
I Did You A Favor

Gray felt like he had been caught in his underwear. Completely exposed. He didn't even use his real voice around Aaron but had done it in front of his daughter without thinking. Violet would surely report back to him about this and his image would be ruined.

Once the employee told them everything they needed to know about bubble eye goldfish, they leisurely perused the other tanks for the recommended tank mates for them. Gray turned to Mandy slightly accusingly as she examined some black moors.

"What on earth was that back there?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh, my little show? That was fun. I didn't realize she knew you were related since you said Aaron doesn't like having you near his kids."

"I'm still trying to figure that one out myself," he admitted. "But that isn't what I meant. What's with this future aunt business?"
