

All through the night, Rowan tossed and turned unable to sleep. Vividly in her mind, she recalled every last detail of the unexpected gathering in the Slytherin common room. All of the occupants in the group were primarily pureblood fourth years and up. Some were suitable candidates to be indoctrinated, but others would make powerful allies. Those were the skeptics, who Lucius Malfoy is attempting to convince.

The influence of the Death Eaters is not exasperated yet, but they had the potential to be that much more. By the time, Severus graduated in his 7th year, the Slytherins were all but guaranteed to take the Dark Mark directly after graduation. Regulus Black certainly had and had died in that same breath.

Yet none of those present had met Tom Marvolo Riddle. The only ones that had seemed to be Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black. Lucius Malfoy because of his father's influence and wealth, Abraxas Malfoy. And Narcissa Black because of the influence of her older sister, Bellatrix.

Still, even then Lucius Malfoy should have not become a Death Eater. He would have certainly supported the cause, but why would he risk-taking the Dark Mark? Lucius was many things including arrogant beyond belief, but he was quite methodical in thinking and knew exactly when to save his own skin.

Based on his character, Lucius Malfoy wouldn't accept such a dangerous venture without an absolute certainty of victory. However, life is full of surprises, perchance, in a brash youthful decision, Lucius Malfoy had willingly taken the mark. A decision that would bind him for dozens of years to come.

The transpired events of the prior evening served to confirm some of her theories. A subtle system of indoctrination could easily work if there was a follower of Riddle at Hogwarts. An older student could gently guide younger year students as the purist philosophy is passed down to each passing generation. In this manner, Riddle would always have a supply of followers.

Yet there is one single issue with that theory. Tom Marvolo Riddle disappeared for more than 10 years after he departed from Borgin & Burke. Riddle does not return until 1967 when he applies for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. By the time Bellatrix Black attended Hogwarts, all of Riddle's companions would have graduated. Riddle's influence should not have extended to the younger pureblood generations.

Most certainly there would be bigotry that Riddle could utilize to his advantage such as the perceived belief of the superiority of purebloods over the muggleborns. No, this served to prove that there must have been the second introduction of Riddle to the younger pureblood generations such as Bellatrix Black. Someone trusted and known to them.

The blame for the introduction of Bellatrix Black and Tom Riddle lies with Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix's husband. No doubt, Rodolphus Lestrange would have introduced Bellatrix, while Rodolphus Lestrange himself would have been introduced by his father. Lestrange Sr. would have been an original member of Tom Riddle's original group at Hogwarts, the Knights of Walpurgis.

Rowan pensively taps her finger on her chin recalling the first followers or if you would the first Death Eaters of Voldemort, the Knights of Walpurgis: Antonin Dolohov, Nott Sr., Rosier Sr., Mulciber Sr., Avery Sr., and Lestrange Sr. No matter, how she looked at it, she felt that these six were the key. But there was no way of contacting them nor much less speaking to them without being caught.

A sense of urgency slithers down Rowan's body. There had been a brief mention of an attack on Hallows Eve. The attack did not say where, but perchance there had been one. From a logical standpoint, the Ministry of Magic would be the focus of the attack. There is no mention of an attack against the Ministry of Magic in 1971, but then again if the attack had failed there would be no further mention. Of course, it could also be the effect of a single flutter of butterfly wings.

With just one single step, Rowan is creating vast ripples in the stream of time. She had the sick certainty; it was a direct consequence of confiding in Alastor Moody. Without a doubt, Auror Moody is the catalyst causing events to rapidly change. And what has been done cannot be undone.

Even if Rowan wanted to, she could not afford to do so. Unlike Potter, she did not have the entire Order of the Phoenix to aid and protect her. All had was one rather paranoid Auror. Talk about a ridiculous handicap on the court.

With a resolute expression, Rowan sits up in bed only pausing to ensure her three roommates are sound asleep. Closing her eyes, Rowan sits in a meditative pose with her hands resting on her crossed knees. Unlike the countless times before, she did not trace the pathways within her body. She forcefully begins to prod the slumbering power contained within awake. She pushes magic through her body pathways causing them to bulge to the brim.

A drop of sweat can be dripping down Rowan's forehead. She grinds her teeth together at the internal burning sensation. The pathways begin to fray on the edges as the slumbering power is ruthlessly prodded. Intense pain is felt all through her body as if her bones are slowly being crushed from the inside out. The pressure only increases threatening to explode and causing her to dig her nails into her palms hard enough to break the skin.

A pained hiss escapes from Rowan's clenched mouth. The pent-up energy builds and builds until causing her body to sake. Abruptly, the intense pressure lifts and dissipates. Deep in the recesses of her body, a steady stream of magic flows from her core and into her pathways. She had finally succeeded.

Rowan's tired midnight, indigo-colored eyes flip open still covered with a light sheen of moisture from the agonizing pain. Her limbs shake as she raises her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead. Taking a deep breath, she teleports off her bed to the side of her bed.

With a thud, Rowan lands on the floor still sitting cross-legged. She suppresses a whimper, before teleporting herself back onto the bed. The two trips had utterly exhausted her falling limply back onto the bed. Her body felt limp and heavy as though she had run a mile.

Even such a small jump completely exhausted her, but Rowan knew she would soon be able to teleport in a mile radius. However, not without cost. Still, it was an option she did not possess before.

Rowan is unable to suppress a pained grunt curling up on her side. The pathways inside of her felt sensitive and burned. The tiny streams of magic flowing through hurt rubbed raw the vulnerable pathways. Yet, her pathways would adapt and would be able to handle her magic.

Based on her current levels of magic, Rowan wasn't sure if she would be able to one day fully recover the power she once possessed as a magician. The single magician's ability that she had possessed permitted her to teleport anywhere in the world. However, that had been after years of training and practice. Then again unlike a wizard apparating, her ability is not limited by wards. But there is always a catch, she was restricted in how many jumps she could do.

Considering the current state of her body and magic, she would guess between one or two jumps and maybe even three in case of an emergency. Despite the return of her power, Rowan did not dare to exceed her power. There were magicians who had overused their power and burnt out their core. It was simply not worth the risk.

Sore and exhausted, Rowan's eyelids felt heavy and closed on their own. Morning would come soon enough. And more importantly, she still had classes to attend.

Once again, I would like to remind everyone. Our protagonist won't be overpowered, but rather within reason.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts