
Reunion Ⅱ

The second and slenderer hooded figure removes their hood first. The three Aurors hold bated breaths with wands held tensely in their hands. The cowl falls back to reveal a young woman with long raven hair pulled back in a simple braid. Her midnight indigo-colored eyes are piercing from behind thin, elegant, round spectacles that grant her an air of insight and maturity beyond her years. She was far more handsome than feminine or beautiful, but she had grown into a lovely young woman with only a smidgeon of androgyny still left behind from her childhood.

"Moody," Rowan greeted the eldest among the Aurors. She turned towards the two brothers and nods her head at them also. "Gideon and Fabian," She paused her lips twitching barely upward. "It has been some time, no?"

A trace of melancholy appears on Alastor Moody's face, and he slowly lowers his wand. "Indeed, child, years even," he said glancing her over. "You've grown child," his eyes flickered pointedly over to the betrothal ring on her left hand.

"We all have," Rowan replied ignoring the lingering gaze on her left hand. She resisted the urge to tuck her hand into her robes, before turning to the large-nosed Prewett brother. "And belated congratulations on your marriage to Emmeline Vance, Fabian." And though she was sincere, she could not bring herself to lie and wish Fabian a long and happy marriage. There was no guarantee that would indeed be the case.

"Thank you, child," Fabian murmured still having not lowered his wand, unlike Moody. "And who might be accompanying you this evening, far-seer?"

"Capricorn, of course," Rowan replied gesturing at the tall, hooded figure to remove the cowl of their hood. "I would not trust anyone else to company me."

The three Auror's all hold a bated breath in expectance of the grand reveal. The eyes of all three Aurors widen in dramatic shock in recognition of a familiar member of the Order of the Phoenix. It is a grey-haired wizard with wiry hair and a beard that is neatly kept trimmed. A pair of clean spectacles hang on his long nose, while piercing, brilliant blue eyes intently gaze through them, Aberforth Dumbledore.

"By Merlin's pants!" Alastor swore, before letting out a loud guffaw. "Of course, you, would be Capricorn."

The two Prewett brothers are equally befuddled unable to believe the identity of Capricorn. Their hands falter and lower their wands of their own accord. Gideon runs a hand through his red locks in disbelief, while Fabian rubs his face in shock.

"No, wonder, you were kept abreast of everything, child," Alastor revealed a crooked grin. "Plot within plots, aye."

"Not necessarily," Rowan interjected peeking up at Aberforth. "The brighter the light, the longer the shadow." She paused to glance back at Moody. "And Albus Dumbledore is a blinding light."

"A clever ploy, I would say," Alastor approvingly said rubbing his chin thoughtfully with one hand. "I don't suppose, you will tell us the identity of our Crow, will you?"

Before Rowan can speak, she feels the firm hand of Aberforth on her shoulder warning her to keep silent. "Although sufficiently proficient in the art of Occlumency, Moody, neither you nor the Prewett brothers are expert Occlumens, and nor would I entrust that knowledge to any of you even if you were."

"We are trained Auror's," Gideon hmphed, "A-." He paused to quickly correct himself, "Capricorn, do give us some credit."

"It is not a matter of whether you are a trained Auror," Aberforth coolly explained. "It is whether you are capable of keeping a legilimens of my brother's caliber out of your mind and furthermore prevent him from tearing the knowledge right of your head."

Gideon flinched at the intensity of Aberforth's gaze being the first to look away. Alastor grimaces and Fabian folds his arms over his chest. As much as the two Prewett brothers wanted to protest, they knew that Aberforth spoke the truth. They were not talented enough nor confident to boast that they possessed such occulumency skills.

Seeing the rigid situation, Rowan firmly interjects, "It is late, and I still must return to Hogwarts. I do not wish to traipse through Hogsmeade much later than it already is. To the point, gentlemen, I do not know when and if we will have another opportunity to meet."

Alastor briskly nods and his face grows stern. "As you know we've lost Percius, but I've been promoted along with my partner, Rufus Scrimgeour. Thanks to my partner's quick thinking the night of the attack, the Ministry of Magic is in alliance with the goblins, hags, and trolls against the giants. At first, there were some grumblings, but with the efficiency of the combined forces along with the A.P.D. the implemented change has been accepted."

Seeing that Moody is finished speaking, Fabian says, "After the official revelation of the identity of Tom Marvolo Riddle and his alternate identity, countless other neutral pureblood families have completely cut off ties with the Dark Lord. Many have set harsher stricter restrictions, especially the main family on branch families with the threat of even magical disinheritance. Even those sharing likeminded views with Riddle will not risk the wrath of their families to join his forces except those that truly hunger for power or enjoy cruel perversions."

"Sanderson is no longer active, and the underworld no longer exists," Gideon interrupted his brother. "That is at least one less matter to worry about."

Rowan refrains from letting out a snort. Based on everything that she knew about Sanderson, the former Potentate of London would not change his spots so easily. No, he would more likely pose as a legitimate businessman, an intermediary offering select services to clients.

Although Sanderson's promise would be upheld and its own manner that is sufficient for their needs. But from what she knew from her conversation with Aunt Georgine, Sanderson owed the Prince's a great debt. Sanderson would likely be closer to akin to an ally than an enemy. And as long Sanderson did not side with Riddle then they would have one less unseen dagger pointed at their back.

Aberforth frowns thoughtfully and gruffly says, "I will beg to differ on the subject of Sanderson. Regardless of our differences in opinion, I have news to deliver from Crow." They all grow quiet and intently lean forward to listen as to not miss a single word. "Riddle begins to plan his next raid, but random skirmishes are planned by the giants as decoy attacks."

"The bastard," Gideon indignantly gritted his teeth in anger imaging the violence and terrible deaths that would ensue from the giant attacks.

"Reign in your emotions, Auror Prewett, they are most unbecoming," Aberforth chided with a harsh frown causing Gideon to flush in sheer mortification. "And though the giant skirmishes are very much concerning that is not what is most troublesome aspect. It is infinitely far more troubling the Dark Lord has set Death Eaters to gain the favor of the vampires and various other parties."

"To forge another alliance?!" Fabian blurted out in shock, before furrowing his brow. "But I thought that the vampires had refused his initial alliance due to the werewolves."

"There are no more werewolves," Aberforth flatly said. "And the vampire coven will use the past to their advantage to gain the best possible conditions for themselves."

"Ambrogio Sangria is the Pontifex Maximus of the vampire coven," Alastor said through narrowed eyes. "An old fox or so I've heard. He portrays himself as an old man, but he's a nimbly opponent difficult to pin down."

"The question then is not if they will side with the Death Eater's," Aberforth slowly said, "but rather what Riddle can possibly offer them to intervene in the war. He won't have an easy time of wooing them to his side and nor will Ambrogio Sangria make it easy for Riddle according to Crow."

Plots within plots.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts