
Chapter 21 Purifier 100 Chains Release

The Next Day

"It's decided." I muttered as I stood in front of the living quarters. 02 hadn't spoken to them since he had announced the beginning of the elimination round. Now it was the day after and everyone else was staying in their rooms as they hid from each other.

But I had made a plan. I began to walk straight from the living quarters as I ventured into the forest around the fields. 'I'll train my weapon in the forest and train my body in my room where I can do some exercises along with the boost from my room. But I cant train this weapon in my comparatively small room.' I thought as I ventured out of the fields and into the forest.

Soon I arrived in a small patch of grass within the forest. 'I guess I'll train here.' I thought as I opened up the training manual.

Purifier 100 Chains Release

This manual goes with the legendary weapon Purifier. Purifier was used as a weapon of destruction by the Stage 6 lifeform Stor who used it to destroy planets. This is a simpler version which he submitted of a manual he had obtained to be given to who ever would posses Purifier after his death.

The 100 Chains Release is as it sounds. The user must release a hundred seals from Purifier using their own blood. Every seal that is released will create a phantom image of Purifier in the direction which the user is hitting. This phantom image will be invisible to all but the user, but it will still have a solid form capable of destroying objects.

It isn't as simple as bleeding onto Purifier though the user must use and grow close to the weapon as they form a bond.

These set of moves will help you to increase your bond with Purifier...

'Man interesting but at the same time,how much blood do I have to give it? I better not die bye bleeding out because of this.' I thought as I finished reading the manual. 'So I guess I should do the movements, right?' I thought again as I brought Purifier out and began to swing it.

Soon one could see me swinging Purifier overhead as I changed it's direction to swing in a circle under my right arm and over my left shoulder and then the opposite. Bit by bit the speed at which I rotated Purifier sped up till.

"DNNN!" Purifier crashed into my head. "F*ck!" I shouted as I rubbed my head. Although Purifier felt much light than it would to anyone else it still hurt when it hit into my head.

After my head stopped ringing and it felt better I did the movements again but this time I did it slower and steadier. While I was doing this I also went over what I had learnt.

'During the weapon testing 3 situations occured which reflect what I could improve on. The first test I was too careless I must never be careless and always be careful of the opponent. The second test showed me that I should anticipate the opponents movements and not go in blindly. The third test was different though as I learnt that to face stronger opponents technique and planning must be involved. If I learn this it can save me a lot of trouble later.' I thought as I unconsciously swung my weapon.

Once I had done this for a few hours I stopped and said "I guess now comes the painful part." As I said this I went to a tree and grabbed a stick. Immediately I cut my wrist slightly with it as blood came out.

"Jeez that hurts." I moaned in pain as I put the stick down and held my wrist over Purifier. The reason my skin had broken so easily was because my strength was currently high than my endurance otherwise it would have taken me a lot more force to make myself bleed.

Luckily I hadn't hit anything major as the blood came out slowly. An hour later I felt a bit faint as I was about to stop when Purifier had a weird reaction. As it was when I first dropped my blood onto it, it began to glow bright red, redder and redder till it looked like it would burst. But then the light calmed down as it went back to normal.

Immediately after seeing this I cut off a bit of my shirt and wrapped it tightly around the wound. "So let's try out the fruits of my labour." I said tiredly as I grabbed Purifer with my uninjured hand and swung it.

As if foretelling the future as I swung it a phantom image of Purifier appeared a bit in front of it's trajectory. Althought it was a phantom image though it glowed in weird colours as it shot through the air.

Soon after I decided to hit it into a tree as the phantom image cut through the tree before the original Purifier could even make contact.

"Well I guess that was worth it." I said as I decided to head back and eat.
