
New Artemis Familia

With just those four, Hestia was already having a headache. For Yoruichi and Kisuke's status', on the other hand, she didn't even want to look at it.

Yoruichi Shihouin

Level 2

Basic Abilities:

STR: EX-1500++

VIT: EX-1500+

DEX: EX-1500+

AGI: EX-1500++

MANA: SSS-1498

Extra Abilities:

REI-KI: EX-1500++

Kisuke Urahara

Level 2

Basic Abilities:

STR: EX-1500++

VIT: EX-1500++

DEX: EX-1500++

AGI: EX-1500+

MANA: EX-1500+

Extra Abilities:

REI-KI: EX-1500+++

DEM-POW: SS-1003


(New) Unification: [Description unavailable]

"What on earth?" Hestia asked in exasperation.

However, Kisuke and Yoruichi didn't reply to her as they were too busy inspecting the changes within their bodies and souls. It wasn't just a simple strengthening.

Since they were the ones most sensitive to the changes, they were also the ones who could see the true extent of what the Falna did to them.

'Purifying souls... I didn't expect it was to this extent,' Kisuke thought as went into his inner world. The former blood-filled world was gone as it was replaced by blood-red trees and grass. The tall Japanese-themed castle became even more towering, and Benihime, who was in front of him was clearer than ever.

"You seem a bit more energetic," Kisuke commented.

Chucking, Benihime replied, "Indeed... A lot calmer too~. However, I really didn't expect that I would see a different scenery after all this time."

"The change of scenery isn't really as crucial compared to the quality of soul particles in here. The Falna and 'Level Up's', truthfully, I regarded it as not a very efficient way of getting stronger. However, I've realized just now that getting stronger is just a side effect."

" 'Casting aside Earthly desires to attain Godhood', huh? So 'Earthly desires' in this case are 'Worldly shackles', fufufu."

"I don't intend to become a God, though."

Benihime nodded at him, "That's for sure. Or else, you would have allowed your Falna to discard both of your Shinigami and Hollow powers for the sake of purification."

"Fuhahaha! No way I'm going to discard my adorable Benihime-chan~!" But as soon as Kisuke said that, a blade suddenly flew towards his neck, though he easily dodged it, "Hey, that's dangerous!"

"Call me 'adorable' once again and I'll cut you into pieces," replied Benihime with a cold laugh.

Kisuke immediately stopped teasing her as he knew she wasn't joking. However, inwardly, he thought, 'That's what makes her adorable though. She's really weak to cutesy praises.'

"Well then, I'll leave for now and inspect everything in greater detail later," said Kisuke before he disappeared from his inner world.

"Kisuke? Yoruichi? What's up with you two?" As soon as Kisuke woke up, he heard Hestia's worried voice.

"Ah! We're fine! We're just thinking of something, right?" Kisuke faced Yoruichi and it was also that moment she woke up and understood the situation, "Right~."

Hestia sighed in relief, "I thought that something bad happened to the two of you."

"Thanks for worrying, but we should move on to the next topic. I'm thinking that instead of you, Hestia-sama, how about if Artemis-sama took in the newcomers as her Familia members? What do you think?"

Hestia started rubbing her cheeks in contemplation and muttered, "Hmmm... I think that's also good. I want Artemis to have some standing within Orario, but she can't do that if she doesn't have a Familia of her own. Though we still have to ask her since she has rules of her own for her members," Hestia then turned to Artemis, "What do you think, Artemis?"

However, no answer came from the Goddess. When they all looked at her, they saw her blankly staring at everyone's Status.

"Artemis?" Hestia called out to her but still no response. It was then that she nudged her and called out even louder, "Artemis!"

Artemis shook and looked towards Hestia with an incredibly confused expression, "Hestia?"


Artemis slowly put down the papers that are containing the stats and held Hestia firmly on his shoulders before looking straight into her eyes, "What are these?"

Hestia felt a bit taken aback by her reaction and answered while scratching her cheek and laughing wryly, "Ehehe, they're a bit weird, right? I also heard from Hephaestus about the average stats of an Adventurer in their respective levels and I was really surprised the first time I saw it too."

"What do you mean weird! This is abnormal! I've seen normal Adventurers' Statuses and even the strongest one of them was nowhere close to this!"

But in face of this onslaught, Hestia just calmly smiled, "I have such amazing children, no? You could say that they're unique!"

And yet again, Artemis was rudely awakened. She should have known. With the number of surprising things she heard and saw today, she couldn't keep up, however, it shouldn't have been an excuse for her to keep pushing Hestia away from them. Realizing this, she immediately bowed her head, not just to Hestia, but also to Kisuke and everyone else, "I'm very sorry for my rude behavior! Hestia had already accepted you, so I should have supported her!"

Nevertheless, Kisuke and co didn't mind this as they understood where she's coming from. Unlike most of the Gods who came down for entertainment, Artemis came down to polish her beliefs as the Goddess of Chastity. Although she already failed at that by having tasted a bit of 'love', she wouldn't let her best friend be endangered just for a bit of entertainment that could get the other Gods attacking her for it.

"So, what do you think of his proposition?" Hestia asked, ignoring her earlier act.

"Pardon? What proposition?"

"For you to accept Serafall-kun, Akeno-kun, Irina-kun, Claire-kun and Ophis-kun into your Familia!"

Artemis stared at Hestia for a while before panning her vision towards the others. And with a smile of acceptance, Artemis nodded, "Sure."

"Now that's it's decided, let's get on it immediately and decide what to do after!" declared Hestia.

"A minor correction here," Kisuke suddenly raised his hand, "Ophis-chan won't be receiving your Falna."

"You want me to give her my Falna instead?" asked Hestia.

"I'm sorry I didn't make it clear. I mean she won't be entering anyone's Familia... As for why, let's just say that it's so it won't overcomplicate the already complicated things."

Of course, Hestia and Artemis could only give him a fed-up expression and wondered what else he's hiding. But thinking of how 'special' Ophis was, this might be just his way of protecting her.

"If you say so, then it's fine," sighed Hestia and accepted his reasoning.

"Thank you very much, Hestia-sama~"


28th00: Ah, Phis-chama is too cool for Falna. She’s also a Dragon God, that’s higher than a normal God, because Dragons are the strongest! Don’t bother arguing with her, she’s absolutely incapable of thinking that Dragons are not the strongest, so it has to be true.

Goyyacreators' thoughts