
Rising In The Rankings

Sato activated Incorporeal Spirit. Within seconds, the assassin transformed significantly. The once black armour that Sato wore was replaced with a light green robe that glowed regardless of the time. The short hair from Sato's character had suddenly grown long silky silvery hair. It floated around as if there were wind currents blowing it around.

This was way too high key! Sato sweated from worrying that the glow would expose him. Though, it all went away when he realised during stealth, the effects did not show through.

A timer appeared on Sato's display screen. "60,59,58... "

"It's time to get going." Sato showed a devilish smile that was rarely seen on the young man. Only in the game would anyone ever see this side of him.

Picking up his pace on the open terrain in the middle of the forest, Sato swiftly peeks behind his enemies looking for a suitable player. Around him, he noticed one of the undead warrior was struggling against a human berserker. Sato used Battle Mark to help damage him. "Let's try this out shall we."

Before taking to the mark on the enemy, Sato decided to go for a different player, someone with a lower health bar. Taking the opportunity to strike down the frantic enemy, Sato used backstab to critically strike the enemy.

He acticated the teleport towards the mark just as he sliced the throat of the enemy. He had done it in style, without even looking at the one he killed. Swift and ruthless. That was how the players in the GODs guild described Sato.

The mark had brought him within 2 meters of the next target. The opponent had not realised that behind him was an additional assassin.

"Hello, buddy."

Sato whispered creepily, giving chills down the player's body. He followed up with a Knee Strike on his back, stunning him for 2 seconds. This had allowed for the undead warrior to clamber to his feet. They took the enemy out together easily in 10 short seconds.

The series of exchange had only took 15 seconds, yet it gained Sato an additional 60 seconds. This was simply too broken! The skill was built exactly for wars. It may be why he had inherited this skill in the first place, since the Elven race would definitely have a war one day. At that time, Sato would not be at a disadvantage.

The battle progressed on, both sides losing significant manpower. Yet, the Undead Faction had slowly creeped up from behind in terms of overall strength. How?

They had what everyone was calling the Assassin Of The Wind. Everywhere he went there would be bloodshed. In just one hour, the man going by the username, HappyBoy123 had climbed from 20th place all the way to 5th in ranking. It was unimaginable to the big guilds in the war.

Only Mars and Venus had predicted this end after seeing Sato's active skill, Assassinate. An instant one shot at 20% health? Not only that, it had no cooldown whatsoever?

They knew that in the future, they should never offend the mysterious assassin player that not only attacked like the wind, but had came with the wind.

Even with the resistance from the other guilds, GODs guild was able to fully wipe out every single one of the players from HellFire guild. Now, they were going to focus on others. Gray who was amidst the GODs players had made friends with a few of the core team members. They were now moving together.

Seeing that, Sato smiled, knowing that Gray was doing just fine. Now, what shall I do? My skill duration was able to increase to 5 minutes. At that time a message came in for him. It was from Mars.

"Currently fighting Complexity. Come help."

Sato focused once again. He moved towards the location that Mars shared. Even though Complexity was not even in the Top 20 of the player rankings, he shouldn't be underestimated even during a 2 versus 1.

"I can't use my unique skill, so we need to work together to take him down." Mars explained the situation.

"Alright." Sato replied. Complexity's unique skill wasn't the same as Mars and TeaseMePlease or even Sato. In fact, it was a unique passive skill. It was a passive skill called Unyielding Strength.

*Unyielding Strength

*When fighting, the longer the battle goes on, the stronger you will get. Gain 10% increase in armour and magic resist every 5 minutes. Max number of stacks: 20

Though this skill is not particularly good in short battles, it was especially good in Prolonged Battles and even, wars like this. When fully stacked after 100 minutes, Complexity would gain triple his armour and magic resist stats. He was deemed as the tankiest player in the whole of ROL.

In addition, Complexity, naturally being a Defense-based Knight, he had prioritised stamina followed by strength and agility. He was basically unkillable with this unique passive skill.

Mars has been clashing head on against Complexity for the past 20 minutes. It was to no avail. Even when his stacks wasn't fully charged before, without his Unique skill, he couldn't budge through that thick defence by much.

"I'm here." Sato left stealth calling out from behind complexity. His backstab critically striked, yet his heary wavered infront of this abominable knight. I only dealt 2% of his health?

"Hahaha! So the infamous HappyBoy123 is finally showing himself in front of me!" Complexity smirked as he sliced the air behind him, completely missing the agile assassin.

"Oh, I guess I have become quite famous from this war." Sato commented out.

"Yes, yes. My teammates call you the Assassin Of The Wind now. Though it seems to me you are more like Paper Of The Wind. HAHAHA!" Complexity taunted Sato, in hopes of making his angry. Instead, he gotten sniggers from the ethereal looking assassin.

"Well, it's only this way because we are fighting you the wrong way." Sato looked at Mars while speaking.
