Seeing the delegation swaying in favor of the proposal, Philippe Verninac sophisticatedly says, "I would not be opposed to the addition of such a designation," glancing around at the delegation, "and I am certain that the delegation feels the same," as many members of the delegation gestured their agreement.
Before anything further can be said by the delegation, the soft thumping of hooves can be heard. The Great Hall falls silent as a centaur with a bare swimmer's build strides forward. His white-blond hair is pulled back in an elegant French ponytail that is intertwined with brilliant-colored feathers of magical creatures.
The palomino horse half comes to a stop in front of the delegation revealing newly healed scars that can be seen on his haunch and body. The bone necklace hanging on the centaur's chest clacks together made from the claws and fangs of the most dangerous beasts hunted by the tribe including that of a dragon and the tooth of a giant.
The centaur's eyes are the color of the brightest and palest sapphires, yet despite his youth, they are solemn and mature; the eyes of someone who had encountered death and lived. The delegation respectfully remains silent and permits the centaur to speak.
"I am Firenze, Shaman of the Tribe of the Forbidden Forest," he introduced himself. "Like Odine," he nods his head somber acknowledgment, "the centaurs will also claim the designation of 'Magical They'."
There is a stirring of movement among the delegation. They glance at each other wide-eyed. Centaurs are incredibly proud and refused the original designation by the Wizard Council. In fact, since that day, the Centaurs had never participated in any meeting of the International Confederation of Wizardry.
"The tragic attack against Hogsmeade and our home showed us that we cannot fight alone, we require allies to continue to protect our existence," Firenze gently, but firmly declared.
"We would have fallen if not for the aid of others, the acromantula's, Hagrid, and his kin," Firenze paused in gratitude to respectfully nod his head at Hagrid, who flushed at the praise and quickly bowed his head back in respect.
"If I may approach the delegation, I have several items to present to the Council," Firenze politely said.
"You may approach the delegation," Idris Shafiq, speaker of the Delegation good-naturedly responded.
"Thank you," Firenze as he trotted to the nearest table, he halted at the edge. Hanging from his shoulder is a worn, but well-made leather pouch made from the hide of a dragon. Reaching inside he removes a rope of silky, gleaming strands and a sealed glass vial. Instantly, the delegation recognizes the silky threads as acromantula's silk and the sealed glass flask as acromantula venom. The third item though is a ruby red fruit which none of them had ever seen before.
"Our allies, the acromantula's are willing to trade their silk and venom for Ichor Fructus," Firenze calmly said. "The properties of the Ichor Fructus are compelling to those that subside on blood or flesh," he turned away and trotted back to the side of Nadira.
There is a loud suction of breath. The members of the delegation express disbelief and blatant interest. If the centaur's words prove true, many of the magical creatures that posed problems due to their hunger could be better satiated.
Firenze turns his gaze to Reginald Prince, who respectfully nods his head at the centaur shaman in acknowledgment, before moving forward to explain.
"As Shaman Firenze has said, the unique properties of the Ichor Fructus satiates the hunger of the hags for flesh and renders the hunger gone. The aggression of the trolls is greatly lowered, permitting them to be calm but not sedated, allowing them to communicate with others. The giant's immense hunger is appeased and grants them intelligence and tranquility. The vampire's thirst for blood is fully satiated without the need for human blood. These are only a few of the properties that have been discovered since the creation of the Ichor Fructus."
"How can we be sure your claims are true, Prince?" Chen Bao pointedly inquired.
"The patent for the Ichor Fructus has already been registered with the Minister of Magic under the names of Rowan Prince and Aldonius of the Forbidden Forest, the belated shaman of the Centaurs of the Forbidden Forest," Reginald answered with a pleased expression.
"This can be verified by Supreme Mugwump Dumbledore, who is overseeing their apprenticeship under his tutelage," Reginald slanted his head in the direction of Albus Dumbledore. "My granddaughter is specializing in the rare alchemy branch of Spagyrics."
The International Confederation of Wizardry gazes at their Supreme Mugwump with blatant questions in their gaze.
"The words Reginald Prince has declared are true. Rowan and Severus are apprenticed to me. Rowan has specialized in the alchemy branch of Spagyrics and has hereby presented her journeymen project," Albus Dumbledore answered with a twinkle in child-like blue gaze.
Bursts of whispers fill the Great Hall as the delegation discusses the implications of the Ichor Fructus. The delegation largely ignored the fact that Rowan Prince had completed her journeymen project at a mere 16 years old and would be a 6th-year student come September 01st.
Chen Bao flutters her fan in thought with a furrow across her brow. Her almond-shaped brown eyes gazed at the ruby-red fruit. With the growing muggle population in her home country, many magical creatures were crossing into muggle-controlled government areas. Many of the creatures were simply hungry or trying to feed their young, but if they could be better controlled. The safety of the wizardkind in her nation along with the protection of magical creatures could be ensured.
Chen Bao's fingers tightened around the wooden handle of her fan. Raising her head, her headpiece twinkled musically. Using her fan as a gavel, she strikes the table before her firmly to gain the attention of the delegation. The delegation falls silent as all eyes turn to her.
"I would be willing to entertain the offer presented before us, but the question is what is that the centaurs of the Forbidden Forest desire in exchange? A mere reclassification of the Centaurs does not seem to cover the price of what is being offered." Chen Bao pointedly gazed at Reginald Prince. "I would request the Centaur Shaman answer the question asked."
Reginald Prince merely arches his brow but does not move to speak.
Nadira's tail gently taps the back of Firenze's hoof in comfort and gestures for him to speak.
"As Odine has already said, our tribe desires to be recognized and have a voice along with those that have been voiceless for centuries, " Firenze coolly responded. "Thousands of years ago, our kind were enslaved by man and wizard alike to be used as beasts of burden and used as cannon fodder in times of war. We remember the tales of the suffering our ancestors at the hands of humans, both magical and muggle."
Some of the members of the delegation flinch at the accusation and other faces harden at the centaur's words. None of them liked to recall the grievous mistakes of those who came before them. It called into question the decisions and actions taken by their ancestors.
"Yet we are also not without blame," Firenze quietly said with evident sadness on his face. "When the Great Shamaness of our tribe led us to safety, we left behind our human fathers who had sired our kind, our human kin, our sisters, and brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents who were also slaves along with us. We did not take them with us, we abandoned them in the dark of the night."
"There are also among the tribe, those primarily young, who desire to see the world. We desire they be safe and protected when doing so and require the protection of the law to ensure their safety when among wizardkind," Firenze sincerely confessed.
The young centaur members of the tribe were full of curiosity after hearing the tales spoken by the witch, Sybill, the mate of Ronan. The youths of the tribe desired to explore new lands much to the aghast of their parents and elders. In the end after much debate, the parents and elders had reluctantly agreed to permit the young to explore Hogsmeade and nearby vicinities first. The youths had agreed to the conditions set by their parents and currently were working on a plan to gain wizard money.
Chen Bao taps the wooden table in front of her in thought as she purses her lips and furrows her brow. "I am honored that the Centaurs desire to be reclassified but is there any other proof or testimony that can be presented to confirm the suggested proposal."
Reginald steps forward motioning at Firenze to step back, who willingly complies while Nadira narrows her eyes pointedly at the elderly Chinese witch. How dare the witch question her chosen shaman! Her tongue flickers in the air in a threatening manner.
Chen Bao must have sensed the malice behind Nadira's gaze because the grip on her fan tightened dramatically causing her fist to become white. She forcibly forced herself to remain still. She did not show any sign of weakness at this moment lest the serpent or political opponents take the opportunity to strike.
I can't believe it's already December! Peppermint Hot Chocolate it is! Tis the Season!