
Black Family Tutelage Ⅱ

With a visible frown, Rowan hurries down the hall to catch up with Severus. She did not have time to address her concerns about Tiffany and Sirius at this time. She would have to put her worries out of sight and out of mind for now. There would soon enough be time to address them.

There is a suitable guest parlor at the end of the hall for their use, the 5 Black elders lead Rowan and Severus inside. The parlor itself is reminiscent of the Victorian era and decades past such as the Renaissance-styled chaise, or the velvet chair, a mixture of Rococo, Gothic, and Neo-Greek revival. There is the essential seven-piece match set in the parlor, an armchair, a lady's chair, a sofa, and four parlor chairs. The furniture itself symbolizes the social hierarchy within the family.

The eldest and most senior member of the Black Family, Pollux took a seat in the velvet armchair. Being the senior most female, Cassiopeia sat down next to her brother in the lady's chair, an elegant carved walnut-shaped framed back chair with cream upholstery (and which notably lacked arms an indication of the lady's stature). Arcturus sat down in one of the available parlor chairs followed by Marius and Dorea. Rowan and Severus took a seat on the shared chaise.

With all of them seated, Pollux raises his cane and thumps it once against the lavish carpeted floor to gain the room's attention. In a solemn voice, he says, "This is a most uncommon tutelage, but considering the circumstance exceptions have been made."

Pollux fell silent and gestured at Cassiopeia to speak. He leaned back against the velvet armchair to rest. He would need to converse his strength as much as possible, He half-closed his gray eyes to listen to his younger sister speak.

"As is custom, the two of you will mostly be tutored separately," Cassiopeia firmly stated. 

Severus looked taken back at the response, but Rowan was far from surprised. During the Victorian era, there were certain social expectations such as the separation of genders. Victorian masculinity could be rather diverse depending on social status, etc. The same applied to women but in the context of learning to reign over their domain, the home. This expectation was to an extent present in wizarding society but was especially prevalent in pureblood households. 

"Pollux will naturally teach Mr. Prince social hierarchy and introduce social connections that are taught to all family heirs," Cassiopeia calmly gestured to her elder brother. "As for you, Miss Prince, Dorea as your godmother will fulfill this same role."

Rowan politely nodded her head in the direction of her godmother, who flashed her a serene smile.

"Arcturus," Cassiopeia refrained from sneering at her cousin, "shall teach Mr. Prince customary societal behaviors such as hunting a Nogtail."

Rowan barely refrained from making a ghastly face. She knew that this was the ghastly equivalent of fox hunting. A nogtail is a demon that looks like a pig with freakishly long legs and pitch-black eyes. 

Glancing over at Severus, Rowan could see that Severus was not pleased at all by the announcement by the perk of his lips. Then again, he had taken Care of Magical Creatures all these years. He was bound to know what a nogtail was and well, she was pretty sure Severus was not into hunting animals for sport (or in this case any sort of magical creature).

"Marius will teach the two of you his worldly muggle knowledge and introduce you to his connection in the muggle world," Cassiopeia firmly said to the astonishment of Severus and Rowan, since it was almost absurd coming from a pureblood.

"With muquibs and squibs returning to society," Cassiopeia smoothly said, "it is imperative to be aware of muggle relations," causing Rowan and Severus to be full of respect and astonishment.

"Lastly, I will teach Miss Prince, the art of music," Cassiopeia elegantly gestured to herself. "I am more than proficient in several instruments such as the harpsichord and flute."

At the announcement, Rowan's face drastically pales. She was utterly inept when it came to playing music. She couldn't even properly play the recorder in primary school! 

"Pollux shall commence the tutelage for an hour followed by a lesson with Arcturus, then a break for lunch, and lastly followed by lesson with Marius for Mr. Prince," Cassiopeia gazed firmly at the young man sitting on the chaise, before gazing at the young woman seated at his side. "As for Ms. Prince following the same schedule, Dorea will commence lessons followed by a lesson with myself and will lastly with Marius. Are there any questions?"

"No, Madam," Rowan and Severus chorused in union.

"Excellent," Cassiopeia nodded her head and rose. "Mr. Prince please remain here for your lesson, and as for Ms. Prince if you would follow me."

Cassiopeia made sure to help her younger sister, Dorea Potter to her feet. Sadness flickers through her gray eyes as she stares at her younger sister, who looks so much older than herself. Cassiopeia knew that the loss of Charlus and their son had hit Dorea practically hard. For a time, she desperately feared that her younger sister would leave them, but Dorea had grimly held on, mostly for her sake. 

Tucking Dorea's wrinkled, spotted, blue-veined hand into the nook of her arm, Cassiopeia led Ms. Prince to a music room to be utilized for their lessons. Cassiopeia took a seat in the back of the music room while Dorea sat down at the front of the room with Ms. Prince seated directly across from her. The format was rather informal considering there is an elegant flower arrangement on the table.

 Seconds after a pretty house elf with Chanel-like cut hair, wide brown eyes, and dimples bowed prettily to them in her neat little French maid outfit. "Greetings Miss Dorea and Miss Prince," she said in a lovely voice causing Dorea to hide a smile at being called Miss again.

With a flourish of Finney's hands, a silver tray appears out of thin air. A silver-tier stand elegantly floats over along with silverware and fine china. The teacups elegantly land on the tea saucer without so much as a sound. The beautiful, patterned China pours them a steaming cup of Chia tea that has a touch of sweetness and cinnamon to it. 

"Please do not hesitate to call upon me," Finney curtsied before vanishing with an almost soft musical pop.

Rowan gazes at the silver 3-tier stand that has tiny scones with raspberry jam & clotted cream, some lemon drizzle tray back, and mini-Victoria sponge cakes. She was feeling a bit peckish, but she calmly waited for her tea to cool a bit and for the host to take the first morsel.

Dorea delicately picks out one of each before Rowan does the same. While waiting for their tea to cool a bit more, Dorea finally says, "Rowan," she called her godchild by her first name rather than by her surname. "I am certain there is in fact not much left to teach you considering your friendships with several pureblood houses and the introductions made at your presentation ball."

"I beg to differ, godmother," Rowan followed Dorea Potter's lead and spoke in a more informal manner. "There is still much to learn."

"Child, you are as much of a flatter as your aunt, Georgine," Dorea shook her head unable to hide a fond smile for her good friend, before cautiously taking a sip of her Chia tea. She nods her head in approval of the taste. The house elves had certainly improved their level of service yet again.

With the host having taken a bite first, Rowan followed her godmother's lead and began to eat. The two chatted for a time about Hogwarts, Georgine, and little Rodrigo, who was brought over to visit Dorea quite frequently by Georgine. Not to mention Dorea was quite charmed by little Rodrigo who liked to call Dorea, Auntie Dori.

It is the Year of the Dragon! Happy Lunar New Year! Two more chapters will go after this!

Note - Nogtail hunting is a real thing in HP. It is mentioned in brief passing that Tiberius took his nephew Cormac McLaggen and colleagues Bertie Higgs and Rufus Scrimgeour hunting for Nogtails in Norfolk.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts