
Meeting Ophis

When the figure landed in front of me I saw her full appearance.

She has an appearance of a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes having reptilian slitted pupils.. Her ears have pointed tips, but her long black hair makes this difficult to notice. She is wearing Black Gothic Lolita Clothes.

When I saw her I immediately recognized her. She is one of the strongest being in High School DXD, Dragon God of Infinity, Ouroboros Dragon also Known as Ophis.She was having a emotionless face. I was shocked to see her here but then she said

Ophis :"You are strong."

Issei :"Huhh...."

Ophis :"You are strong, You are also a Dragon God"

Issei :"I just have a Fire Dragon God's Bloodline. I am not as strong as you"

Ophis :"But I felt your energy from afar that's why I came here"

Hearing her I remembered that while merging my body could have released a lot of power. But Then she again said

Ophis :"Will you help me fight Baka Red? "

I was shocked to hear her. I am just on level of a Super Devil and you want me to fight The Great Red with you. Although you are strong but I am not atleast not now. I didn't wanted to let her know that I know about Great Red as it will arise her suspicion So I said

Issei :"Who are you and Who is this Baka Red? "

I acted like I don't even know her to which she said

Ophis :"I am the Dragon God of Infinity, Ophis and I lived in the Dimensional Gap. "

Ophis :"One Day when I went back there I saw a Baka Red there and it took my Place there. It makes too much noises and I can't live in silence"

Ophis :"So I want you to help me Beat Baka Red so that I can live there again in silence"

I was shocked on her introduction. You just told me your name and that The Great Red invaded your House But you didn't even bother explaining your and Red's Power and you want me to fight for you. But I can't say it to her can I? and I can't even fight her now, So I introduced myself and said

Issei :"Hello I am Issei Hyoudou also the Red Dragon Emperor. "

Issei :" and I promise I will help you once I got stronger"

Issei :"But let me ask you why do wish to return there in Silence"

Ophis :"Because Silence is good "

Issei :"What if I can give you something better than that. "

Ophis :"What is that?"

Issei :"Friends and a family. "

Ophis :"How are they better than Silence?"

Issei :"You can share all your happiness and worries with them. They will also live with you and make you happy. You can find new interesting things with them."

Being as simple minded she is and taking her curiosity to look for new interesting things she should agree to it and I can gain some time to complete her wish. Then she asked

Ophis :"How can you get a family? "

Issei :"You can live with me and my girls. We will show you many interesting things."

Issei :"And I will also help you fight your 'Baka Red' if you want in future when I get strong enough. "

Ophis :"Ok I will come with you but you have to show me interesting things and also beat that Baka Red."

After this I headed to my house with Ophis or Ouroboros Dragon. I just have to make sure that she doesn't get angry now. I was using my Red Dragon wings and seeing this Ophis also took out her black wings. Seeing her full black wings that were fully filled with energy and her control over them even I was shocked as I have just got my wings and they do not look like as powerful as hers.

While we were flying Ddraig spoke in my mind.

Ddraig :"Are you sure you want to take her with you?"

Issei :"It's will not be a problem. She has never met someone who truly cares for her only those who want to use her power. So she will definitely like to live with a someone who cares for her. "

Issei :"And anyway if I didn't do it. I think she would have dragged me to train so that I can fight The Great Red early."

Ddraig :"Yeah I know even I and Albion at our prime cannot hold a candle in front of even one of Ophis and Great Red"

Issei :"That's why it is the best decision right now. "

As I was talking with Ddraig, Ophis noticed this, Seeing that Ophis has noticed Ddraig, Ddraig immediately introduced herself in fear of her.

Ddraig :"Hello Ouroboros Dragon Ophis, I am Ddraig, One of the Two Heavenly Dragon. I am sealed Inside Issei's Boosted Gear. "

Ophis :"Hmm...I am Ophis, Are you also his Family?"

Ddraig :"Y-yes you can say that"

Ophis :"Okay"

After this Ophis didn't say anything and we reached to my house.When the Shuri opened the door and saw ophis, She backed away a little as she already knew about her and how strong ophis is, from my memories. She looked towards me who is standing next to her as if asking for an explanation. Then I said

Issei :"Hello Shuri, She is the Ouroboros Dragon, The Dragon God of Infinity also known as Ophis."

Issei :"....And She will be living with us from now on as she wants to experience what a family is. "

Shuri :"H-Hello I am Shuri Himejima, Issei's Girlfriend."

Ophis :" Hmm.. I am Ophis. "

I immediately signaled Shuri not to be afraid of her and After this we went inside. When everyone sensed my presence with one other strong presence near me they all immediately came to living room where I am.

Seeing Ophis one of the Strongest Being in this world near me. They all got alerted Then I signaled them to relax. Seeing me like this they got a little relaxed So I introduced Ohis.

Issei :"She is Ophis, The Ouroboros Dragon and She will be living with us from now on. "

Hearing this All of them got another shock that Such a strong being will be living with us. Rose was not afraid of her as she was many times stronger than her instead she was looking at Ophis having stars in her eyes seeing Ophis' cute little face. She moved to Ophis and extended her hand and said

Rose :"Hello Ophis, I am Rose Issei's sister and also his Girlfriend. Will you be friends with me? "

Ophis didn't understood what it meant to be friends but from me she understood it is good so she also extended her to shake Rose's hand and said

Ophis :"Yes, I will be your friend"

When Rose heard this she pulled Ophis into a hug and said with a happy smile on her face.

Rose :"Okay from now on you will also be our friend and like sister. "

Although Ophis is genderless but it didn't mean she can't be called a sister. Hearing this Ophis didn't say anything. After this Everyone introduced themselves and pulled Ophis to show the house. and Only Shuri and Akeno remained near me as they said

Shuri :"So My Daughter, now we are alone with our Darling "

Akeno :"Yes mom, I think we shouldn't let go of this opportunity."

Saying this Akeno started kissing and Shuri removed her clothes as she started rubbing her breast on my back. I also pushed my tongue inside Akeno's mouth and with my hands I removed her bra and started Massaging her Breast.

After Akeno finished her kiss. It was Shuri's turn she started kissing me and put one of my hands on her breast while Akeno took my other hands and put it on her breast while kissing and licking my neck and cheeks.
