
Shredded Scarf

During their conversation, Rowan abruptly stiffened causing Lily to quickly notice. Lily's emerald eyes alertly study the area only to spot the approaching figure of Vasco Vespucci. A fair, dark-eyed Gryffindor from their year, who is rather popular for being handsome.

Lily alertly nudges Mary, who glances up and sees the approaching boy. In turn, Mary nudges Willa, who glares at Mary only to get the hint. Willa glances up and pointedly stares at Silvia and Bethanie, who whirl about to see the approaching betrothed of Tiffany. Seeing the actions of Silvia and Bethanie and the gazes of their friends in Gryffindor, Tiffany's heart sinks into her chest.

With a sickly feeling, Tiffany pretends to be fine. "Is Professor Slughorn behind me?!"

Rowan slowly shakes her head as Tiffany reluctantly turns around. A cheerful smile appears on Tiffany's face to greet her betrothed. Yet Rowan notices the way Tiffany's hands curl under the table.

The handsome Vasco Vespucci clears his throat and confidently says, "Miss Topsy, would you do me the honor of accompanying me this evening?"

Knowing that she can't refuse the invitation, Tiffany graciously answers, "Of course."

Vasco elegantly bows and matter-of-factly says, "Then I will await your presence at the entrance of the Great Hall." With a quick nod to them, he confidently strides back to sit with his friends as the entire Gryffindor table erupts into whispers.

"What was that all about?" Mary arched her brow in confusion. "I thought Vespucci was after the gorgeous Ravenclaw beauty a year older than us. You all know who I am talking about, the younger sister of the 6th-year Gryffindor, Zaid Patil!"

"Asha Patil," Willa whispered the name of the 4th year girl being openly pursued by Vasco Vespucci.

All the girls' eyes widened, knowing exactly whom Willa was referring to. Only a year older than them, Asha Patil, was an exotic beauty. Long silky black hair in a plait, sun-kissed skin, full lips, and honey-chocolate eyes that could melt the very soul. More than one boy had fallen for her charms, but to make matters worse, she was a beauty with brains. Top of her class, a powerful witch, and to mention Asha was the Ravenclaws seeker to boot.

Tiffany bites her lips as if to keep herself from crying before jumping to her feet and rushing out at her worst fears being realized. Silvia rushes after her as whispers burst no doubt fueling a new rumor about the two girls being more than just friends. Bethanie apologetically glances at them and says, "Sorry," before rushing out of the Great Hall.

"Was it something I said?" Willa asked in bewilderment. "I didn't mean to imply that Vasco doesn't like her now. That's just what everything thought!"

"I know," Rowan sighed as she got to her feet. It wasn't common knowledge to all that Tiffany and Vasco Vespucci are betrothed. Not even most Slytherins knew of it yet.

Rowan lied and covered for Tiffany. "Don't worry about it. Tiffany is just feeling a bit sensitive today, that's all." Lily's emerald eyes narrowed in suspicion, but she hurriedly smoothes Willa with the aid of Mary.

Undisturbed Rowan makes her way to the entrance of the common room and says, "Foxglove." The wall swings open as she steps into the empty common room. Making her way to the girls' dorms, she suddenly hears stomping coming down the stairs and pauses at the foot of them.

"You!" Jezebel hissed as she barred her teeth at Rowan. Looking more like a gorgon right now than the sexy beauty she normally was.

"Keep your personal belongings to yourself!" Jezebel shrieked!

"What?" Rowan arched her brow in confusion as Jezebel reached into her bag and tossed a handful of scraps of blue wool at her.

"Just stay away and mind your own place!" Jezebel snapped, before leaving a rather bewildered Rowan staring at the raving older girl.

"Studying for the N.E.W.Ts must have finally made her snap," Rowan muttered as she brushed off the shredded wool scarf remnants and went up the stairs. Stepping inside the dorm, she found Tiffany noisily sniffing as Bethanie held her in her arms as Silvia angrily paced in the dorm.

"Tiffany," Rowan said, "I finished speaking with Willa and she said it was mere rumors. I mean look at me, I'm supposed to have already gone through several paramours! And all of you know that is not true whatsoever."

Glancing up with slightly red eyes, Tiffany sniffs and says, "I know, but it still hurts." Grabbing a hankie from Bethanie's open hand, she loudly blows and wipes her nose clean.

"We both know that he is only acting this way because it's true," Tiffany sighed. "His family must have heard of his romantic interest in Asha Patil. And who wouldn't? She's gorgeous and smart."

Sniffing again, Tiffany pauses to wipe her nose. "But we all know that I'm none of those things. All I've got is a pureblood name that their family really wants. I know that's why they must have written to their son to warn him and let him know about our future betrothal. Vasco has always been distant but polite in class seeing me as nothing more than another classmate."

"Vasco Vespucci could have easily been nervous," Bethanie consoled Tiffany. "It is not that uncommon."

Silvia snorts and mutters, "Bastard," as Bethanie flashes her a warning look.

"You don't have to try to console me, Bethanie," Tiffany sighed as she stopped crying looking rather forlorn with puffy pink eyes.

"I knew that this was to be my fate. But still, I would have liked it if he'd approached me of his own accord. At least, he's cute right?" Tiffany whispered with a heart-breaking watery smile.

"Yes, he most assuredly is," Bethanie sadly whispered in understanding as she gave Tiffany, a great big hug.

Ever the realist, Rowan breaks the mood. "We have class in a bit. I would wash my face if I were you. And don't you have Care of Magical Creatures with Vasco Vespucci next?"

"For Merlin's sake!" Tiffany shouted before rushing out of bed and hurrying to wash her face.

"Well, that got out of her bed quickly," Silvia grimaced as she slid her fingers through her hair. "I know this is rather common in our world, but still, it hurts to see a friend be in pain."

"We can't do anything, but be there for her," Bethanie lamented. "We all know that."

"I know, but still," Silvia sighed in frustration.

Seeing them so forlorn, Rowan quickly changes the subject. "You'll never believe what happened to me as I was coming up the stairs?"

"What?" Tiffany asked as she came back into the dorm room drying her face with a washing towel.

"Jezebel finally snapped and tossed scarf pieces at me," Rowan explained.

"That is rather bizarre," Silvia murmured as she flopped onto her bed.

Bethanie shrugs and kindly suggests, "Maybe, it's that time of the month?" All the girls make faces at the comment and shudder.

"Well, if it is, I don't envy her," Silvia grunted as Tiffany hurried over to her wardrobe to brush her hair and try to conceal the puffiness on her face.

They all chattered for a bit before each of them hurried out and began their long trek to reach their classes. Surprisingly, today's lesson in Ancient Runes was on the topic of Love Magic.

Most of their faces went red as the petite, Professor Bathshelda Babbling said, "Some of our most ancient runes deal with the topic of romance. As today is that day, we shall delve into the topic."

Turning towards the board, Professor Babbling adjusts her crooked hat as her dark blue robes sweep around her. "Now then, I shall draw some runes on the board. However, each of you should have taken a colored string at the start of the class. Is anyone missing one?" Professor Babbling asked as her blue and green eyes scanned the entire classroom.

Rowan glances down at her string which is dark blue almost midnight to be exact. "Now, the color of string chosen is the subconscious color your heart views love," Professor Babbling explained.

Rowan furrowed her brow in reply. Well, that certainly explained a lot. Romance never seemed to be of much worth to her nor pain-free. But love always seemed to be far too dark, deep, and true, when felt. Why merely looking at her own past or that of her own actions of sisterly love more than proved that.

Professor Babblings' coffee-colored coiled hair disappeared from view as she turned to face the class. Wrinkly her slightly, crooked pale nose, she said, "Please clear your mind and think of a rune, and then say, Amans."

"The string will form the intended form of thy desired lover represented in the form of a rune. You will all write an essay on the explanation of your rune and its own correlation with the ancient views on the romantic symbolism of that particular rune. As for the rune in string form, they've been enchanted to maintain their shape and all of you may take them back with you," Professor Babbling pointedly reminded them to clean up after themselves.

Even Quyen Crowley and Hortense Sicca perked up at the in-class assignment as they all eagerly studied some of the runes on the board, before closing their eyes to meditate. Rowan knew for a fact that Hortense Sicca was interested in Gregory Goyle and would likely be the mother of the yet-unborn Gil Goyle. Though Gerturde Fowl wasn't in their class, Rowan was just as sure Gertrude would be the wife of Vern Crabbe and mother of the yet-unborn Crabbe.

As for Queyen Crowley, Rowan honestly didn't have a clue. She didn't know if to pity Quyen Crowley's future husband or not. Then again, maybe, it should be Quyen Crowley she should be pitying.

Happy Valentine's day! For those with a partner, spend some quality time together whether on a date at home or elsewhere. And those without a romantic partner, enjoy yourself! Go on a date with yourself, or treat yourself. I like to buy my favorite takeout to enjoy eating while I watch a movie or tv show. I tend to binge on thrillers like Dexter or Hannibal, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

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