

"What was that all about?"

"What was what?"

"You know what I'm talking about bastard! That kiss! We were supposed to pretend to be lovers, not actual lovers!"

As much as Sasuke wanted to come back with a good retort, nothing good came to mind. Opting to pin the fox down with his infamous Uchiha glare, Sasuke dared the man to speak.

Naruto, unfazed, rolled his eyes and huffed. "You're so lucky this isn't a fairy tale or I would have to marry you."

"What's a kiss got to do with marrying me?"

The golden fox remained silent. "That's none of your business. Anyway, I did a good job today so I demand to have chicken ramen tonight!"

Sasuke deadpanned at how quickly the kit changed moods. "I suppose it is a good thing he is easily distracted. At least now I don't have to explain that kiss."

"Sure. In any case, I have questions. Where did you buy all these? The orange shirt looks almost obscene!"

Naruto rolled his eyes at the student's exaggeration. Clearly Sasuke had a boring sense of fashion. "You're just jealous I look better than you do."

Before the raven haired man could retort, the fox's stomach made a loud growl. Sighing in defeat, Sasuke headed to the kitchen. "Chicken ramen it is. Go shower. We'll talk later."

The blond demon smirked and sashayed to the bathroom, tempting the young Uchiha to follow. It was only after the blond was out of sight did the undergrad snap out of his stupor. They will be talking later.

Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX

A loud belch from the blond fox had the refined student cringing.

"That's disgusting! Didn't anyone ever teach you what manners are?"

Naruto smirked. "Well, manners are only reserved for the ladies."

The Uchiha deadpanned. "What have they been teaching you?"

The blond fox thought for a while, his tail twitching from time to time. "Well, the Academy taught us how to charm and seduce the opposite sex. I decided to specialize in relationship frauds, unlike Kurama. He is a fox who duped people of their money or their prized possession, he was a hunter. I'm more of a charmer."

"Hunter? Charmer?"

"Just like how you have specialized courses called engineering and business, we foxes also have them. Some are destructive, some like to play pranks on fate, some are relationship breakers and others are hunters. Well, in order to 'graduate' we need to earn the Mark of Maturity. We need to trick a hundred humans of our speciality. For my case, it would be females. Thanks to you my job is getting easier. That mini horde of fan girls had accounted for eighteen of my victims already."

It took a while before the news sank in. The fox before him was a relationship scam artist. No wonder he looked like sex on legs! The girls were all over him like rabid dogs and for once Sasuke was jealous of somebody else's looks.

"Do you cast spells on them or something? Make them fall in love with you?"

Naruto didn't answer immediately. Instead, Sasuke observed how the golden fox seemed to pout. Ears were pointed down indicating it was a somewhat touchy subject. "I didn't. I don't know how to do that well. Foxes are supposed to be tricky and all with their charms and spells. For me, I'm bad at magic so I'm only limited to changing my physical appearance through transformation magic. I'm not good at fighting or bewitching like other foxes. I can't place long lasting curses without having some sort of backfire. Heck, I'm not good at any of those fox stuff. I'm not even a normal fox."

"Not a normal fox?"

"My fur isn't normal. Golden foxes are said to bring calamity to the entire clan. One is said to be born every thousand years and I'm the first to live for so long."

Instead of being judged or laughed at, Sasuke moved in to tug gently at the fury appendages on his head. "Well, I like this golden fur that you have. It's original and it suits you. I've never seen another fox or human more attractive than you are."

The honest words made Naruto uncomfortable with a strange heat crawling up his neck. "Shut up bastard! I'm not bothered at all!"

"Really? Because it seems to me that you're blushing. Didn't know the sexy demon that could bewitch anyone with just a smile was capable of feeling embarrassed. How are you going to seduce a hundred women?"

Naruto scowled. "I can seduce women just fine! Besides, why should I be happy about something a man said?"

The undergrad rolled his eyes. "Whatever usuratonkatchi. I bet you don't even know how to please a woman."

"Oh? And you're speaking from experience?"

At that Sasuke paused. He didn't have experience in that department because he had been too preoccupied surviving fangirls for most of his life. There was no way he was going to tell the blond that. "At least I'm better than you."

A little jab made his chest constrict. He didn't know what was happening or why Sasuke's words had hurt but he could only suppose it was due to the change of weather in the human world.

The uncharacteristic silence made Sasuke frown. His fox looked a little pale. "It's late. You should sleep. I'll take the couch tonight."

"What's wrong with the bed?"

"It's too crowded with you in human form. Besides, it's weird for two grown men to be sleeping together."

"I guess it must be awkward to sleep together. Goodnight then."

"Goodnight. Don't drool on my pillow."

"I don't drool!"

"Yeah right," the Uchiha smirked before patting the fluffy ears. Naruto watched as the pale man yawned. He vaguely wondered the strange feeling was in his chest.

I'll ask Kiba tomorrow.

Like my stuff? Check out my original works - Ball of Nothing & Love Journal - As Told by an Emotionally Constipated Half-Genius.

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