doesn't have any effect except Strengthening your core a bit, but it's not worth it, is it so much time consuming!,

but I will have to see that myself, I will do a couple of training methods I have in my mind, so I can see if I can get some larger benefits from it.
