

**back at the Akihiko/Ackerman-Mia mansion**

"Are you out of your mind!? Do you have any idea what you plan to do is dangerous!???"

"Tsk, speak for yourself! Upcoming missions you have are as dangerous!"

"Well, at least I would be able to come back home. The one you want to do doesn't guarantee that!"

"No it doesn't. But I could."

"Oh is that so?"

"Yes, that is so!"

"Well, I would like to see that happen."

"Fine! I'll get going."

The next thing Creed, Pakura, Ashley, and Samuel where able to hear was the sound of the front door closing.

"Looks like the couple is having struggles now." Creed said, breaking the silence.

"Yup." Pakura replied as Sasuko came to the living room and sits angrily next to Ashley.

"Why are you mad?" Ashley asked her.

"I.. don't know anymore.."

"Then relax. The twins can feel how you are, it isn't good for them."

".... Right..."

"I know Andrew can be hard to deal with sometimes, but get go with it. There is no need to argue or anything like that. You still need to learn him."


"Speaking of the twins! How are they?"

"They are fine, they just fell asleep."

"That's good. How about we have some tea, hm?"


**meanwhile at another dimension**

"KYAA!!! They are too cute!!" Asuna exclaimed as she patted Ray's and Jay's heads - the daughters of Nala and Aku.

"Yea, I know. Same goes for your twins." Nala said as she gave Haku and Zaku a warm smile.

"I know! Yonsu and I have good genes!" Asuna said with a sassy smile.


Yonsu and Aku suddenly hugs their beloved wives from behind. In the end, these two couples were of opposite race. Asuna and Yonsu had male opposite race twins who were to be Axel's Akuma and Tenshi. Nala and Aku had female opposite race twins who were to be Sakura's Akuma and Tenshi.

Haku was a blue headed Tenshi with sky blue eye color. Zaku was a red headed Akuma with blood red eye color. Ray was a purple headed Tenshi with purple eye color. Jay was a black headed Akuma with bright pink eye color.

The four infants were sitting together in a circle, staring at their parents with big, cute curious eyes.

"You know, Asuna does have a point." Yonsu said.

"Suuure she does." Aku replied while Nala giggled.

Asuna turns around and hugs Yonsu, placing a small and gently kiss on his cheek. Looking at their kids, both couples agreed that they both have very good genes.
