
Rias And Sona

After class ended and as I exit the class I can see a handsome young man standing there. I know who it is.when he sees me he said

Kiba :"Hello Issei, I am Kiba Yuuto. I am here to pick you to ORC on orders of buchou "

Issei :"Okay, Take us there"

Then he guided to the old schoolhouse where the ORC is. After we entered I can see Rias sitting behind a table with a smile on her face. Akeno is standing behind her while also smiling at me and Koneko is also standing behind her having starts in her eyes seeing Me, Kuroka and Rose. There is another group in room which I wasn't expecting to be here.

They are Sona Sitri and her peerage, Sona is sitting on sofa while Tsubaki her queen is standing behind with Tsubasa, Reya, Momo, Saji, Tomoe. when Rias saw me she walked towards me and said

Rias :" Hello Issei, You have become more handsome in these days "

Issei :"I know and you also have become more beautiful, Rias"

I said while smiling to which a little blush appeared on her face. Then I She said

Rias :" don't try to flirt with me, I know what you want and Rose,Kuroka have become more beautiful"

Rose/Kuroka :"Same for you Rias "

Issei :"Okay, So who are they"

I said while pointing at Sona.I already know her but Rias and sona doesn't know this.To which Sona stood up and said while showing a smile which was only a business smile.

Sona :"Hello, I am Sona Sitri, Student Council president and the Heiress of Sitri Clan. I am also childhood friend with Rias"

Issei :" Hello Sona, I am Issei Hyoudou and I am also friends with Rias"

Rose :"Hello, I am Rose Hyoudou, I am also a friend of Rias and girlfriend of Issei"

Kuroka :"Hello I am Kuroka , I am also his girlfriend and friends with Rias and I am also Koneko's big sister Nya~" Kuroka said while transformating in her Nekomata form.

Seeing this Sona other peerage members were shocked and saji was drooling on seeing Kuroka I didn't say anything but I am going to give him a taste of my power later but not her as she already knew about Kuroka from Rias.

Issei :"So may I ask why are Student Council President here"

Sona :"Because I want you to join my peerage "

Issei :"Ohh, and why would I do that I think Rias has already told you that I am not interested in it"

Sona :"Yes she said that but I wanted to ask you directly and If you join me you can also get me and all my peerage's girls"

Hearing this I was a bit shocked Rias and others were also shocked as she didn't expected her friend to offer herself to me and someone as in anger hearing this that was Saji as he loved sona from start.

Issei :"Ohh, and what if I say I can still get you to be mine with others without joining you"I said while smiling which caused blush to appear on other faces but not on sona as she was in serious mode

Sona :"so you are rejecting me. "

Issei :"No,I am not rejecting you I am rejecting your offer you join you peerage and even if I agreed you can't make me join you as you don't have that power now"

Saying this I released a bit of pressure which caused Sona to fell on sofa where she was standing and all her peerage also felt this pressure as they also fell on floor especially Saji who was panting heavily for looking at my girl with a drool on his face. After that I stopped it from others but not from Saji and I said

Issei :" Don't ever look on them with those eyes otherwise next time you won't be alive to see anything"

Others were confused a little but Sona understood what I was talking about so she said

Sona :"Issei, Forgive him I will make him understand what he does is wrong"

Issei :"For you, Sona"

As I said this I retraced my pressure and Sona was having a little blush due to. me saying it's for her which immediately disappeared after it. After Which Rose said

Rias :"Okay, Now let's end and and talk about other things. Akeno get something for Issei and others"

Akeno :"Okay" said while walking towards a room.

Then we sat ona sofa on the other side

Issei :" Okay Rias, Tell me why did you call me"

Rias :" Why, can't I call you for no reason, I just called you so that I can talk to you, Rose and Kuroka."

Issei :" ohh and you don't want anything else"

Rias :"Okay, I called you here to have youand others join ORC, I know you will not join my peerage but you can't say no to this"

Rose :"Of course we will join you Rias this way we can all be together"

Kuroka :"And this way I can be with Koneko, Nya~"

Issei :" we were already planning to do that"

when I said this akeno came with a tray having few cups of coffee when she gave everyone their cups She came to me and sat on my laps saying

Akeno :"Arara of course you join us as I am also here..." after saying this she closed our distance and said slowly my ears so that only I can hear her

Akeno:" and also two of the girls you want to be yours"

when she said this I was a little embarrassed then she just put her head on my chest and I pulled her closer putting my hands around her waist

Rias :" Uhm..uhm.., So what are your plans today

Issei :"yes I have few things to do today but first, Sona can I have a chess match with you "

hearing this she was shocked but then suddenly smiled and said

Sona :" Ok but if you lost you will have to join Student Council "

Issei :"Ok but if I win you will be my girlfriend"

Sona :"of course I will only marry someone who is more intelligent than me"

Issei :" Ok, Rias can we get a table and chess board"

Rias :" No Issei she is very good at this and I don't want to lose you"

Issei :" Don't worry I will not say it if I wasn't confident about it and even if I lost I will be coming here anyway"

Rias :"Ugh..Okay but you better not lose"
