
World Stone

編集者: Exodus Tales

Naga was the only special spirit guardian knight. It did not have armor. Even though one of the spirit guardian knight armor had been demolished in the battle, Abel still had some spare ones in his portal bracelet.

But, he just did not have any armor with 6 armholes. He had to make one special for Naga.

Abel preserved all the spirit guardian knights. They had just been summoned, but they all inherited Abel's self-defense and knight skills. Still, they were not as experienced in battle as his old ones, so it would take some time.

The only thing that was in Abel's mind was what special ability Naga had. Those 4 extra arms on it's back was not just for show, right?

Naga sensed Abel's thoughts, so it began to gather up a green glowing ball with the 4 arms behind it. Afterward, the ball dashed forward, and a green smog of poison gas erupted.
