
Chapter Twenty Nine: Unexpected Defeat

Dr. Warren was a very meticulous man. He often calculated the possibility of creating a new world of super-powered individuals, it had been a blessing to be run out of Empire university for his ideals. However much he hated them for their shortsightedness if he hadn't been fired and all his research confiscated… He wouldn't have ever met the Brotherhood of mutants. Not that he felt he owed them for finding him, in fact, they owed him.

They were a lost cause. If he hadn't stepped in the 'war' Magneto said that was coming between the humans and mutants would ultimately end in their defeat. But he didn't really care about the 'cause' either. All he cared about was perfecting his craft, and his work here had improved it quite substantially.

He was working on a particular project outside the expectations of the 'Brotherhood'. Because he had one enemy that he wanted to destroy… She was such a beautiful girl… "My Gwen didn't deserve what happened to her, and it all happened because she was involved with that despicable man… Peter Parker!"

It was wrong he knew it… but the moment Gwen Stacey stepped into his classroom at Empire University he had been in love. She was such a small girl with the intelligence that rivaled his own. The only problem was she was in her teens. But he would wait. She was too much of a genius to be involved with boys, so he bided his time and taught her diligently. She was just barely sixteen years old, but it wasn't about her physical appearance it was about her mind; she was his intellectual equal!

It all changed the day when she met that boy! His meager intelligence was never going to be a match as his own. Doing a base comparison of a one to ten… Peter Parker is a four, while Gwen's an eight and his own was a nine. How could Peter Parker compare! But if you added in Peter's superhuman abilities… He understood why a young girl would fall for such a character. He believed it a phase she would eventually grow out of soon enough… But then she died at the hands of a boy wanting to hurt spider-man.

He was driven insane for a little while; it was then he had been driven out of his place in society… it was then he decided to get his revenge on this pest! His first two experiments seemed to be a complete failure, but he had hope for this one… Warren smiled, this will be his end. Along with everyone he ever loved and cared for!


MJ had quickly pulled to the side of the road and pulled out Peter's back up uniform. Fitting into his costume was a little tight around the butt section and she couldn't help wondering if her bottom was unusually large or was Peter's too small. Definitely, hers was a little too big because she had seen Peter's ass and it was a very firm shape. Now the only thing left to do is to get on top of the building without being seen.

Circling the building she managed to find the fire escape, lucky for her the latter was lowered to the ground so it wouldn't be too hard to make her way to the roof. The building seemed to be an office of some kind, at least there wouldn't be any civilians getting in the way… Other than herself.

Finally reaching the rooftop she swore to herself that she would start a Zumba class first thing Monday! There was no reason that the trek up seven floors should have winded her to this point. She wasn't sure how much help she could manage after that climb, but she didn't plan on interfering unless she knew she would be needed. She crouched on the fire escape unseen by the four people fighting above.


Jean noticed the presence of another person on the roof, but she dismissed them due to not feeling any malicious intent. Probably just a person that noticed the fight or maybe a reporter, although that might be an issue for her… They would just have to deal with it after defeating Kaine.

The battle had gone on for a couple of hours and their energy was beginning to become low, while Kaine's didn't seem to wane at all. Even Ben's stronger webbing had only delayed Kaine for a few moments and she was starting to become fearful that if the fight persists one of the Spider's would slip up. Yet the more someone fears such a thing happening the more it was likely to happen.

Kaine had noticed for a while now, anytime he was going to deliver a decisive blow to one of his two enemies the redhead would block him with a psychic attack. They were nothing more than nuances, but they were effective in giving these bugs a chance to escape. After delivering a kick that sent both spiders rolling to the edge of the roof Kaine shot a web a Jean, with a great tug she landed firmly into his grasp.

Ben was disoriented the last kick had made him see stars, he didn't know how long he stayed on the ground but getting back up from that blow was harder. When his eyes focused, he was in complete shock… Kaine had Jean held in his arms although she was struggling Jean was completely outmatched by the massive figure.

"Ok, you need to let her go… Whatever you need from me you can take it. Just let her go…" Ben's voice sounding more serious than he had all night.

"You are the one that brought her into this… Not me… There is a reason that Spiders are not pack animals… some even eat their companions…"

Ripping off his mask and showing his face along with his bleach blonde hair, his brown eyes looking at the deformed man standing in front of him, "If you are anything like me, you have retained the memories of our 'Original'… So, you know how it is to have something precious ripped away from you. Don't do it again…" Ben pleaded.

Kaine paused looking at the man in front of him, he didn't really understand the guy that didn't want to take the life he remembered from Peter. He knew he was slowly losing his mind, but he needed these two to fix that about him. This little girl was in the way… But what he said about 'something precious' being ripped away from him made him loosen the hold he had on the redhead.

Suddenly a web-line from a corner of the roof unguarded by Kaine shot out grabbing the redhead from his grasp. Kaine was enraged because when the girl was snatched away from him his mask happened to fall away revealing his scarred appearance. He was going to mark the person that revealed his face with the same scar!

Jumping to the edge of the building in one giant leap he found two redheads crumbled on the fire escape. He sent power into his hand ready to place the 'Mark of Kaine' on one of them… Then he paused hand still in midair. It was the one person he never expected to see here… and she had seen his face!


Kaine leaped away from the building disappearing into the night.

It had all happened so fast MJ, Jean, and the two spiders were stunned.

"What just happened?" Peter said groggily from where he had been knocked earlier. It wasn't his fault that he didn't get back up immediately he was still suffering from the tranquilizer gas from earlier today.

When he spotted MJ donning a pair of spandex similar to his spider suit but hugging all the right places. He was sure that he was dreaming… after a few moments of everyone just staring at each other. Peter snapped out of it and ran to MJ.

"What are you doing here?!" Peter demanded.

"Obviously saving our ass…" Jean said sounding worn out.

Peter glared at her but said nothing to her and held MJ in his arms, he didn't know what he would do if he had lost her today. It still was boggling his mind she even showed up today.

"I'm sorry p…Spider-man" MJ said sounding like a child being scolded.

"Peter ease up, it was dangerous, but we need to retreat for now," Ben said sounding just as tired as Jean. Walking over to Jean still on the floor he reached out a hand to her. She had hurt her ankle either when Kaine had grabbed her or when MJ saved her.

"Ok well, I guess let's return to the Mansion and…" Jean started to say.

"Wait mansion… you stay at a mansion?" Peter said sounding jealous.

With a smile, Ben nodded, "Come with us Dr. McCoy would want to give us some first aid."

"No, we better get…" Peter started to say but was stopped by MJ's stare.

"Okay, but if anybody hands me a red shirt, I'm outta here!" Peter then said sounding subdued. "Star Trek references aside, I'll have some questions."

"I don't really have all the answers, but I can at least fill you in on some things," Ben said sounding way chipper than he actually felt.

As they got into MJ's Honda Accord Peter remembered a question, he hadn't asked yet. "By the way… What're your names? I know it sounds a little late since we all fought together for a few hours, but I feel if we don't get it out of the way now then it will be much more awkward later."

Smiling Jean decided to answer, "Well I am Jean Grey, and this…" She looked at Ben to get the permission he nodded at her in response. "Is Ben Reilly."
