
Is this a dream (140)

Josh pushed Ben into the court room. Bobby, Kimmy, and Maddie were already there with Father Joseph.

The Judge looked over all the paperwork then looked at Bobby. "Do you want to be adopted by these two men?"

"Yes sir, I want both to be my dads." He said proudly.

"Then this court grants the adoption of these children from today onward their names shall be Bobby Beauté, Kimberly Beauté, and Margaret Beauté. Gentlemen take your children home."

They loaded the kids up in the soccer dad van it would hold 8 people. Then they went home.

Josh took the kids upstairs to see their room explaining that they would go shopping for decorations and cloth later.

Bobby ran his hand over the name plate on the door. "Is this room all mine?"

"Yes, each of you have your own room." Josh said.

"This is my first room. I've never had one before." Bobby said.

This broke Josh's heart. Bobby went in and looked around He loved his new room very much.

Josh then took Kimmy into her room. She sat at the vanity and brushed her hair.

Then they all three went into Maggie's room. Both kids liked it a lot.

Next they went out back to see the yard. "We will build a fort over there, a play house over there. A swing set there. And on the cement floor over there we will put a basket ball court." Ben said

"I already have a youth center pass for you Bobby to learn how to play. Trevor goes everyday after school. So you can go with him." Ben continued.

"Let's go shopping now,." Josh said getting everyone out the door.

At the Mall Bobby pushed Ben. Josh pushed Maggie in the stroller. Kimmy walked next to Ben holding his hand.

The first store they went in was a sports store. They got a basketball, a basket hoop, a soccer ball and net. It would be delivered the next day.

Next they hit the toy store. Each kid picked out three toys they wanted.

Next was the home store where they got decorations for their room. Bobby picked out two soccer lamps. Football and Baseball pillows. Then a basketball rug and nightlight.

Kimmy picked out two pink lamps with jewels hanging from it. Pink pillows and rugs. And she fell in love with a doll house they had.

Then Bobby and Kimmy picked out a teddy bear lamp, pillows and mobile that shined teddy bears on the ceiling. Then Ben found a white rocking chair for Maggie's room.

They then stopped at the outdoor store and the kids picked their play houses, and swing set. Then Kimmy asked for a turtle sandbox. Since Bobby was getting a basketball goal they would get the girls a sand box. All would be delivered tomorrow then the man asked what color of sand and Kimmy squealed Pink. So pink sand it would be.

There last stop was the clothing department. Ben took Bobby to the boys wear. While Josh took the girls to the girls wear.

Bobby and Ben picked out a sunday church suit, four pairs of jeans, six shirts, two pairs of sleep wear, underwear, socks, and under shirts, three pairs of shorts and two basketball shirts.

Josh help Kimmy pick out six every day dresses, one church dress, three pairs of shorts with matching shirts, underwear, socks, and three night gowns.

Maggie got three jumpers, two short outfits, three dress for everyday and one for church, three sleep wear, socks, bibs and diapers.

Then they met at the shoe depart were everyone got tennis shoes, dress shoes, and sandals.

The kids and grownups were exhausted and after eating dinner at crazy clown went home.

Bobby took a bath while Josh put away his cloths. Bobby the watched Maggie play in the room so Josh could make sure Kimmy had a good bath. Josh help her wash her hair and reminded her to wash her bottom. He then help dry her hair and put her night gown on.

Next Josh put Maggie in the tub she had a ball splashing and playing Josh was now wet with Maggie's fun.

They all gathered into Kimmy room and Josh read a story. Kimmy fell right to sleep. Bobby then went to bed and asked for a good night kiss. Josh tucked him in and kissed his forehead.

Maggie fell right to sleep when Josh put her in her crib. He then decided that he needed a monitor for her room.

When he went down Ben was already showered and in Bed. "How was it?"

"Wonderful, Bobby is a great kid. He asked for a good night kiss. We made the right choice here." Josh said.

"I wish I could get up the stairs to help."

"You will soon, I'm jumping in the shower. Maggie got me all wet."

After he showered and put this night cloths on he looked in on his children one more time. Kimmy and Maggie were fast asleep but Bobby was still awake.

"What wrong son?" Josh asked.

"I'm scared."

"Of what?" Josh asked.

"That if I go to sleep, I'll wake up in my old apartment sleeping in the corner again. Dad is this all a dream?" He said taking Josh's hand.

Josh's heart melted at the sound of dad, "This is not a dream. You are now our son for ever and all ways."

"What if something happens will we go back to the orphanage." Bobby asked.

"No, If something should happen to me and Ben, Uncle Bert will be you legal guardian. Also Uncle Mike and Aunt Sally will always be there for you. So sleep now so in the morning you can feel how real all this is." Ben kissed his head again and left. Bobby then feel fast asleep.

Josh felt a little pain in his heart. He would never know how much Bobby had suffered but he would do everthing to reassure him this life was now the real one.
