
34 Home is here!

The first and the last time I was with Richard, I think he was telling me something deep about our childhood but i just didn't mind. I asked him why he was avoiding me, he shrugged and stared at me for a while and said "I was not avoiding you. In fact, you are like cotton candy, hmmmnnnn.... my comfort food when I was young. Everytime I feel sad or lonely or just wanted to feel comfortable, I would eat cotton candy... I regret we didn't have a chance to enjoy cotton candy together... Nevertheless, back then, you are my cotton candy.... "

Our conversations had gone from all possible topics mostly of our experiences in school and he would suddenly sigh and say "you just didn't know, you are my cotton candy back then"....

With this incident, I recall how he would sigh as if he had regrets in his life. I was even wondering and wanted to ask him why a child would have sadness and loneliness at a young age that would make him desire to eat cotton candy to feel good. Now I understand.

A while ago, I saw my father frowning while talking to someone in his phone. He was more alarmed now. Though nobody was harmed, he still thought of the possible damage it can cause not just to properties but to his family most of all. Since he is not a trouble maker,he wanted to take legal action to counter the attacks. He decided that we all leave for a vacation in Hongkong while investigation is going on and case is not yet filed against the perpetrator because of lack of evidence. He was even planning to stay there for good but we bargained that the vacation is a taste of life there, if we will like the place, then we would agree to stay there for good. He even made arrangements and have done renovation of our vacation house in Hongkong to make sure that we will be comfortable if we decide to transfer. All of us were hesitant. Though hongkong is where we spend most our vacation, we still cling to our hometown, our birthplace, our home sweet home. Indeed, home is here.... With the highest level of sincerity, I dramatically told him "dad, just remember this, my home is here. Wherever we might go, the place would never give us the same good feeling when we're here. it wouldn't be and never will be as good as this place.
