

"It was Wan Wan's who caused the data leak? Is that what they're saying?" Xiu Mei repeatedly read the brief report on her hands. She was staying in the study while waiting for Lu Qiang to finish up before going to bed. 

"No. She didn't cause the data leak, but she was aware that it happened and sold it to him." Lu Chen clarified.

"Then she had to have a mole. But after that data hack incident and the issue with one of our directors, Lu Shao already cleaned up the moles from the inside. Was it one of the people that we removed?" 

Xiu Mei fell silent as she felt frustrated. 

Damn it. Why did her kidnapping accident have to coincide when they're… wait. 

That's also strange. 

She got into an accident while they were in the midst of their investigation with the cleanup process in mind. Since she was the corporate secretary, it was no brainer for all the employees there to know that she was spearheading that investigation. 
