
Try to live happily.

In the depths of night, as Xie Ming slept peacefully under the influence of the doctor's injection, her subconscious stirred. A voice, both familiar and strange, called out to her, "Zhao Ming."

In her slumber, she mumbled a soft response, "Yes," her breathing remaining steady and calm.

Within her dream, Zhao Ming found herself adorned in traditional Chinese attire, her hair elegantly pinned up with an ornate hairpin. She followed the mysterious voice into a pitch-black room, her heart racing with uncertainty.

"Who's there?" she called out, her voice echoing in the darkness. "Why have you summoned me?"

Suddenly, a mirror materialized before her, emanating an otherworldly white light. As Zhao Ming approached, she saw her reflection – the image of an empress, wearing the gown from her coronation and the symbolic hairpin gifted by Ji Cheng's grandfather.

In an instant, the reflection shifted, revealing a pale, tired girl in a hospital gown. Zhao Ming gasped, recognizing Xie Ming's face staring back at her.

"Why did you call me?" Zhao Ming asked, her voice trembling.

Xie Ming's reflection smiled sadly. "I called you because I had no choice. I can't return to my body, but you're there now. I wanted to meet you one last time."

Zhao Ming listened intently as Xie Ming continued, her words heavy with regret and wisdom. "Live as Xie Ming if you wish, but on one condition – don't repeat my mistakes. I hurt many people, especially Jin Liwei, out of my own pain and stubbornness."

Xie Ming's eyes held a depth of sorrow as she spoke. "Try to live happily. You must have suffered in your life too, that's why you came to my body. But remember, don't let kindness make you weak. Death was the price I paid. Don't let it happen to you twice."

Zhao Ming felt a connection to this strong, prideful woman before her. She replied, her voice steady, "I understand. I never intended to take anyone's place. In my past life, I was an unwanted empress, abandoned by my husband. But I promise you, I won't be weak. I'll live this new life with strength and happiness."

"I won't let anyone trample on me just because I'm kind," Zhao Ming continued, a newfound determination in her voice. "I'll treat people as they treat me. This life and death experience has changed me. I'm not the same weak and kind Zhao Ming anymore."

A faint smile crossed Xie Ming's face. "I'm glad to hear you've changed. Now, I'll give you my memories to help you navigate this life. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Live well, Zhao Ming. Goodbye."

With those words, Xie Ming's image faded, and Zhao Ming was overwhelmed by a torrent of memories. Images, faces, and emotions flooded her mind, causing excruciating pain. She collapsed, clutching her head, tears streaming down her face.

In the physical world, Jin Liwei stirred from his sleep, awakened by Xie Ming's distress. He found her pale and sweating, her body trembling as if in great pain. The peaceful slumber they had fallen into was shattered by her sudden movements.

"Xie Ming!" he called out, panic rising in his voice. "Ming, can you hear me?"

He cradled her in his arms, trying desperately to wake her. His heart raced as he watched her struggle against some unseen force. Jin Liwei's mind raced with worry. Was this a complication the doctor had warned about? Should he call for help?

"It's okay, Ming. I'm here. You're safe," he murmured, hoping his voice would reach her wherever she was.

In her dream state, Xie Ming heard his voice, a beacon of light in the darkness. She moved towards it, leaving behind the shadows of her inner world.

Suddenly, Xie Ming's eyes fluttered open. Through the haze of confusion, she saw Jin Liwei's worried face hovering above her. Without thinking, she reached out, her fingers lightly brushing his cheek.

"Liwei," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Jin Liwei felt a rush of relief wash over him. "Ming, are you alright? You were crying and shaking. I was so worried."

Xie Ming blinked, trying to orient herself. The weight of two lives' worth of memories pressed against her consciousness. It was overwhelming, yet somehow, she felt more complete than ever before.

Happy reading people *_ ^

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