
Deal With A Devil

In a rare occurrence Ron's grin faltered ever so slightly as he processed Daphne's words. Recuperating himself Ron's head fell, being attentive Daphne bit her lip, but her eyes never strayed from Ron. The tension between the two rapidly rising until it became suffocating. Then in an unexpected turn of events a small cackle escaped Ron's lips, before erupting into full blown laughter.

Shocked at his reaction, Daphne instinctively took a step away from him. Quickly regaining her composure she angrily pouted seconds prior to questioning his laughter.

" Why are you laughing!?"

Wiping off his laugh fueled tears while trying to contain his laughter, Ron cheekily replied.

" Oh, please don't misunderstand Daphne, my laughter is strictly directed at myself."

Doubting his words, Daphne maintained her opposing stance while angrily glaring at him. Seeing that his explanation lacked sufficient substance, and Daphne understandably getting angrier. Ron finally settled down, stopped laughing, faced her before explaining himself.

" You should know that I truly meant what I just said, I was laughing at myself. Here I was thinking I'd somehow be able to keep something hidden from you. Obviously, I was wrong, and for that I apologise, I'm sorry Daphne."

Surprisingly Ron's heartfelt apology managed to soften Daphne's heart. Even if she was somewhat doubtful of his intentions she really wanted to believe him.

" Ron, I don't need to know exactly what you're doing at all times, but I'd like for you to trust me a tiny bit more. To feel comfortable explaining even a fraction of your plans..."

Daphne paused, momentarily looked down at her feet, looked up stared Ron directly in his emerald green eyes before finishing her sentence.

" ...I don't want you to treat me just like a friend, but as your fiance."

Immediately after Daphne finished speaking, the room fell into complete silence once more. This time broken by the sound of Ron deeply exhaling that subtlety startled Daphne.

Ron's unwavering calm gaze was swept up into an endearing one, which she'd never seen him make before. Witnessing what she believed to be Ron at his most vulnerable at least emotionally, Daphne instinctively hugged him.

As the she embraced him, Ron softly whispered into her ear;

" You're right, I shouldn't hide anything from you..."

Pausing for a brief moment, Ron collected himself, leaned back a few centimeters for their faces to meet before continuing.

" The truth is I've been trying to decipher a way to heal your sister from that wretched curse that haunts her."

Daphne's eyes widened and her small mouth fell in response to Ron's unexpected reveal.

" Ron that's..."

Following the second word, an energetic Daphne was immediately cut off by a somber faced Ron.

" I'm sad to say all my research was for naught..."

Daphne's face instantly fell in anguish, biting her lower lip to try and hold it together. Ron's gaze meanwhile focused on her shrinking figure with secret intentions.

" ...If only I could locate phoenix tears."

That single line seemed to revitalize Daphne who sprung back up in an instant. Tightly grabbing onto Ron's collar, eyes swelled mouth still quivering, she managed to spit out two words.

" P-phoenix Tears!?"

Hearing Daphne repeat his words Ron seemed surprised, almost shocked. Evident by his confused expression and his follow up response.

" You know of them?"

" Of course, the tear of a phoenix is said to be a cure all miracle. In fact when Astoria fist fell ill father had purchased a small vial of tears to treat her. Unfortunately, they had little effect on her..."

At the end of her explanation, Daphne was ready to fall into despair once again, only for an excited Ron to pull her back. As she'd done before, Ron roughly grabbed Daphne by her thin shoulders while hysterically asking her the following.

" Where there any left? From the vial your father purchased!?"

Struggling to understand exactly what was happening, she stuttered out an answer.

" I-i t-think one or two remain!"

Pulling in her closer towards him, Ron warmly hugged Daphne who happily welcomed the embrace. At first at least, as she wondered why the usually distant Ron would initiate contact.

" That's perfect! Even if one remains that'll be more than enough! With it I'll be able to..."

" What are you talking about?"

Overcome with excitement, Ron began telling Daphne all about the Aurum Maledicta Delens. Specifically the importance of Phoenix Tears to the obscure potion. After Ron's every word, Daphne's face would contort into one of greater confusion.

" ... I'm not able to guarantee that'll succeed, but it should be more than able to stop the curse from taking a tighter grip on Astoria."

With an absolute serious expression and tone Ron delivered an emotional explanation. Enough to leave Daphne speechless, yet listening to how passionate Ron was about her sister's health, a single tear escaped her pale blue eyes.

" Really... I-ill send an owl to father at once! He'll be-"

" No!"

Stunned at Ron's forceful deny, Daphne blankly stared at him.

" Daphne there's something I didn't tell you regarding the Aurum Maledicta Delens potion."

Settling somewhat, Daphne's joyous mood quickly turned into anxiousness.

" What do you mean, Ron?"

Swiftly looking around, Ron acted a bit embarrassed prior to exhaling deeply after which he finally spoke.

" I don't want to incriminate you in my mess, but let's just say the way in which I acquired the recipe would land me in very hot water. I'm unable to disclose anymore or tell anyone else about what exactly I found."

Struggling to understand, Daphne asked Ron to explain himself further.

" I'm not sure how or what you did to obtain that recipe but I'm certain my father would protect you from anyone or anything."

" I don't doubt that, but I'd rather not say more please understand. Telling even you is dangerous I would hate to drag you into anything remotely dangerous. For that reason, I'd like for this talk to stay between just the two of us. Would that be possible?"

Left with relatively no other choice seeing as it was essentially for her own sister Daphne agreed to Ron's term.

" I-i understand, I won't tell anyone else I promise."

" I appreciate that, also with you already having a Phoenix Tear, curing Astoria is more than just a possiblity."

That sentence was ultimately only said to set up the following.

" I've acquired the majority of the ingredients and partially confident in producing the potion. All I'm lacking would be a vial of untainted unicorn blood, an Acrumantula's poison sack and well a phoenix tear,"

Without a moment of hesitation, Daphne promised Ron to aquire all three of the rare ingredients. She couldn't tell him when exactly she'd received them right now, but estimated a week or two.

Coming to an agreement the two, a crimson haired boy and a porcelain doll like girl embraced for one last time. She wore a somber expression and a weak smile filled with hope while his twisted into a devilish grin.

' Honestly im saddened that things had to go this way Daphne, but you've left me no other choice.'
