
Chapter 120

"The more I stay at home, the more homeless I look."- Unknown. 


Lothaire was surprised when he saw Heaven and Irene standing in the garden with their clothes packed. He expected more resistance and didn't think that Heaven would come to him yet. Or to be more correct, he knew she would come, but he didn't expect her family or Zamiel to let her go so easily. 

As expected, Lucian came to him to take his daughter's place, but Lothaire insisted to have Heaven. It was great to be immortal. None of them could do anything. 

And could it get better? It certainly could, even if Irene already came with her granddaughter. He had waited for this moment. Maybe he should have done things this way long before instead of trying to be careful. He couldn't die. So what could consequences do to him? Nothing much that he couldn't recover from or fix. 

No one and nothing could do him anything. 
