
They are married.

Xin Mei was happily humming and bouncing on her feet when she walked out of the heritage. Today she had signed another new contract for a movie and soon she would start its filming.

So, she was feeling very happy. She had liked the script and within two days she was signed by the production house!

Not only that, her revenge was so close to its finalization. After the wedding of Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu, she wanted both to suffer in their marriage without any love.

She was no longer a fool to not know that the love between Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan had already ended. They were holding onto one another because of their secrets in the past that were the illegal dealings done by them.

"Xin Mei," Xin Mei rolled her eyes when she heard the voice of Qian Fan when she was about to enter inside her car. "Why are you doing this MeiMei? Why are you forcing me to get married to Zhou Mingyu? Don't you love me any longer?"
