
3. Matilda. Eye fucking.

I didn't know that there was another transfer student. I was thinking that it was going to be just the commoner. We didn't get much of them because of how picky Prestine high was.

With the way he looked there was no way he was a commoner. I immediately looked down at my hands when his eyes met mine.

And then like magnet to iron I still couldn't keep my eyes away from him. I found myself looking up against my better judgement only to meet his gaze on me. My eyes held unto his like and by the time I came back to my senses the principal had gone far with his speech although I doubt I really needed to hear it.

I was sure that his speech was going to be the same old boring speech he gave every time there was a transfer student from a high class family.

It was basically him telling us to respect ourselves like we were children who didn't know how to behave. We were.

I probably knew the speech by heart already. It was the the tale of friendship, respect and success as he liked to call it.

"Our school has grown so much that the Governor has deemed it fit to bring his own son to school here. Isn't it amazing. We have him here in person, Noah Ambrose." The principal articulated the name with pride.

His eyes bulged out of his sockets whenever he was as excited as he was now. He was not a very healthy looking man. I almost laughed at his appearance anytime I saw him. It must be the grace of God that helped me keep my laughter contained, I really doubt it was by my own power only.

The students clapped and cheered and the girls eyed him lustfully. It looked like the famous bad boy group will not be getting all the attention now. I thought with some kind of relief.

"Well I know you have been introduced but please introduce yourself." Mrs Constance our literature teacher interjected with ease and poise

She was a very classy old Lady when she was not trying to impress the Principal.

Noah's face remained blank and emotionless his eyes stared deep into mine, like I was an enemy he just found. Like he wanted to bore into them. To reveal my secrets. Like he had just discovered that I was wearing a mask by mere looking at me for just so little a time that it was impossible for him to have seen beyond the surface.

I swallowed and looked away from him. My head was beginning to spin. I was not allowed to feel at least not this way.

I looked back at him almost immediately I looked away and he smiled. I just couldn't keep my eyes of him and he knew it. It was like anytime I looked away he would count to ten in his head waiting for me to look back at him, knowing I'll look back.

He smiled again, a very heart warming smile and I could not help but admire him as he introduced himself again.

His words were lost to me as I could only hear the melody of his bass voice.

His eyes met mine occasionally as he spoke but mine did not move away from his again. It became tired of the deceit. We were sending a secret message but then my heart already knew who it wanted to send a message to and it wasn't him.

But it was strange nevertheless. He made my heart skip and my skin had never felt the Intense need to be touched as it did at that time.
