
Snake of a sister

Now being ignored by everyone other than Claudia and Sasha, when he was present that is.

Emilié's years went by, she wasn't brought out when guest came and no one asked for her whereabout.

For the future birthday partys she was not allowed to attend, even through it was her birthday too; they believed after that fiasco with that couple, she was not only a fool, but that she brings misfortune with her wherever she is. If some one asked for her they got to hear...

"We are so sorry, Emilié doesn't feel well so she can't come, but we appreciate your well wishes."


"Emilié suffered much because of this years cold. We can't bring her out she needs to recuperate."

And so and that went on and on for her second birthday, for her third birthday and for her forth birthday.

People stopped asking for her and didn't care anymore. When just in truth, Emilié was sitting in her room and eating fruits and watching a kids movie on Claudia's lap.

She was initialy sad that she couldn't participate, but was used to it now.

She even found it better to have made her birthday into a movie night, than to go to a glamorous ballroom filled with strangers and their fake laughers and compliments.

And soon her fifth birthday was imminent.

Emilié now four, almost five, went down the stairs alone to the dining hall for breakfast.

This years birthday would be a lonely movie night for her, since Claudia had to go out for a couple of weeks. She had some privat matters to take care of.

Claudia really didn't want to leave little Emilié alone, but she couldn't stay. With a heavy heart and tears in her eyes she left.

"I'm sorry Emilié, if my mother hadn't been ill I would spend your birthday with you, but I promise I will be back soon. Ok?"

She leaned down to be on the same eye level as Emilié and gave her a good bye kiss on her forehead.

Emilié was sad and waved Claudia good bye. She really wished her to stay, but didn't want to make it difficult for her.

And this was how she ended going down the stairs for the first time alone.

In this four years she grew constantly with her age and her lustrous black hair was groomed well and reached down to her back, only her complexion was frightingly pale, since she never left her room willingly.

Sometimes Sasha would bring her out to the garden, but that wouldn't be for long, since he had to take some time with Valentin and Leevi too or Bethea would scold him for neclecting his other children. And that happened often.

For Sasha, Emilé was the most impotant of his children, so he loved to spend his little time he had with her.

Reaching the dining room, clattering of cutlery could be heard from the half open door. Emilié went to the door and pushed it fully open.

What met her sight was a food filled table, with every house member other than Sasha present.

He is mostly absent, coming once or twice a week to spent time with his family.

She eyed everyone once up and no one gave her a glance.

Mr.Evans sat on the head seat of the long table, followed by his left side with an arrogant looking girl, with dark eyes and long, wavy, blond hair, her face was plump from her baby fat and the complexion of her face was rosy. It was precisely Valentin, she was like a younger version of Bethea.

Speaking of Bethea she sat next to Valentin, so seing those two so close, one would think of them as siblings rather than a mother and child.

On the right side of Mr.Evans sat Leevi, he had short blond hair with light brown doe eyes that let his face appear docile like a deer, but in truth he could be really hot blooded and stubborn at such a young age.

He must have inherited it from his grandfather, when that old man makes up his mind, he would never budge from his decision.

Next to Leevi sat his wife, Mrs.Evans.

With this seating arrangement one saw how important Leevi and Valentin was for old Mr.Evans to even break traditional seating arrangements of senority first.

His precious grandchildren had to naturally get the best treatment that could be given.

And next to Bethea was another set of cutlery for Emilié, a seat as far as possible from old Mr.Evans.

Bethea didn't like Emilié sitting next to her, but had to put up with it.

Emilié too wishes to dine in her own room, but house tradition was for everyone to dine together, this will not be broken just for Emilié, no matter how everyone would want that.

At least to Emilié's luck they were human enough to let her dine in peace and not bully her while eating.

The reason why Emilié heared some clatters was that they had started dining without her.

Were Sasha there they would have waited, but he was absent like always, so why the need to wait for her.

Emilie toddled to her chair with her short legs and moved the chair away from the table to climb on her seat.

She had some difficulty with her feeble strenght to move the chair, but was still able to do it.

What was sad was, that on the wall there were some servants on stand by who could have helped her, but just looked down on their feets and acted as if they were air.

They were instructed by Bethea to let Emilié cope with herself, so as she wanted it to, they dared not to break her command.

If Claudia had still been here she would be the one to do that for her, but alas she was by her mother and Emilié is on her own right now.

Once seated on her chair she took the bread and egg next to her plate that was prepaired for her.

She was concentrating on her food, eating it little by little, when an annoyingly sweet voice came from her right side.

"Mommy~ it will soon be my birthday, can we do this time a princess themed party?" asked Valentin suddenly.

Bethea wanted to answer to her daughter's request when Leevi chimed in.

"Ahhh!! Not fair, you alredy had last month a garden party with princesses and unicorns and so. This time we'll do a car themed one!" rebuted Leevi back with a mouthful of food.

"Leevi eat up before speaking, learn some manners!" scolded Bethea.

Valentin didn't mind his older brother interrupting her, she spoke with her childish voice as arrogantly and selfcentered as ever.

"Brother, be a good gentleman and let your cute little sister have her way. Can you not throw an extra party? That would be even better, you could just call your friends and have your fun with them. Would that not be good?"

Leevi looked blankly at his sister and swallowed the remaining food in his mouth.

"Eh, Eh? ...yeah, I.. I think that is possible. Possible?"

Leevi was really confused, all that what Valentin said sounded reasonable for him, but his little head screamed he was tricked, he just had no idea in what way.

So he accepted her proposal hesitantly.

Valentin had a satisfied face on her. " So that means this year it's a princess themed party."

The adults chukled at how Valentin turned the table at Leevi and didn't comment at how mean she was to trick him.

A fight was the least thing they wanted on the dining table.

Leevi was now even more confused at everyones reaction, he somehow knew they were laughing at him, but why?

His grandfather pattet his head. " Ohh my sweet grandson, you still have to learn about life."

"Hmm? What does grandpa mean with life?"

"Hahaha, you will someday understand my young child."

Valentin grined at his brothers oblivios state, she had again won the upper hand.

Meanwhile, Emilié eat up as fast as she could her meal and sprang down from her chair.

She did not want to stay here any longer, she hated Valentin and seeing her beloved brother being bullied by this young, two faced snake, she could not sit on the same table with her anymore.

This scenario right know happened to often alredy, everytime Valentin wanted something she would get it and that made her mad.

She was basically spoiled rotten by her mother and grandparents.

And thanks to Sasha and Leevi she does sometimes not get what she wants and has to persuade her way through and if it still doesn't work, then hell would break out for those she could bully, that would be mainly Emilié naturally.

She once did not get the pony she wished from Sasha and let it out on Emilié when she saw her.

Both of them were alone and she cut Emilié's way of in the corridor.

"Mommy says you're a fool, does that mean you are to dumb to speak?" ,she said looking down on Emilié.

She was 5 cm bigger than Emilié, so it wasn't difficult for her to look contemptuously down at her.

Emilié on the other hand ignored Valentin's taunting attempts and walked around her to get into her room.

She showed her back to Valentin while doing that and Valentin this attention seeker, who was angry at Emilié for ignorieng her, took Emilé by the hair and pulled it down.

Emilié escaped a painful groan.


"Haha, so you do can make some noises and I thought you were completly brain damaged. Hmph, you dare ignore me, it seems like you don't have any respect infront of your older sister!"

Emilié tried to pry herself out from her toxic fangs, with not much success, Valentin was stronger then her.

She cursed inwardly 'D*mn snake, would an older sibling bully her baby sister!'

"What are you doing there?", came a boyish voice from behind Valentin.

Valentin was stunned for a second and immediately let go of Emilié's hair and pushed her to the ground.

A fake smile adorned her face and she turned around.

"Brother, you're here. Emilié just triped down. I wanted to help her up right now."

This lie from Valentin came so genuinely out of her mouth, that Leevi didn't think to doubt her even fo a second.

"Really! Emilié is everything fine?!"

Leevi rushed to the fallen Emilié and checked her up and down, if everything was ok with her.

Emilié tugged at her brother's arm and stared at him to show that she was fine.

In truth her scalp really hurted, but she had no wish to make this situation a big deal or her mother would come and just scold her for being the one who had done wrong.

Meanwhile, Valentin was annoyed by her brother's goody two-shoes attitude when it came to Emilié.

Sasha always tells them to be nice to her, but she didn't like it at all that she got all the atention and concern from her father.

She was jealous of Emilié.

That is one of the reason she liked to pick on her, but with Claudia and Leevi protecting Emilié, it was hard to do that.

With Leevi in the picture she led Emilié be and went away.

Leevi not suspecting Valentin was the reason of Emilié being on the floor, helped her up and brought her to her room.

Leevi's concern about Emilié was genuine and he stayed with her that whole afternoon.

They would play board games or watch movies together and spend some quality siblings time with each other.

Emilié really, really, liked Leevi. He was the only family member who actually spend some time with her and tried to understand her and not immediately judge because of something someone said.

Random babble

Meow Meow, I feel like relaxing under the warm sun

Quhoncreators' thoughts