

Argh! His grandpa has been nagging him again about getting married sooner. He wanted to refuse, but he had no strength to protest what his grandpa wanted.

And today's family dinner, he announced that he already chose someone he wanted him to date.

Date! It's 2040! No parents should meddle without the youngsters they want to date! Not to mention this arranged marriage thing!

Lewey speeds up his motorcycle and does not minimize the speed when he turns right in the next corner. Unfortunately, he almost hit a person on a bicycle.

He hit the break and turned his head, he took his big bike around and came close to that person to check out.

"Are you okay?" Lewey took off his helmet.

To his surprise, the person on the bicycle punches him.

"Wait! How dare you to--" he paused when realizing who it is. "It, is you?

"And it is you! How unlucky I ever met you!" she yells at him.

"Ah. . ." it's truly his fault. "I'll take you to the hospital," he offers. He watched the woman checking out her elbow.

"No, thanks!" she refused.

Suddenly, a patrol car notices them. The police officer steps out and comes closer to them.

"What happens here?" the policeman asked.

"This guy! He almost murders me!"

"What? That's exaggerating! I might almost hit you but I have no intention to murder you! How could you say that?"

She just glares at him. Lewey sighed.

"See, officers? He admitted, he almost hit me because of his boastfulness!

His eyes grew bigger. "What!? Am not! Am just driving!"

"A reckless driver officer!"

The woman keeps pointing at him. "I am not!"

"Look, Officer. I did voluntarily offer her to bring her to the hospital, but she is refusing!"

The police officer just watches them, dumbfounded.

"You know what? If the two of you have a lover's quarrel, both of you should talk calmly and not chase around here on the street."

"We're not chasing around!" they said at once.

"Then, do we have to settle this in the Station?"

The two of them glanced at each other and smiled at the police patroller.

There's no way for them to have a police record!

Chelsca washing her elbow in the restroom of this convenience store. She watched her reflection in the mirror, and she looked like an embarrassment. She sighed.

Why of all people? That guy she would meet tonight!

She stepped outside the convenience store and saw Lewey sitting on his motorbike.

He handed her a pouch of medicine. She snatches it and cleans her wound.


Chelsca looks at the band-aid Lewey is giving her. She wanted to avoid her elbow but Lewey already held it and put the band-aid on her wound.

"No, thanks. I'm leaving now," she said and pushed her bike but her elbow was twitching.

He was stunned by the way she treated him. Lewey shook his head and asked her, "Are you okay, now?"

She gives him that kind of look like he made a huge mistake at her.

He really couldn't understand her.

Sorry for no updates in days! Little extra time...

Thanks for reading! ❤

Elise_Ellenethcreators' thoughts