
Sharing Information

Although Kisuke proposed the idea of teaching them their Magic and Ki usage, in the end he just threw the workloads to others. More specifically, Serafall, Sona and Akeno went to teach those who wanted to learn magic while Kuroka and Koneko became the instructors for the Ki lessons.

Although they were hesitant at first, after the start of the lecture, they became drowned by curiosity and amazement at the topic they were discussing. For Mages, with the exception of Riveria, Line and Ais, they never knew that they could draw their own magic circle, be it externally or internally. After all, they were always relying on the chant that appeared in their minds from the moment they learned their respective magic to draw out the magic circle.

For those who were learning Ki, on the other hand, they were shocked to feel foreign energy different from Magic Power when Kuroka and Koneko injected their Ki into their bodies to disrupt their inactive Ki in order for them to notice its existence.

However, Loki could only stop their abrupt classrooms because they had to fulfill their main objective of coming to Melen.

"Sorry about this, Kisuke, but we have to cut this short. We can't really push back our schedule due to the risk of things going awry if we were to further delay our activities."

"It's fine. I knew you wouldn't come here just for a simple vacation, so while your children were having their lectures, I prepared some reference books for them to continue their study and training on their own." Kisuke took out four books in total. Two books for Magic and two books for Ki. Since they'd already kickstarted their understanding regarding the topics, they'd be able to study and train on their own according to the book. He also made sure that it was extensive enough to let them teach the other absent members of their Familia.

Loki could only smile wryly as she accepted the books, "So that's why you went away... It's for this."

"What do you need to accomplish, anyway?" Kisuke changed the subject.

Riveria approached them from the side and answered for Loki, "We need to know if those Violas are indeed coming from this city. So we need to check a few things like the integrity of the seal on the second entrance of the Dungeon or the sewers connecting Orario and Melen."

"I see. Then you don't have to worry about those."

Riveria furrowed her brows slightly and asked, "What do you mean?"

"If you're talking about the entrance which was sealed using the Leviathan's remains, then it's intact. As for the sewers, although nothing huge could come through it anyway, there are signs that the Admantanium gates were relatively new."

It was Loki's turn to furrow her brows, "You already know a few things, right?"

Kisuke grinned but didn't answer.

"Share it will ya?"

Kisuke contemplated for a bit before saying, "This will be the last time, alright? Any further information will have to come from Sona. As Yoruichi said, we won't get involved with your problems."

Loki and Riveria could only stay silent at his words.

"As for the information we know, we haven't investigated the things in Melen that much so don't expect anything concrete. Although we know for sure that the three big names in this port city are in a deal of some sort and some forces from the Ishtar Familia are also present."

"Ishtar?", asked Loki with a confused expression.

But Kisuke just shook his head, "You have to figure that out on your own."

Sighing, Loki let it go. Though the fact that they discovered a secret dealing between big figures in the city was a big clue, "What about you? What are you up to now?"

"We're going to go home and take it easy for now, and maybe clarify some things with our members."

"Hmm... I was hoping that you could stay longer. Guess I can't ask that much."

Kisuke smiled and bid his farewell, "Well then, until next time. Good luck with your investigation."

It only took a quarter of an hour for the Loki Familia to gather their things and leave. Although some of the members were reluctant to end their lectures, they had a goal they needed to achieve for the safety of their Familia.

After they left, Kisuke faced everyone and said, "Shall we go home?"

Everyone agreed as they looked towards the sleeping Claire in Irina's arms. While she wanted to listen to the lecture, she immediately got bored with it since it was already something that her mother and father taught her. So instead, she played nonstop with the free members, Ophis, Aika, Irina and Yoruichi.




After sending Claire and Ophis to their room, everyone sat down in the Mansion's living room while Medusa and Akeno served them some tea and snacks.

After sipping her warm tea, Hestia pouted while muttering in a complaining manner, "You didn't tell us that you're that strong... What do you mean you have ways to fend off a God? You're already as strong as one!"

"You've got it wrong, Hestia-sama. I'm not just prepared to fight off a single God, but a group of them, so it's only right to say that I have my ways instead of claiming that I could outright defeat them."

Hestia then gave him a dirty look, "Why would a group of Gods attack you?"

But instead of Kisuke, Yoruichi answered for him, "Forget it, Hestia-sama. This guy always prepares for the worst and nothing can really stop him from doing so."

Hestia's pout grew deeper but Artemis' hand patted her head, "Isn't that great, Hestia? You don't have to worry about their safety like you always do when they leave for the Dungeon."

And while Artemis was comforting Hestia, Sona spoke up and asked the question that had been bothering her since earlier, "Kisuke, why did you decide to teach them? And from what I heard, you want them to propagate it. I'd understand if it was Magic, as it's not a foreign concept for them, but even Ki?"

"Hmm... About that, I can't really say it now, but let's just say that it's in preparation for the future. I don't want them to be so helpless when things get a bit underhanded."

"For the future, huh...?", muttered Sona under her breath, while thinking about his words.

"Then what about you guys not getting involved with their problems?", asked Aika.

"We've already shown them our strength. It would be really annoying and dangerous for them to think that there's a place where they can retreat to. Aside from not taking things as serious as necessary, they might develop an unhealthy dependence on us. I want to avoid that as much as possible, even if it means that their Familia could be in grave danger.", answered Kisuke.

"To put it in another way, we can't be a source for their comfort and protection, or else that Familia will fail in the future. Loki understood this and that's why she immediately agreed. She doesn't want her children to take success in their trials for granted.", added Yoruichi.

"So what's the plan for now?", asked Koneko.

Kisuke thought for a moment and said, "I'll be busy again with a lot of things..." He then looked towards Sona and told her, "Sona, take Sera-chan, Irina and Akeno-san to the dungeon tomorrow and explain to them what they need to do to gain a Level."

Yoruichi stood up and stretched her arms while yawning, "Then Kuroka and I will do what we originally planned and leave Orario to investigate some places."


28th00: Claire had fun. Ophis had fun. This is a net positive to me. Phis-chama is obviously best friend dragon friend. 

Alexander: I´m back and very sorry for the long absence without telling you. I was training new firefighters in September and became very busy, while thinking that it would be alright, because author-san took some time off, too. And then things went on and on and it became kind of awkward to return. Especially after seeing that others stepped forward and did a good job in editing. Now I understand how some authors feel, when they stop writing for months. As of now, I want to help again, if my help is still welcomed.

As for the chapter, it was a nice little adventure. However, I'm a bit surprised that Loki didn´t try to spoil the little ones. Though it is understandable if she considered the “threat” of Kisuke for her Harem.

Goyya: Welcome back, brother~ Good to see you in action again. It’s really nice to hear you training new firefighters. 

And that’s also why I don’t take prolonged vacations as much as possible. It’s really hard to come back even if it became your habit before.

Staz Irvine


Goyyacreators' thoughts