
Fuck You, Zhao Sheng

Because Xiao Tian did not want to waste his time, he decided to call Zhao Sheng. Xiao Tian was sure that Zhao Sheng could help him.

'This sound is….'

The corner of Xiao Tian's lips twitched when he heard something unexpected when he was calling Zhao Sheng.

'Damn! He is really something!"

Xiao Tian cursed venomously in his heart.

"Yo, Xiao Tian. Why are you calling me?" Zhao Sheng inquired after picking up the phone.

"Ah…Ah…Ah…Ah…" the seductive moans of a woman echoed through Xiao Tian's smartphone.

"Damn it, Zhao Sheng!" Xiao Tian spoke angrily. "Are you having sex with your lover right now?"

"What are you talking about? I'm having a meeting right now." Zhao Sheng denied shamelessly.

"Ah…Ah…Ah…" the woman didn't try to hold back her moans as if she wanted Xiao Tian to know that she was having sex with Zhao Sheng.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
