

           " Kay...." Puan Valerie membuka pintu bilik Makayla. Makayla sedang mendengar lagu diatas katil. " Mom..." Makayla berkata sambil memandang Puan Valerie. Puan Valerie duduk di katil Makayla. " Kay.... I am sorry you have to go through all of this... I know... You are angry at Mia... But... I just got my daughter back Kay... I can't loose her again...." Puan Valerie sudah mula menjatuhkam air mata. Makayla panik dan memeluk Puan Valerie. " Mom... I am happy... That Mia is not angry with you anymore... I am okey that you are seeing her... But please... Don't ask me to forgive her.... I can't... Give me time... But I just want you to know... That... If she is here... I won't be here... I just can't at the moment...." Puan Valerie diam. " Mom... I love you... And Uncle Fariz so much... I need time... Maybe one fine day I would forgive Mia... But now... I am trying to process everything..." Puan Valerie angguk. " There is still some food for you Kay... If you are hungry... She went back already... You don't have to worry about bumping into her...." Makayla menganguk kepalanya.

Unknown: Hi, Arianna Makayla. I am Zaza from celebinsider magazine. Can I ask you a few question?

Makayla: Hi, Sure.... No problem...

Zaza: Why did you and Kyle broke up exactly? Is it true he cheated on you with Laikha? Do you know where is Kyle and Laikha?

Makayla mengeluh kecil, jika Makayla tidak memberi sebarang kenyataan, Makayla akan diganggu secara berterusan.

Makayla: Me and Kyle are over. I don't want anything to do with him anymore. My twin sister Mia Marcella, she told Kyle I cheated on him, so he would dump me. But I never cheated on him, this rumor was created to make me and Kyle split up and then Laikha will have a chance to get together with Kyle. Everyone knows Mia and Laikha are best-friends. And yes he dumped me. I caught him and Laikha making out in his Condo. They all got what they wanted now. I don't know where Laikha and Kyle are at the moment. They must have went away somewhere. Maybe Mia Marcella knows because she is their best friend after all. As for now, I am going to move on with my life, and forget about what happened. I deserve better.

Zaza: Thanks Arianna Makayla. I am sorry about what happened. Wish you all the best🌺🌺🌺 Thanks for answering all my questions.

Makayla: Welcome.

        Makayla memutuskan untuk pergi bercuti esok. Fikiran Makayla yang celaru perlu ketenangan. Makayla mengambil telefon bimbitnya dan menempah hotel untuk empat hari di Pulau Mabul, Sabah. Tiket penerbangan ke Kota Kinabalu, Makayla menempah flight paling awal iaitu pukul 5.00 pagi, dan flight ke Tawau dalam jam 12 tengahari. Makayla bangun dari katil dan mengemas beg pakaiannya. Makayla tidak membawa banyak pakaian, hanya dua helai gaun ( beach dress ). Bikini, bikini gown, beberapa pakaian dalam dan satu set pakaian (blouse dan jeans) untuk hari Makayla pulang ke KL. Satu beg kecil 2l jenama hypergear, turut di pack bersama pakaian Makayla. Semua pakaian tersebut Makayla pack dalam beg Hypergear Dry Pac Tough 20L. Makayla tidak lupa untuk mengemas tas tangan jenama Gucci, dan memastikan dia tidak lupa Passport, kad bank, duit dan juga kad pengenalan diri. Setelah puas hati, Makayla turun ke tingkat bawah, Puan Valeri dan Uncle Fariz Azman sedang sibuk menonton telebisyen. " Mom... Uncle.. Fariz... I am going to Mabul tomorrow.. For four days. Don't worry about me... I am going to be fine...." Puan Valerie memandang  Uncle Fariz. " Okey... Have fun Kay.... Are you sure you are alright going on your own?" tanya Puan Valerie. " Yes. I am okey... Goodnight.... Mom.... Uncle Fariz...." Makayla berkata sebelum kembali ke biliknya.

Mia Marcella not such a sweetheart after all.

Three days ago, Kyle and his girlfriend Arianna Makayla officially broke up. Now, Kyle and Laikha is still missing, keeping away from the spotlight. But now there is more to the story.

Yesterday, We interviewed Arianna Makayla and found out more behind the break up between Arianna and Kyle. Arianna Makayla reported that her twin sister Mia Marcella and Laikha, told Kyle she cheated on him, and that's the reason he dumped her. To make things worse, Kyle is using Laikha to get back at Arianna Makayla. Arianna. Makayla found Kyle and Laikha making out at his condo, and thats when she officially callled it off.

Mia Marcella, our sweetheart. This is a total shock she would back-stab her own sister. Arianna Makayla, celebinsider wishes you all the best. Arianna Makayla said she no longer wants anything to do with Kyle and Laikha, she is moving on with her life, because Kyle does not deserve her. Everyone is wondering where is Kyle and Laikha? Well according to Arianna Makayla, only their best friend Mia Marcella knows. Now lets not be too hard on Mia Marcella, sometime we make mistake by choosing our friends and end up backstabbing our own flesh.

                                    Zaza Tarek


          Jantung Amelia berdegup kencang membaca artikel yang dikeluarkan majalah Celebinsider. Dalam perjalan ke tempat pengambaran Amelia mendapat email daripada pihak produksi untuk membersihkan namanya. Amelia mengawal perasaannya, supaya tidak terlalu ketara dia mengalami masalah besar. Sebaik sahaja sampai di tempat pengambaran, direktor memanggil Amelia. Teruk Amelia dimarah, kerana terpalit dengan kontroversi yang boleh mencalar drama yang bakal ditayangkan. " Mana Kyle dan Laikha? Lebih baik you call Zaza, make things clear." marah dlrektor lagi. Amelia hampir menjatuhkan air mata, namun Amelia cuba sedaya upaya untuk bertahan. " Mia... Tak tahu dimana Laikha dan... Kyle... Mia tak dapat contact mereka... Dan mereka tak ada bagitahu Mia mereka pergi mana...." direktor terus merengus. " Fine... We are way behind schedule.... Mia... Later you clear things up... Before we release this drama..." Amelia menganguk dan terus pergi bersiap. Amelia masih memikirkan cara terbaik untuk membersihkan namanya.

Amelia: Kay.... I am sorry. Now I have to face the music. My career is on the line. Kay, i don't know what I can do to make you forgive me.  Everyone is bashing me on my instagram. My director is pissed off with me. I swear Kay, I don't know where Kyle and Laikha is. I accept the price I have to pay, for making Kyle hate you. I am really sorry Kay....

        Makayla baru sahaja mendarat di Kota Kinabalu, dan menunggu penerbangannya ke Tawau. Sebaik membaca whatsapp dari Amelia dan juga artikel yang dikeluarkan oleh celebinsider, Makayla sedar dia telah bertindak jauh. Makayla menghela nafas. Walaupun Makayla tidak sebulu dengan Amelia sebelum ini, Amelia tetap kembarnya. Makayla terus fikir cara untuk membersihkan nama Amelia. Bila Makayla buka laman instagram, teruk Amelia kena bash dengan haters, lagi teruk hal ini trending no.1 di twitter. #Miamarcellabackstab

Makayla: Hi Zaza, I need your help. Things seems to be out of hand.

Makayla: What I said yesterday. Was full of anger. I misunderstand the whole situation. Mia... Has nothing to do with this after all. Kyle and Laikha, left without telling her where they are. They played us well. I love my sister that I don't want this to ruin her career.

Zaza: Mana satu betul ni???

Makayla: Selama ini, I salah faham... Mia tak de kaitan dengan hal ini. Just put the blame on me. Sometimes we mess each others lifes, but we love each other dearly.

Zaza: Arianna... I will try to clear things up. Next time give me the proper information.

Kyle Ian the player: After playing Arianna he played Mia Marcella.

Arianna Makayla made it clear, she missed understood the situation and Mia Marcella has nothing to do with what happened between Arianna and Kyle. Arianna Makayla loves her sister so much and she is really sorry she just ruined Mia Marcella's career. Don't worry Arianna, it is not too late... Just as well Mia and Arianna sort things out in the nick of time.

Kyle and Laikha played their cards very well to fuel dispute between the twins, but everyone knows blood is thicker than water....

                                     Zaza Tarek


              Tengahari itu juga celebinsider keluarkan artikel untuk jernihkan keadaan setelah Mia Marcella terpalit dengan kontroversi. Amelia terkejut melihat artikel seterusnya. ' Kay... Thank You so much....'  bisik hati Amelia." Mia... Kenapa nangis...." tanya Axel. Amelia memeluk Axel dan menangis semahu-mahunya. Semua crew senyap. Mereka tahu Mia Marcella sedang dipalit kontroversi. " Mia... Tell me... What happened?" Amelia menggeleng kepala. Air mata Amelia lap perlahan. Axel menarik tangan Amelia ke salah satu sudut. " I just feel so lost... Axel... I don't know where Kyle and Laikha is... I am left here to deal with there mess while they snuggle up in their love shack..."! Axel mengeluh. " Mia... Down break down like this.... Call Kay... And thank her... Make your fans convinced that you and Kay are not fighting anymore.. Call Kay... " Amelia angguk. " Okey... Thanks Axel..."  Selepas makan tengahari mereka sambung pengambaran sehingga ke petang.

Amelia: Kay... Can I call you....

Makayla: Mia... I cleared your name... What else do want? I need space Mia... I need to clear my head. Just for four days. Leave me alone.

Amelia: Okey... Kay... Thank you so much. I owe you. I am really sorry Kay. I don't deserve your forgiveness but, I just want to thank you for clearing everything.

           Makayla membiarkan whatsapp Amelia tidak berbalas. Makayla menikmati pemandangan indah di pulau Mabul. Memandang kearah laut, sambil melihat matahari terbenam. Apabila hari semakin gelap, Makayla berdiri dan mengatur bikini dressnya. Makayla berjalan ke arah restaurant untuk makan malam. Makayla memasan semua sea food kegemarannya, dan juga air kelapa. Suasana indah di pulau mabul membuat Makayla rasa begitu tenang. Selepas makan malam, Makayla masuk bilik dan membuka televisyen. Makayla memilih untuk menonton movie Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. Buat masa sekarang, movie romantik out of list bagi Makayla. Makayla mahu layan movie yang santai dan tidak terlalu berat dari segi emosi. Selepas melayan movie, Makayla  mandi dan masuk tidur. Esok Makayla sudah book tour Island hoping dan snorkelling, dan untuk lusa, diving di Pulau Sipadan yang diberi gelaran one of the last jewels of the planet oleh Jacques Cousteau.


