

August 23, 2017, 6:28pm- Mist Springs, California

A young woman drives in a jeep through a slightly foggy mountainous forest. She reaches a small town, stopping at a bar.

She gets out of her car, her fuzzy brown boots stepping in the wet round rocks that slide against each other. She enters the bar, seeing a bartender, aman sitting at the bar, and three people playing a card game. She walks up to the man sitting at the bar.

"Excuse me?" She asks, the man turning to her, "Have you seen this man?" She pulls up a picture of Jacob in jeans, brown boots, and a black and grey flannel jacket on her phone. The man's calm and slightly drunk demeanor becomes more alert upon seeing the picture.

"N-no, I haven't seen anyone like that around here," The man says as he turns back to the bar, taking a drink from his beer.

The woman walks to the middle of the bar where the bartender stands on the other side.

"Excuse me, have you seen this man?" She shows the bartender the picture. The man looks at the photo, then up at her with some concern.

"Yeah, he comes here sometimes...why do you wanna know?" He asks with a country accent.

"I'm looking for him,"

"You got a death wish young lady?" The man sitting at the end of the bar asks. She turns to the man who continues, "That ain't no man,"


"That's a monster if I've ever seen one. Just ask anyone who's ever dared trek through the woods at night, they'll tell you the same,"

"I've had my fair share of monsters," She replies, "Can you tell me where he lives, is it nearby?" She asks the bartender.

"...Go straight down the road till you reach the first light. Make a right and follow the road, you'll see it...best hurry though, the sun will be setting soon,"

"Thanks," The woman says with a kind smile before heading out of the bar, starting to get an eerie feeling about the town.

"Surprised you didn't go about shouting werewolf," The bartender says as he nervously cleans the wine glass.

"She would have laughed and driven off without a second thought. Hopefully she'll be cautious, don't need anyone else in this town disappearing," The man chugs the last of his beer, then orders another.

She gets into her jeep and heads down the road, making a right at the light and driving down a road leading away from the town and into the woods. After driving for over ten minutes down a dirt road going seemingly nowhere, she spots a small cabin, a single car parked in front of it. A small set of stairs leads up to a front porch. She parks behind the car and gets out, realizing that the fog seems to be growing thicker.As she heads up to the porch, she hears the sound of a twig breaking off in the distance. She looks around, not seeing anything but trees and misty clouds.

She knocks on the door and waits, but there's no response.

"Hello? Anyone home?" She asks as she knocks again. No response. She turns around hearing something moving in the forest around her. She holds a hand to her side, by a handgun underneath her light-green and white jacket. Hearing another sound, she heads back to the stairs leading to the dirt driveway. As she steps down she starts to hear something growling from the trees. Several wolves emerge from the woods, staring at her with hungry eyes. She goes to reach for her gun, but the wolves all turn their attention to the left when they hear the sound of something else moving through the woods. Jacob suddenly emerges from the woods, lunging at one of the wolves. He pins it to the ground, the other wolves quickly turn to him and lunge at him.

The woman watches in shock as he fights off the wolves, some biting down onto him but only for a second before he hits them in the face or on the snout. He even grabs one and throws it. Soon the wolves give up the attack, and run away, most of them limping. Jacob stands there, watching the wolves run away as he catches his breath and readjusts his clothes.

"Are you, okay?" The woman asks. Jacob turns to her, almost glaring at her the way the wolves did. She sees all the scratches and bites that tore through his shirt.

"Who are you?" He asks instead of answering her question.

"I'm a trained medical officer, I could help you with all those bites and scratches," She replies as she reaches into a little fanny-pack on the side of her belt.

"I don't need medical assistance," He looks up at the sky, seeing they won't have much sunlight left, "Though I'm sure you didn't actually come here for that, come on," He gestures for her to follow and the two head inside his cabin.

The house mainly consists of one large living room, a couch in the middle sitting in front of a tv with some gaming consoles connected to it, though they're a bit dusty like they haven't been touched in awhile. By the couch is a small table, on it are two picture frames. One has a picture of him and what can be guessed to be his family, a letter sitting in front of it. The other one is of the two people she had met to get information of Jacob's whereabouts, Page and Derek. It's a selfie with Derek giving Page a kiss on the cheek. To the left is an open kitchen with an island in the middle and a small bar with stools. Two doors sit in the back of the living room. Jacob walks up to the one on the right and opens it, walking into his bedroom.

"Who are you?" He asks again as he puts on a different shirt.

"My name's Rebecca, Rebecca Chambers,"

"Rebecca?" He walks out in an orange long sleeve that fits snug on him but covers all his wounds, "The one who survived the two mansion incidents?"

"Yeah, that's me,"

"What are you doing here?"

"I need help finding someone,"

"What made you think I'd be the one who could help?"

"Well I read up on the Mazraea Incident, and I talked to Leon, whose an old friend of mine. He may have let it slip, about Derek and you,"


"Well, it seems you're good at finding, or at least attracting missing and dead people. And the person I'm trying to find is considered both," Jacob walks into the kitchen, opening a drawer with a bag of bones spun into long thin straw shapes. He takes one and puts it in the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Billy Coen,"

The final chapter of this story. I hope you guys all enjoyed it and that you'll look forward to more. Yes, there will be a sequel, however, I'm going to be working on the sequel for my other book, "The Demon Wolf" and I also need to finish the Halloween special for it too...It is a supernatural horror book so if you're into that and liked this story, maybe you can check out Demon Wolf and it's sequel as I make it. As always, I hope you all enjoyed reading this story, and let me know what you think. :)

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