
Experience in raising sons

When Julius finished drinking his coffee, he called his secretary to ask about what the emergency was. However, the young woman said that it was a small matter and Leo had resolved it about an hour ago. He looked at his phone in surprise after he hung up. "Small issue? If it was as negligible as she made it sound, she would not have panicked so much while calling me and made me rush back from the States."

Helen did not think that it was a small matter either, and there had to be something else going on. After pondering about it for a while, it dawned on her. "Leo must have told her to hide the truth from you."

"Why would Leo do that?" He did not understand. 

"You know how Leo is. He doesn't like letting anyone else worry. Something must have happened, but since he does not want you to be worried, he must have prevented her from telling you."
