
Ace in the Academy

Ace woke up early in the morning and confirmed that Avalon was still working non-stop on the construction site. 

Well, it was not really Avalon itself but it was the automatons controlled by the A.I. 

It only had to supervise them since those automatons were already programmed on what it had to do. Even Veda helped in placing independent artificial intelligence to help the construction.

After all, Avalon's processing speed would be consumed by so much if Veda just watched everything on the sideline.

Anyway, if Ace found any unacceptable deterioration in any parts of the automaton, he had to immediately repair them to avoid causing trouble. 

These automatons were working not only in the construction of the site but they are also exposed to a massive amount of mana that can deteriorate some parts of their internal system. 

'It looks fine here... How about those working on Mech Frames...'
