
Christmas Morning (162)

Everyone was up early to open gifts.

The yourger kids were joyful by all the toys they got from everyone. The Older kids were excited on the sports equipment they got.

Bella handed Zane her gift. He unwrapped it carefully then opened the box. It was a photo of a child's face. "What is this?" He asked.

"I was unsure what to get you so I had a 3D photo made of your little girl." She said.

"This is the best gift I have ever gotten." He said.

He then pulled her close and held her.

"Open this one next" She said.

He unwrapped it and it was another child's face.

"Your son, It's took someone else to get Jillian to agree to have the photo taken."

"You are the best." He then kissed her.

After all the gifts were open Josh, Angela, Betty, and Bert went to the kitchen to start Christmas dinner.

Turkey, Ham, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, mashed potatoes with noodles, cranberry salad, rolls, deviled eggs, green bean casserole, and chestnut dressing. The kitchen had a heavenly smell.

Everyone else sat down for breakfast. Cereal for the kids and eggs, bacon, and toast for the adults.

Ben loaded up his car with all the gifts going to his house. Oliver loaded his car with Betty's and Bert's family gifts.

As they finished carrying everything out Neil drives up to see Babs and Skyler.

He had a gift in hand that he handed to Babs. She opened it and it was a teddy bear that plays a lullaby and a gift certificate for a spa day for two.

"Thank you." Babs said.

"Take a day off. Let me know and I'll watch Skyler. You can take one of your sisters."

"Ok, your the best. I need to talk to you lets go in the other room."

They walk to the sitting room and take a seat on the couch.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"David came to see me last night. He says he wants to make things right. Says I can be myself and his father will be ok with that." she explained.

"So what are you going to do?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. I want to trust him but can I? If he adopted Skyler then changed his mind he could force me to become what I don't want to be."

"Babs you know him, he is not like that. If it would make you feel better, let him be just the step dad. I am willing to keep Skyler as my son and help provide for him. We can even have a lawyer draw up an agreement for custody and support."

"You would do that for me.?"

"Babs I know I was an A** back in the day but having Skyler changed me. I want to be a father now but I know I would not be great full time. I will support you in what ever you want." Neil said.

"Thanks, I am grateful for your support and friendship."


After dinner everyone went to their own homes and Bella and Zane were left all alone.

"This was fun but I'm glad it is only once a year." Zane said.

"Me to, I am exhausted."

"Come with me and let me relax you with a story."

They walked to the bed room and Bella snuggled up close to hear him read to her.


Jim was the son of a cowboy, and lived on the broad plains of Arizona.

His father had trained him to lasso a bronco or a young bull with perfect accuracy, and had Jim possessed the strength to back up his skill he would have been as good a cowboy as any in all Arizona.

When he was twelve years old he made his first visit to the east, where Uncle Charles, his father's brother, lived. Of course Jim took his lasso with him, for he was proud of his skill in casting it, and wanted to show his cousins what a cowboy could do.

At first the city boys and girls were much interested in watching Jim lasso posts and fence pickets, but they soon tired of it, and even Jim decided it was not the right sort of sport for cities.

But one day the butcher asked Jim to ride one of his horses into the country, to a pasture that had been engaged, and Jim eagerly consented.

He had been longing for a horseback ride, and to make it seem like old times he took his lasso with him. He rode through the streets demurely enough, but on reaching the open country roads his spirits broke forth into wild jubilation, and, urging the butcher's horse to full gallop, he dashed away in true cowboy fashion.

Then he wanted still more liberty, and letting down the bars that led into a big field he began riding over the meadow and throwing his lasso at imaginary cattle, while he yelled and whooped to his heart's content.

Suddenly, on making a long cast with his lasso, the loop caught upon something and rested about three feet from the ground, while the rope drew taut and nearly pulled Jim from his horse.

This was unexpected. More than that, it was wonderful; for the field seemed bare of even a stump. Jim's eyes grew big with amazement, but he knew he had caught something when a voice cried out: "Here, let go! Let go, I say! Can't you see what you've done?"

No, Jim couldn't see, nor did he intend to let go until he found out what was holding the loop of the lasso. So he resorted to an old trick his father had taught him and, putting the butcher's horse to a run, began riding in a circle around the spot where his lasso had caught.

As he thus drew nearer and nearer his quarry he saw the rope coil up, yet it looked to be coiling over nothing but air.

One end of the lasso was made fast to a ring in the saddle, and when the rope was almost wound up and the horse began to pull away and snort with fear, Jim dismounted.

Holding the reins of the bridle in one hand, he followed the rope, and an instant later saw an old man caught fast in the coils of the lasso.


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