
What A Cliche?

That night, Halia arrived at the Michelin-starred restaurant where she was having dinner with Emerson's family.

It was a quiet, dimly lit restaurant with only a few tables. In the middle of the restaurant, there was an open kitchen where the chef was cooking. The chef was a celebrity in his field and he often appeared on television shows, so Halia was a little excited to see him. Most days, his apprentices ran the restaurant and it was rare to catch a glimpse of the man, but since the owners of the casino were there, he had to ensure that they received the best quality food, straight from his hands. So, he decided to head the kitchen that day.

As Halia watched the man cook, she suddenly felt an arm on her shoulder, "Daniel is one of the best chefs here in Macau. You're in for a treat!"

Halia quickly turned and noticed Emerson standing beside her.

Emerson ran his eyes up and down her body and smiled. "You look beautiful," he said.
