
Game (2)

Yin Shou smiled.

He then stood up straight, walking passed her in his boxer shorts. From her angle, she saw his print and flushed.

Xue Teegan walked away to find her sisters until Long Huojin, and Yin Shou returned fully clothed.

They were sitting in the living space when Yin Shou sat down in an armchair lazily. Long Huojin found a spot next to Xue Guangli and placed an arm over her shoulders.

"We could use some drinks. Right Jin?" said Yin Shou with a sly smile.

Long Huojin didn't respond, but Yin Shou had already narrowed his gaze on Xue Teegan and said, "I will have a scotch. But you can get whatever the others would like."

Xue Teegan offered him a cruel smile before she took everyone's requests and got them drinks. After all, she lost the bet.

"Do you want me to do anything?" Xue Guangli asked Long Huojin.

Long Huojin shook his head, "No. But it will be fun watching Yin Shou and Teegan."
