
The river

Feifei hesitated for a while.

"Uh, is it going to be okay? I mean, I don't know her, will things become awkward if I'm around?"

Shao Yan smiled at her and patted her hand, "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I actually just met her this morning," she tilted her head as she thought for a while, "so you can say that both of us are also her new friends."

Both women walked down the staircase slowly, with Feifei's hand still linked around Shao Yan's arm.

"Hm, alright then, I shall accept your offer, best friend," Feifei grinned, "besides, it has been a while for me to eat some Spanish food."

And then she raised her other hand and cupped into the fist, before she pumped them up to the ceiling, "Let's go!"

Shao Yan laughed at her energetic self, and then they giggled together as they walked to the parking lot.

They each got into their own car, and Shao Yan quickly forwarded the address to Feifei.
