
Blue Rose (11)

Zane had given everyone a half day off to get ready the party. He was excited to see his Bella and what she would look like.

He had decided to give her a small gift so he had a single blue crystal rose made. He could not wait to give it to her.

He also got a light blue accent to his Tuxedo to match Bella. He had found out through her father what she was wearing.

Now it was killing him to wait.

Bella started a new job and was trying hard to get off in time. But every time she thought she was done the lady would find something else. At this rate she would not be able to go to the party and her father would lose his job.

As it got closer to six she decided to call Mr. Heart.

"Hello Bella what can I do for you?" His voice sent a wave through her body.

"Mr. Heart" She was then cut off.

"Call me Zane please." He said.

"Zane... I'm stuck at work and won't make it. My new client Miss Thornton keeps finding more things to do. It will be 7 before I get home then 9 before I could make the party that only gives me an hour there. So please don't fire my father. My family can't afford it."

"Is that Heather Thornton?" Zane asked.

Bella could hear the anger in his voice. "Yes."

"I'm sending a car right now to pick you up you will be brought here. Have your father bring your dress and I will have someone here to do you hair and make up. If Heather tries to stop you walk out. I'll make sure you keep your job."

"Ok" She was puzzled but would follow his word. Her fathers job was at stake.

Bella arrived and felt bad walking into a party with her work cloths. A woman was waiting for her and took her up to one of the bedrooms. Bella jumped into the shower and quickly dresses and two women did her makeup and hair.

At 7pm she walked down the stairs and Zane was frozen. The dress may of been an older dress but she made it look fashionable.

Bret and Ben watched as their sister came down the stairs. They were proud of this beautiful sister of theirs.

Betty and Babs was shocked and angry at their sister. Their plan was to catch Mr. Heart's eye and how could they with her looking like that.

Mrs. Heart and Heather were angry too, and wanted to tear her up.

"You are heavenly dear." Zane reached out his hand as she reaches the bottom.

He then hands her the rose, "This is for the most beautiful woman here tonight."

"Thank you Mr. Heart."

"What did you call me?" She felt him tense up.

"I mean Thank you Zane."

He relaxed and smile, "That's better."

He led her into the ball room where music was playing. It was like a scene from a fairy tale.

She held the rose so carefully as they danced.

The night went on and his mother called him over to discuss the program. She wanted to make an address the everyone to.

Everyone went out and took a seat.

After the thanks and info on the company for last 25 years Mrs. Heart got up.

"Thank you everyone for all the hard work you have put into this company. I am also excited to announce we are going to be welcoming a new member to the Heart family. Soon Miss Heather Thornton and my Son Zane Heart will be married. Raise your glass for a toast to the new couple."

Zane turned red and threw his glass. He stormed out of the room as reporters clicked photos.

Heather just stood there with a big grin on her face as the blue rose fell from Bella's hand and shattering.

"Bert take me home now." Bella said.

As they get into the car Zane comes running out to her but could not catch up before they drove away.

As she changed out of her dress she could not figure out why she was hurt. He was just a nice man she worked for. Work and pleasure do not go hand and hand as she knew that.

She just wanted to escape the world so she opened her book one last time.


"Beauty, (said this lady,) come and receive the reward of your judicious choice; you have preferred virtue before either wit or beauty, and deserve to find a person in whom all these qualifications are united: you are going to be a great Queen; I hope the throne will not lessen your virtue, or make you forget yourself.

As to you, ladies, (said the Fairy to Beauty's two sisters,) I know your hearts, and all the malice they contain: become two statues; but, under this transformation, still retain your reason. You shall stand before your sister's palace gate, and be it your punishment to behold her happiness; and it will not be in your power to return to your former state till you own your faults; but I am very much afraid that you will always remain statues. Pride, anger, gluttony, and idleness, are sometimes conquered, but the conversion of a malicious and envious mind is a kind of miracle."

Immediately the fairy gave a stroke with her wand, and in a moment all that were in the hall were transported into the Prince's palace. His subjects received him with joy; he married Beauty, and lived with her many years; and their happiness, as it was founded on virtue, was complete. FINIS


Bella closed the book knowing that happy ever after only happens in fairy tales.

Tomorrow the book will go back to the library and she would find another story to get lost in.

She just hoped he would keep his promise about her fathers job and her job.

She then, for no reason she could think of, cried herself to sleep.

Bert stood by her door his heart broke for his youngest sister who deserved the world for he kind heart. He needed to find a way to thank her for all she had done.

When Ben got home he had the peices from the crystal rose his sister drop. It wasn't as bad as he thought and went to work trying to put it back together.

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. by Marie Le Prince de Beaumont

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