
Definitely a little president

Shera glanced at the mask with an amused expression as she caressed the black, soft material. "Uhm… thanks…? Why would you have such an item with you though?" 

He scratched his head and pointed at it. "This… I wanted to give it to you as a birthday gift, but…" He didn't complete his statement to avoid making things awkward. Her hatred for her birthday was still so obvious that one couldn't dare to wish her or give her a gift. 

She shook her head when she heard his reason. One could even gift this kind of thing? She glanced at the watch on her wrist. "Time is running out. I've got to go now, love." 

He grabbed her hand before she could make the second step towards her garage. "Let me drive you there. I know you want to do everything on your own, but what if you need to fight? It will be difficult to fight as well as flee." 
