
Thoughts on things

-A few weeks later-

Max just finished a solar bath. A formation on the roof constantly drew in natural sunlight. Coupled with the solar panels it made for good progress. But not enough for what he needed to push through. After finishing he went to find Claire. This would be perfect for her as well. Even better than himself. The changes to a regular solar bath were much better this time around with technology involved.

Technology and spiritual formation drew in everything a lot faster than stones ever could. Not having to make everything himself helped out on time. Just place an order for industrial solar panels and you get it in a few days. Well, it heads the company, just reroute it for himself was easy enough. Vega dealt with the issues that would pop up.

"Woah..." Max was speechless coming into the apartment.

Instead of them doing exercises in the assigned rooms, which there were a lot of. They were doing it in the living room of Max's apartment.

The girl's Max could ignore no problem. However, Circe, Maria, Raven, Morgen covered in a face wrap, and Ms.Nashton were another matter. The sports material was sparse and drenched in sweat. The energy in the room made Max blood boil among other things.

"Max!" Circe said enthused. She ran over hitting him with her natural pheromones. "You ok?" She paused as and amused look came on her face.

"Gonna fucking die.!" Max slammed the door leaving. "Way to much for my current self.! Stop crappy puberty." Desire in his body already creeping back up. "Where the hell are the guys?!" After another thought, Max realized that would be bad as well. "No. I would want to fight when I meet them. Blasted alpha primordial bullshit in the cells. Just Bullshit!"

Remembering this was the will of Earth and part of the process made things more worthwhile, however. He could seal certain things off... but that would make things worse. If he wanted to have a bad day snd stagnate his cultivation.

(Max, I have a place for all this extra energy. It is dangerous however with your current state. You might kill them on accident. However, you will be able to break into the next tier. Involves theft I am afraid if they disagree.)

*Swirl!* Greed an Endurance swirled around at the thought. Both reacting to the idea of testing his mettle. As well as getting more power.

'Sounds good. I have gained enough body mass and power to resemble myself as the watcher. Since the spiritual clone is busy with the Triad busts, I will hand it myself.' With a change, Max stepped through a mirror he created in the hallway.

The A.I. notified the others he would be out of communication for a while and notified Claire about the Solar bath. He was then gone.


-Star Labs-


Star Labs was responsible for a lot of things on Earth advancing. Specifically the United States. Even at this stage, several pieces of technology had fallen under their control. From fragmented pieces of other Krypotian ships, destroy probes from War World of Mongul, and even Atlantean stones.

In the room, two scientists were currently moving about. Working on a special project of sorts. They were the only ones allowed in the room. Besides Max of course. A joint project which allowed him to have acces to the government legally. The "Watcher" was his code name even to them.

A man about height 5' 5" weight about 110 on a good day. He was looking at a chart that analyzed some metal in a stone. The reflection on his black shades kept others from seeing his stone black eyes. The other man was about height 5' 10" weight 215 lbs his eyes blue and hair red with a little graying.

Both are scientists from the early creation od D.C. comics and still exist in current adaptations. The first man Doctor Moon. Straight up villain. If there was goodness in him, its flipping gone since long ago. He eventually goes to work on project Cadmus incorporating various things of note from his many years.

Max made sure to specifically to get to know him on visits for that purpose. The other is Niles Caulder. Also known as the Chief. Creator of Doom Patrol and several other not so above the aboard groups. He was technically good... but a lot of people have something say about that. He is currently not in a wheelchair.

"Greetings." Max's voice traveled in the room before the mirror appeared. He stepped out staring with interest at the gadgets and tech secured. A new addition had been added to the room. A Phantom Projector seeing it was a problem in of itself. It means others could exist here. Besides the one in Kansas inside Superman's escape pod. Or maybe ship depending on the iteration.

"Watcher how are you?" Niles asked politely. Dr.Moon just gave a wave of acknowledgment.

"Good. The item you have, I need it. Before it malfunctions and dooms you all." Max floated over to it. Dr.Moon stopped what he was doing after that. This would be the first time Max was taking something from the place. He usually dropped things off before they caused problems. Gave them details on how they worked and how to shut them down. "Those that are trapped by it would rip this lab apart in seconds. If not minutes from disorientation."

"Wait a minute, the procedures say you agree to tell us what you know. Obviously you know this type of device origin." Dr.Moon moved over closer. A close look to Max's face still was unreadable. 'Even with the Taoist talismans I can not see pass the veil.

"It is called the Phantom Projector. A humanoid race called Kryptonians used them to put away those of the most heinous of crime committers. The projectors send you to a void were only you and those that were sent with you, reside. No need for food or water as the dimension maintains you. Only your mind really suffers. The body stays the same. Sometimes the body is turned into complete mental energy. No actual flesh. Another projector sends you to a horror dimension with ghastly creatures inhabited."

Max thought about the different versions and had no way of really knowing what would happen. Not without usuing it really. But to reverse it or look into the dimensions, he would then have a good idea as well.

"They thought it better to do that then to kill them. A fitting punishment to force them to think over what happened. For all eternity since the place is gone. But a few other races has access to the Phantom Zone."

"Did most of them do so?" Nihles asked. He watched as Max shook his head no. "Then why do you want such a thing?"

"Because the sentencing for most of them is over threefold. By law, they must be freed. But not here of course. I will take them to the remains of their planet. After letting them know what happened." As Dr.Moon released the guards to the security, he paused. "What is it?"

"Will this come back to bite us in the ass?"

"Not really. I need them out of their to work on the device to get it ready for a few other threats to Earth. Recalibrate it to house a smaller amount but make it impossible for them to get out. And I mean impossible."

Max would not tell them of Darkseid, Mongul, the Anti-Monitor, and the other countless alien psychopaths that would make their way over. With the Phantom projector upgrade, he would make sure they never caused trouble for a long time.

"Or do you think you can fix the device you know nothing about?"

"Hehe of course not. Just.." Dr.Moon did not admit it, but he was scared of Max. Not from his "tricks" as he saw them. Not much he has not seen or made over the years. But because of his knowledge. That was scarier than anything. "My apologies. Excuse me." Dr.Moon handed it over and stepped away.

"How goes calculations." Max looked at Nihles. He suprised the man with his question. "Not much I do not know. But human behavior is always the biggest problem." Not receiving an answer he left. A stop in to visit the Doom Patrol was a must apparently. "Goodbye for now."

*Doop!* Max left into a mirror out. The two scientists waited a bit before going back to their own work.


-Island out in nowhere-


Max still in disguise with the Martian Manhunter floated on an island. The device was getting repaired by Max as J'onn just enjoyed talking with another telepath. Or with someone different for that matter openly.

The power for the device was removed to make sure nothing weird happens. Even the emergency power was taken out. Such as the two getting sucked in or something coming out all of a sudden. No such thing as to many safety measures with the Projector.

"Why not leave them inside?" J'onn asked. It was a probing question. Despite signing a contract he was not that sure of certain actions Max took. He did enjoy working as a consultant with the band. While paperwork was getting togethor for the police force.

"Because this is the right thing to do. I tend to do that from time to time. But do not get me wrong.." Max looked up from his work. Two long cables in his hands. ".. if they cause problems I will just kill them off the bat. They paid their dues now they get freedom again. The smart thing would be for them to travel if they do not like it here of course. Not many things will excite them I suppose. Earth's technology level is a lot lower than Krypton's."

"That may be, but Earth has a charm all of it's own." J'onn had a yo-yo he took out. He started to play with as he talked. "Some many dangers. Hopefully, the same fate does not fall on you what did us."

"As long as you keep training, everything will be fine. Right now your family is in that small stasis carrier. If you want to unite with them and free the other Martians, it is on you. I do not have the energy to spare to do so again. I like you J'onn that is why I went so far." Max pointed at a pendant on the Martian's neck.

*Bzzt!* The cables sparked with residual energy. Blasted Kryptonians and their efficiency.

Inside was his family and a few other Martians. Max pulled them out of phase and placed them in a portable container. As long as J'onn cultivates and a few other things, they would be fine. All the spirit energies went to restoring them as well. Now if he died or screwed up, the energy would go to Max.

Fair enough trade.


-Gotham Warehouse District-


"Get the shipment on already! Gotham has all kinds of crazy shit going down!" A man in a hockey mask said. A very large build that oozed danger. His short blonde hair an old military style. This was Taskmaster.

"I still think we should bailout. I do not like the looks of this." To his side was a woman with black long hair. Her clothes were that of an old school ninja. But a tiger pattern was very noticeable to the trained eye. The mask on her face that of a feline. She gently rubbed her stomach absently. "One big heist for awhile to tide us over." The woman was Tigress.

"One big score than back to Metoplis." Taskmaster gave her a comforting pat on the back. "After this, the Triad will leave you alone."

"Thank you for this.." Right as she was about to inform him of her condition, all hell broke loose.

*Booom!* One of the trucks lost control catching a container. It blew up leaking a pink criminal all over the place. The crew scatter as fast as possible not getting any of it on them.

"No! We need to get this shipment!" Tigress shot off to secure the others. The Driver behind the next truck was thrown out. "If you cant do your job, then run!"

*Thunk!* She slammed the door driving the tuck out the other gate. Which had no ramp. But at least it was clear.

"Geez!" Taskmaster had jumped unto the truck as it landed on the loading dock. "Why are you taking such a risk?" Tigress said nothing as focused on driving. Low and behold a few cop sirens could be heard in the distance. "We were set up!"

"No way that driver should have botched a simple drive out. The Triad has us expendable." Tigress cut the truck down an alley and watching the cops shoot pass a few moments later. She drove down the alley trying to get somewhere. Anywhere before they showed up. "Come on! Come on!"

*Scrreeech!* The truck came to a stop as they ran into an armored truck. The taskforce in Gotham that caused all kinds of trouble lately.

"Tch! Anyone but them!" Tigress smacked the wheel almost breaking it.

"Go ahead an back out." Taskmaster got out of the truck. "The Triad will learn not to mess with the League of Shadows. But first these cops."

"Wait.." Tigress slid over grabbing him. She parted the mask just enough to give a kiss. "You have to come back. I am pregnant. You are going to be a dad."

"Well shit!" Taskmaster smirked as he was fired up to do some damage. "Even more reason to get you out of here."
